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    The freezing air was wicking her body heat away. The frigid air penetrated her whole body as she unconsciously shivered like a reed in the wind.

    “If-if you truly hate me…! “

    A shaky voice drifted inconsequentially into the night as she tried to combat her drowsiness with great difficulty. Her beady pair of eyes landed on a little boy, half of whose face was concealed with a mask. The moonlight reflected off of his gleaming silver hair and bewitching crimson eyes. He was enchantingly picturesque.

    I awoke covered in soft sheets as streaks of sunlight trickled in through the window. Slowly and reluctantly, I opened my eyes.

    “Your Highness! You’re finally awake!”

    “Your Highness is finally awake!”

    ‘Your Highness? Who are you talking about?’

    I scrutinized my surroundings in confusion. The mirror that I stared into was wall-mounted and there was a fancy frame encircling it. Yet, what was reflected on the mirror was surprisingly not myself.

    The girl in the mirror’s eyes glistened with a radiant emerald hue in the light and they were paired with luscious platinum blonde hair that cascaded down to her waist.

    Days after, I realized. This setting was somewhat identical to the R-19 romance novel that I had read in my past life. That story was titled ‘The Beast and The Lady.’

    ‘The Beast and the Lady’ was a romance fantasy story, a twist on “Beauty and the Beast.” The beasts, Ken and Lee, would fight fiercely for the heroine Vicky’s love.

    I transmigrated into Tina’s body, Vicky’s half-sister. Tina’s engagement with the Gare Prince had been arranged from an early age. However, not long after she saw his horrendous appearance, she committed suicide by drowning into a lake on the day of their marriage.

    This incident placed a massive trauma on Ken’s heart and he thoroughly shut his heart. The Gare Prince became a relentless man who didn’t believe anyone until Vicky lifted his curse. He ended up leading a miserable life after Vicky didn’t choose him.

    According to the original story, Tina drowned in the water and then Ken retrieved her body that had already gone cold.
    “If-if you truly hate me…!”

    The boy held Tina’s body tightly as he wept. He must have been significantly hurt-the bride attempted to kill herself because of him after all.

    “Your Highness, where are you going?”

    “I’m going to meet the Gare Prince.”

    “His Highness?”

    The maid, Lesley, glanced at me. For a second, she had a puzzled expression on her face.

    “Yes. Take me there.”

    “Your Highness, I beg of you, His Highness is still greatly shocked by the recent incident….”

    Lesley chose her words carefully. She must’ve assumed that I was going to ask him for a divorce.
    “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything harmful.”

    I didn’t have any plans of abandoning Ken. I couldn’t afford to leave him like this when I had the opportunity to change his miserable childhood. Besides, Tina had nowhere to go. Tina was a child born between Count Ivy and his first wife.

    Count Ivy’s first wife died as soon as Tina was born. He then wed his second wife, who gave birth to Vicky.


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