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    Blanch’s POV

    The rest of the night at work was pretty packed. I never knew that so much people came to the café at night. Now I get why Mr Parker was looking for a new waitress and accepted to give me the extra hours of work instead of hiring another waitress. As the Uber rolled in front of my house, I thanked the driver and made my way to the front door. Opening the front door, I felt water dripping down my face. “What the hell,” I screamed. I heard Eros’ laughter.

    “Eroooooooos,” I said as I wiped the water off my face and Eros came into view. “You never looked any prettier Bonnie,” he said while laughing at my face. “What is wrong with you, you little ass,” I said as I chased him. Finally tackling him onto the floor, I hit him in the head. He groaned in pain. “Anyways why are you still up,” I asked him as I helped him up. “Can’t sleep. Anyways how was work,” he asked me as he made him way to the living room with me trailing behind. “Work was work. To be honest I’m really shocked to see that much people at the café at night,” I said as I thought of how packed the café was. “It is a really known café so it’s predictable. The kids at school always talk about how the love hanging out there,” he said. “Oh…… Wait Eros where’s mom,” I asked as I didn’t see her anywhere. “She is sleeping Bonnie duh,” he said. “Okay I think you need to head to bed now Eros it’s late. Come on get your ass into your room quickly,” I said as I pushed him off the couch. He scowled at me and finally disappeared into his room. After he left, I turned off the lights and went off to bed as sleep was slowly engulfing me.

    BEEP BEEP BEEP…. Groaning, I turned to switch off my alarm. Okay time to get up as usual. Looking out of the window, I smiled seeing the beautiful blue sky. Closing my eyes, suddenly, the man from yesterday with the beautiful brown eyes flashed through my mind. Well I must say he was really something. He is truly the most handsome man I have ever seen. Confidence was oozing from him but unfortunately arrogance seemed to be there too. To be honest, I hate arrogant people, it’s just really irritating to even be in the same room as those people. Anyways I should probably think about better things than that rude man. Pushing the cover off my legs, I made my way to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I discarded my pjs and got into the shower. As I opened the water, I felt the water slowing down my body making me relax. Suddenly I thought about how life has changed through out these years. Life can be so unpredictable sometimes and seriously I have learned a lot through those rough years. No matter in what deep situation you might be there is always room for hope and it’s all about the beauty of laws of attraction. The more positive you think that more positive things will happen to you. So yea I try my best to see the good in everyone no matter how bad they might be. After my ‘therapeutic’ shower, I rushed to my room with my towel wrapped around my body because well someone has been too lost in their thoughts to realize how much time I had taken. Okay so I should hurry right now. I threw on a pair of jeans and a yellow oversized shirt. Yea well I’m more of a comfy person with zero fashion sense. “Honey are you ready? Come down to have breakfast,” mom said from the kitchen. “Yes mom coming,” I said as I grabbed my backpack and went to join mom in the kitchen.

    After breakfast, I grabbed a taxi and got to work. Now a few hours has passed and I am taking my break. Walking down the street has always been a way to let my mind wander. With my hands in my uniform’s pocket, I strolled aimlessly. As I looked up to the sky to admire the beautiful, I collided with what seemed to be a wall. On impact, I lost balance and fell down. Groaning, I pulled myself up. I heard someone clear their thought making me become aware of their presence. Looking up, I realized that I actually ran into someone and not a wall. Oh noooo, why did it have to be him out of all people in this street. “Don’t you have anything to say,” he said in a flat rough voice. God how can he be so rude. “Oh well I’m gonna go,” I said as I turned to leave. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. “I don’t appreciate people disrespecting me little dove,” he whispered into my ears as I felt his hard chest against my back. “Let go of my arm,” I said firmly trying to break free. “Aren’t all feisty now little dove,” he said making me even more pissed. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he finally let go. “Anyways I was coming to see you actually,” he said as I going to leave. “Well you saw me now bye and I hope that I will never meet you ever again,” I said as I got ready to run from there. Well again I wasn’t quick enough as he caught my wrist. “Oh little dove you aren’t going anywhere until you listen to what I have to say,” he said. Our faces were inches away, if any of us lean in it’s not gonna be good. I couldn’t help but stare at his lips. “What is it with you and my arm huh? It hurts. Let go,” I said as I felt a little pain around my wrist. As he let go, I placed my hand on my wrist. “Just follow me. We need to sit for this,” he said making me frown. “Why do you think that I’m gonna come with you. I don’t even know you,” I said as I crossed my hands. As those words left my mouth, he looked shocked. “Just come,” he said in an annoyed voice. Sighing, I finally gave in and followed him. “This better be quick because I have to go back to work,” I said. He sat down on a bench so I did the same.

    “Okay so little dove-” he said. “Stop calling me that. My name is Blanch,” I said while glaring at him. “Would you stop interrupting me. Okay as I was saying, I have an offer for you,” he said sounding very professional. “I need someone to be my pretend fiance for a year-” he said. “Why are you saying that to me,” I asked but he only glared at me. “Why are you so annoying? Stop interrupting. As I was saying I need you to be my pretend fiance for a year,” he said looking at me for my reaction. “Okay well you need a pretend fiance but why do you think that I am gonna be interested in that. Sorry but I am gonna go,” I said and got up to leave but well who would have thought that he was gonna grab my wrist again. I winced as I felt a sting around my wrist. “Would you stop leaving,” he said as I sat down again. He pulled my arm and examine the mark that was left because of his grip. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said. “It’s fine,” I said and pulled back my arm. “So yeah as I was saying being my fiance, you would be given as much money as you want at the end of the contract and I will make sure that you get the job that you deserve,” he said. “Why do you think that I would need a better job than this one,” I asked. “I have connections little dove, I know you deserve a better job than this one and well who would say no to the money right,” he said in an arrogant way. At his words, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “You are wasting your time with me but I’m sure that someone else would be more than willing to do it,” I said and got up. “Okay well think about it. Here is my card. If you are still interested just give me a call little dove,” he said with a blank face. As he gave me the card, he left me near the bench. Just behind came a bulky man following him. The man opened the door for him and then got in the front afterwards. Wait I just realized that I never even asked what his name was. Looking at the card, I saw Austinimus Knight written in bold. “Austinimus Knight,” I said as walked to the cafe. I still can’t believe what just happened.

    After a long tedious day, I am now finally at home. As I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling, my door opened and Eros came in. “Hey Bonnie are you okay,” he asked with a worried voice. “Eros I’m fine why do you sound worried,” I asked as he laid down beside me. “You know Bonnie you look so tired. I know you are doing this for me but please take care of yourself and just stop overworking yourself. I don’t need to go to college,” he said and placed his head on my stomach like we used to sleep when we were little. Stroking his hair, I sighed. “You don’t have to worry you little stinky. You are gonna go to college and make me proud,” I said trying to reassure him. “Bonnie you don’t have to,” he said. “I know little brother, I know. Trust me you deserve the best,” I said. I need to do this for Eros. Yeah I will just have to pretend to be Austinimus’ fiance that’s it. Okay I’ll do it for my brother.

    Grabbing my phone from my nightstand, I saw Eros already sound asleep on my stomach. I’m gonna do anything for my baby brother, he deserves the best. I dialed Austinimus’ number and after a few seconds he picked up. “Knight speaking,” he said in a firm authoritarian voice. Oh gosh his voice is just perfect. “Hello,” he said again. “Umm sorry hi, it’s Blanch,” I said with nervousness evident in my voice. “Oh well little dove did you need something,” he said and that made me roll my eyes. “I’ll do it,” I said. “That’s what I thought. I’ll come pick you up from the café tomorrow,” he said and hung up. He didn’t even give me a chance to answer. Oh well wasn’t that fun now, I thought sarcastically. I just hope that he doesn’t turn out to be a murderer or something.


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