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    After much prodding, Cherry begrudgingly followed Tomoyo to his home.

    They walked through the forest, flowers bloomed everywhere, with different shades of colors and shapes.
    It was amazing to see to say the least.

    After about 10 minutes of walking, they reached a small cottage home, it looked cozy and warm.

    As they entered it a crashing sound alerted Cherry.

    A tall … man with long silver hair, and two large ass horns sticking out of his head threw what looked like a cup to the ground.

    He glared at Tomoyo and said something in another language.

    Tomoyo let out a sigh and said something to him,setting the duffel bag he had helped carry on a small couch.

    The silver haired man .. man stalked over yelling something.

    As he got closer, Cherry could only stare in disbelief, was he an elf too? He had pointy ears as well. Not to mention his eyes were gold and scary looking. They reminded her of eyes coming from a snake.

    She was seized up in fear as Tomoyo and the strange creature man argued.

    After a few minutes the man said something else in a softer tone and turned to her. She squeaked,staring at his face.

    While beautiful himself, he scared her a little, his odd features both riveting and strange to her.

    His eyes seemed to glow for a second and then he smiled.

    “Good Evening. You must be Cherry right? I’m sorry you had to witness our little argument”.

    His English was sharp and clear. His voice much softer speaking to her than to Tomoyo who looked annoyed.
    A gust of wind came out nowhere. Cleaning up the shards of glass and flying it out of the window.

    Cherry felt like she was in a strange Harry Potter world with a lot of unknown creatures.

    Seeing her shocked state, the silver haired man creature gestured to the couch, “Would you like to have a seat?”
    She walked over to the couch and then screamed as it let out an actual moan.

    “What the fuck!!”

    Tomoyo burst out laughing as he bent over.

    The silver haired man scowled at Tomoyo and shook his head at Cherry.

    “Don’t worry about that Dear, the objects in this house tend to come alive at times, unforgivably of course”. He said spitting out the last part glaring at the still laughing Tomoyo.

    Cherry scurried around the strange moaning couch and stood next to Tomoyo. It was a safer bet.

    He stopped laughing and gently patted her head.

    “I’m sorry. That may be due to me, you see I wanted to play a little prank on my friend here, but my magic seems to have lasted on some of the items”.

    The silver haired man made a strange hissing sound at Tomoyo.

    She nodded, still jumpy from the experience, she really just wanted to hide by this point.

    The silver haired man walked over to her, as she shrunk in both awe and fear at him.

    God he was tall. Maybe 6″8? Jesus.

    He smiled at her and reached out a hand that seemed to have long nails that resembled claws towards her cheek.
    Touching her cheek, she jerked in shock, as he hummed and closed his eyes.

    Not understanding what was going on, Cherry glanced over at Tomoyo.

    He smiled at her.

    “He’s reading on you. Your past, your future and your present. He’s trying to find who you truly are”.

    Cherry furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as the silver haired man opened his eyes.

    “I see. Cherry L/N. You are from the Other World. The other Earth, the one where only humans reside”. He said looking into her eyes.

    “Hang on. What do you mean Other Earth?”

    “Forgive me. I am Ryan. I am Tomoyos .. companion. You are in another world. I don’t really know how you got here, but it seems like you might have been brought here”. Ryan said thoughtfully as Tomoyo walked over to a small area containing various fruits.

    “Brought me here? Who??”

    Ryan gave a small shrug at this.

    “That is something we will have to find out. Let’s just hope that it was not a Female who brought you here”.

    At the word Female, Tomoyo dropped what looked like an apple to the floor, turning around to stare at Cherry.

    “Cherry. Females in your world can reproduce right?” He asked an urgent sound in his voice.

    “Uh yeah? Obviously”. She said looking at the tense Tomoyo.

    Ryan and Tomoyo looked at each other in alarm.

    “Which means my dear .. that you can reproduce?” Ryan said his voice almost in a whisper.

    “Yes I can! Why are you guys asking me this?!”

    They both looked amazed at this and started speaking to each other in a foreign language.

    Feeling frustrated, Cherry slammed her backpack to the floor, making them both look at her due to the sound.

    “Will someone tell me what is going on here?!”

    “I’m sorry Cherry. It’s just.. in our World it is men who can reproduce. The females here are like the men in your world.

    They impregnate us. And if they discover you, they might steal you away. And well.. use you as their own..” Ryans voice faltered at this.

    “As a baby machine”. Tomoyo finished for him as he walked over to Cherry and hugged her.

    He nestled his face in her neck and she was too shocked to push him away.

    Unfortunately, things were only going to get weirder and weirder, and a lot more difficult for Cherry.


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