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    The sound of what seemed like birds roused Cherry.

    She picked herself up. Crouching and groaning in pain. Her body ached as if she had been thrown around.

    Coughing a bit, she blinked and looked around, nearly gasping as she took in her soundings.

    Green soft grass everywhere, trees taller than she had ever seen, and plants that looked like vines nearly growing out of every tree.

    She rubbed her eyes and sat up now. What kind of weird ass dream was this?

    But it wasn’t a dream. She could feel her anxiety building and she stared and stared.

    Even the sky was different, it looked blue and purple. With the moon showing and even looking purple itself.

    “Ok.. did he drug me or something? What the hell is this”. She muttered trying to pinch herself and yelping when she felt the pain.

    Dream, nightmare, whatever this wasn’t it. So if she was awake where the hell was she?

    She sat there dazed before remembering about her items. She quickly searched around herself and let out a sigh of relief.

    Her backpack and duffel bag had come with her, both tossed to her side pitifully.

    She grabbed them both hugging them to her. Nearly cradling them as she tried to calm her mind.

    Her body felt better, just still a little sore, and she just felt super confused.

    A sound behind her made her tense up and nearly jump up.

    As she whirled around, she was greeted with a.. boy? He was certainly beautiful. About her height or maybe a little taller. He had black hair, pale skin, and what seemed like.. sparkles on his face. He also had a pair of very pointy ears.
    They both stared at each other in shock.

    The boy took an uncertain step towards her. Reaching out towards her as if he wanted to feel her.

    “No!” She screamed and got up trying to flee, But tripping and sending her bags flying.

    She lay there on the ground feeling both scared and embarrassed at herself.

    The boy walked to her letting out a soft laugh.

    He crouched down and took hold of her frightened self.

    Helping her sit up, he withdrew his hands and gave her a kind smile.

    “W-Who are you? Where am I? What’s going on?” She stumbled staring at him wide eyed and wondering why he looked like he came from a theater class.

    I mean the boy even had black nails for gods sake!

    He frowned and said something to her. An unknown language it seemed. Seeing her confused face, he tilted his head in frustration, then pulled something from around his neck.

    It seemed to be a necklace? A strange pendant on a piece of black string.

    He murmured something and the pendant glowed brightly.

    Her mouth dropped open.

    After a few seconds the glow went away and he put the necklace back on himself.

    Clearing his throat, he asked the amazed woman, “Can you understand me now?”

    His English was fluent but kind of strange. As if it was coming from a robotic voice.


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