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    The bathroom sink was a great support for him to hold onto as you fucked him from behind, making him look at his own reflection in the mirror, cumming almost immediately as he saw his fucked out expression. 

    Your work desk was a great help as well when you laid him down on it on his side, his legs tucked into his chest as you fucked him dumb yet again. 

    And now the kitchen counter is another great place to be as you make him get on all fours and press his heated face into the cold marble. Your fingers rubbing his prostate, bringing him to another world shaking orgasm with just a couple of expert strokes. 

    His eyes are glossed over and he can barely talk after you’re done, body trembling like a leaf in the wind. The next time is going to have to be the last time, it’s getting late anyway and he’s done so well during the day, he deserves a break and some pampering.

    Cleaning him up and going through the whole cycle of plugging him back up and caging his soft dick for the last time of the day, you make him drink a glass of water and tell him to finish up his work and wait for you in your bedroom in two hours sharp. _________ When you enter the room with a bunch of towels in your arms, Daichi is already there, waiting for you. Punctual as always.

    You chuckle when he perks up, eyes sparkling with excitement as he watches you come closer to the bed. “Mistress,” he sighs dreamily, leaning into your touch, rubbing his cheek into your palm like a touch-starved little kitten. “Let’s put these on the bed so we don’t dirty the sheets, okay?” He nods, springing up immediately to help you spread the towels.

    The key to his chastity cage is sitting on the bedside table along with the glass containing the man’s cum.

    You push him on the bed and crawl on top of him, pinning him down just the way he likes it. Spreading his legs, you push your hips against his, moving them in a slow grind while you kiss down his neck. The buttons fly open one by one rather quickly, leaving his hickey-covered chest completely bare. “Mistress,” he sighs again, hips pushing against yours to up the friction, back arching off the bed in pursuit of your lips. He’s melting in your arms, pent up and extremely aroused from all the times you’ve done it today.

    His dress comes off, landing somewhere across the room. You couldn’t care less.

    Unlocking his cage, you slide it off his shaft slowly, careful not to hurt him. The device also gets quickly discarded somewhere on the ground as you gently touch him. 

    Daichi’s moans are like music to your ears, loud and desperate. He’s hard as soon as you caress him, his cock weeping for attention after being locked away for so long. You run your hands up his stocking-clad legs, lifting them up and resting them over your shoulders as you lick and suck on the sensitive flesh of his thighs.

    His body twists and turns when your lips finally get to his cock, wind getting knocked out of his lungs as you take him into your mouth. “Mistress I’m-” He cries, tears of pleasure gathered at the corners of his eyes, ready to spill over just like he was. You give his thigh a reassuring squeeze, wordlessly telling him to go ahead. Daichi’s back arches again, dick squirming once, twice and thrice before he’s releasing down your throat.

    Humming in content, you let him slip out of your mouth, moving up his body to press a sloppy kiss on his lips. His arms circle your neck, legs wrapping around your waist as you rest your body on his, knowing he loves to feel your weight on top of him. 

    Satisfied with how breathless he is, you sit up, removing your shirt and kicking off your pants and underwear. Grabbing the glass, you pour some of his cum into your hand, using the sticky come as makeshift lube and spread it on your dick.

    The coldness of it makes you sigh in pleasure as you give your shaft a couple of jerks. Then you pour some of it over his cock as well, Daichi whining as it touches his oversensitive, heated flesh. He already looks to be pretty out of it, only incoherent babbling coming out of his mouth when you grab both of your shafts and start jerking them together, rousing his limp cock back to life.

    Pacing in front of his doorstep, you’ve never felt so small in your life. Countless times, you walked up to the door, lifted your hand to finally knock, to get his attention, somehow make him talk to you, even beg him if you had to. But you were too scared.


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