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    By the way his hole is clenching and his hands are balling into fists, muscles straining, you know he’s close again. 

    “Let’s get your glass again, you’re gonna cum for mistress, aren’t you?” He nods, cheek rubbing into the small pool of drool that leaked out of his moaning, open mouth. 

    And he sure does, after you’ve angled your hips to hit that good spot with every move, he’s coming in no time. You as well. The way his walls spasm and flutter around your dick triggers your own orgasm and you’re filling him up again

    Thanks to the cage he doesn’t come a whole lot, but a thin trickle of cum makes it out nevertheless, the white liquid dripping into the glass, mingling with what’s already there.  

    “Good boy~ You’re doing so well today, keep it up little maid.”

    Daichi nods in satisfaction at the praise, a smile pulling at his messy lips. Even after you’ve plugged both of his holes up, fixed his skirt, gave his exposed shoulder a loving kiss and went off to deal with your own work, he keeps laying on the table for a couple of minutes, none of his muscles listening to him.

     A dumb smile plastered on his face. ________ 

    This really keeps getting more and more fun.  Instead of dusting the endless rows of books that were in your possession, he finds himself pressed against the shelves, one of his legs lifted up and supported by your forearm and his erect dick slapping against the spines of the literary works with every thrust of your hips. 

    Your hand is cupping his face, two of your fingers playing with his tongue, his blouse unbuttoned again. He feels so filthy, like a mere sex toy for his master to use whenever she sees fit.

    He absolutely loves it. “Who would’ve thought,” you huff, adjusting the hold on his leg and lifting it even higher.

    “That my cute little maid is such a cumslut, such a good cockwhore for mistress.” 

    “Mishthresh pleash!” He begs with his tongue weighed down by your fingers, feeling himself already teetering on the edge, ready to fall over any second.

    “You can cum but I’m not stopping until I finish, understood?”

     “Yesh mishthresh,” he groans.

    “Ushe me houever you wanth!” He cums not long after, adding more to the already halfway full glass.

    You don’t stop even as he trembles and shakes, his ass clenching unbelievably tight as you overstimulate him. Daichi doesn’t protest, taking your dick like a good boy despite the tears that run down his cheeks and the way his head spins at the overwhelming stimulation. 

    By the time you cum, he comes two more times, the intervals between his orgasms getting noticeably shorter the longer you play with him.

    No doubt at the end of the day, he’s gonna cum just from you putting your dick into his ass.

    Once you’ve added another load of your semen into his ass, you plug him up and take him to the couch to let him get at least a bit of rest. His belly is starting to feel full with the amount of cum he has inside of him, the load pressing against his insides in a pleasant manner. 

    You put the cage on again and wipe the drool from his chin and your fingers, chuckling at the way he nuzzles into your touch.

    This time you take some time to stroke his hair and play with his hands, seeing how out of it he was. ____ Next time you interrupt him is when he’s about to clean the shoes. Kneeling down and about to take the sponge out of the bucket he prepared, he perks up when he sees you in the doorway. 

    “Mistress!” He pulls that adorable, sunny smile of his, making your chest flutter. 

    “Daichi~” You purr, taking his face into your hands and pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. Alternating between licking the top and the bottom lip, you smirk as he opens his mouth, obediently welcoming your tongue.

    Such a good boy. He’s moaning into the kiss, hands clutching at your thighs and back arching as he tries to press himself closer to your body. 

    “We’re just kissing and you’re this needy already?” You tease him, a string of saliva connecting you when you separate. Daichi chases you, standing up on his knees, desperate to kiss you more. “Mistress’ kisses are just so addictive, please give me more,” he begs, already fumbling with your belt. 

    There’s a seat right under the window that you use when you put your shoes on.


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