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    The way he undressed you with his eyes, you could very well tell what was going on inside of that pretty head of his.

    Imagining you ripping his clothes off and taking him right then and there on his desk, burying yourself deep inside of him and making him cry with your harsh thrusts. Too many nights he spent alone, rolling around the bed, trying to torture himself the same way you do, it never felt the same.

    In result, as prideful as a future don should be, he broke with only the slightest teasing.

    “Mistress, please, please,” he whined, ass pressing against the thin cane.

    “Hit me please, please mistress, please, ple-”A breathless moan cut through the room as the cane made a sudden contact with the side of his thigh.

    “Good boy, you always knew how to beg properly~”Letting go of his dick, you see Nero’s body beginning to relax only to tense back up as you deliver another sharp blow.

    “Push your ass out more!”

    Obediently, the man listens to your demand, sticking his butt in the air, fully prepared to be assaulted by the cane.

    “I want you to count them for me.”

    You start off with a couple of gentle smacks across his cheeks, painting his skin a pretty pink color.

    “One… Two… Three-hng,” he cuts himself off with a choked groan.

    “F-four… Five…”Nero’s moans start to resemble sobs the harder your hits get, that doesn’t stop him however from thrusting his hips back and twitching with every single spank.

    “HAH… Ah-teh TEN!” A loud cry leaves his lips as you manage to nip his balls along with the back of his thighs. Back arching upwards, he presses his forehead against the wooden table, writhing in pain as his backside throbs.

    Blubbering loudly, tears run down his face as you deliver blow after blow and eventually, the man loses count of how many times you’ve hit him, chanting a mantra of ‘please’ and ‘thank you mistress’ over and over again. Beads of precum trickle out of his dick, falling onto the ground beneath him and staining the carpet.

    You only decide he’s had enough once you’ve reduced him into a babbling, sobbing mess of a whore. His ass feels as if it’s on fire, deep red with little droplets of blood where the cane managed to break his pale skin. A sheet of sweat covered his whole body, perspiration running down his face and lower back as he tried to get his breathing under control.

    The Vanetti’s mind was slowly going numb, unable to focus on anything other than the pleasure and the pain you graced his body with. He no longer cared about the other male in the room, the only thing he wanted is for you to abuse him more, take advantage of his vulnerable state and fuck him so good he won’t be able to think for the rest of the day and walk for at least a week.

    Angelo still sat in his place without a word, eyes twinkling with amusement and his hard dick twitching beneath the fabric of his pants with every pained sound that escaped Nero’s mouth. He couldn’t help the sadistic smirk that pulled at the corners of his mouth, the way you reduced the man he despised so much to nothing short of a whimpering, brainless toy was more than immensely satisfying to watch. Without even realizing it, his hand was between his legs, slowly rubbing at his bulge, eyes never leaving the sight in front of him


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