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    It’s like finding a breakthrough after suppressing it for a long time.

    The heavy rain pours down from the sky.

    The bright car lights illuminate the empty road.

    The blood on the ground is diluted by the rain.

    The poor woman crawling on the ground gasps heavily, grabbing the asphalt road with her ten fingers unwillingly.

    Blood seeps from the gaps in her nails, and her messy long hair covers her face.

    “Is she dead?” A petite woman leans in the man’s arms inside the car.

    “Is that even a question?” The man looks at the blood on the ground and the woman lying in the pool of blood with a cold smile.

    “Then let’s go!” Although she has long wanted Helena York to die, it’s the first time she has done something like this. Although she is happy, she is still a little scared. “After all, Helena is my best friend, and she even abandoned her engagement and had three abortions for you…”

    “Kathleen, you are too kind.” The man kisses the woman’s forehead, interrupting her words, then turns the car key.

    “Blaming only Helena herself for being too foolish. It’s not the fault of others.” The man steps on the accelerator.

    Helena is just a pawn in his revenge plan, and he will just throw her away after using her.

    The tires ruthlessly crush Helena’s right arm, causing the car to shake slightly. The woman’s eyes light up in excitement.

    “Ah!” Helena screams in pain.

    The sound of thunder echoes in the sky.

    Helena feels the pain of her bones being crushed. Every second feels like a century.

    She doesn’t want to die like this. She has been weak her whole life, how can she die so miserably?

    She doesn’t want to! She tries to ask for help, but only vomits out blood. The bloody taste fills her mouth and makes her cough.

    The broken chest from the fractured rib is as painful as a knife.

    Then there is a harsh sound of braking.

    A bodyguard holding an umbrella squats next to Helena to check on her, then runs back to the car and says, “Boss, it’s Miss York. She is critically injured and may not survive.”

    “Helena?” The man in the car narrows his eyes and looks at her lying in the pool of blood. “Take her to Joker’s place, no matter what the cost, we must save her!”

    “Yes!” The bodyguard is a bit puzzled. Miss York regretted breaking off the engagement and secretly having children with a man, which humiliated the boss, but he never blamed her, and even now wants to save her? What’s going on?

    Half a year later.

    A grand wedding is being held at the Emperor Hotel in downtown California.

    The priest smiles and announces, “Groom, you can kiss your bride now!”

    “Hahaha…” Laughter breaks out, and everyone turns to see who is making the noise. Isn’t that Miss York?

    “You!” The woman is also surprised. They left for the United States that night to avoid suspicion. They even destroyed the car involved in the hit and run. Who would have thought that Helena, this bastard, would survive?

    “Becker Bush, didn’t you say you only love me for the rest of your life?” Helena is wearing exquisite makeup today, and she is wrapped in a snow-white short mink coat and a red tight-fitting long dress, highlighting her perfect figure.

    She lightly covers her lips with her left hand, smiling charmingly, and even her empty right sleeve cannot diminish her sexy aura.

    Becker is also surprised. He may have thought Helena was beautiful, but her character was weak and boring. Even in bed, she was just a stranded fish. At this moment, Helena seems to have changed.

    Kathleen Marsh knows what the occasion is today and restrains her cursing, putting on an innocent and gentle look. “We truly love each other.”

    Helena walks up to the stage, pushes the priest far away, and then takes off her coat, saying, “Since you love him so much, let’s die together!”

    A lifetime of tolerance and ten years of sincere companionship have only brought the pain of betrayal and the price of destruction.

    She has been waiting for this moment for too long. If she could start over again, wouldn’t that be great? If everything could be redone, she vowed to make these scum pay for their sins.

    Her coat falls to the ground, and Helena rushes into the arms of the two, skillfully igniting the miniature explosive tied to her body. In the surprise of the crowd, the three people on the stage explode with a loud bang.

    The beautiful wedding scene turns into a bloody mess in an instant.


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