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    “Your the… Devil?” Paisley asked looking into the man’s deep red eyes.


    She stared at him quite a while, before Lucifer spoke up.

    “My dear, are you not satisfied with my answer?”

    “No… I just imagined you… differently.” She trailed of.

    Lucifer chuckled at her answer.

    “Can I ask you something?” Paisley said shyly.

    “You do not have to shy away from me, my dear. Ask freely.”

    Paisley took a deep breath, pressing Dracul to her chest more.

    “Why did you, save me?”

    Lucifer blinked at her a few times. “I felt like it.”

    “That’s not a reason.” Paisley frowned making Lucifer smile.

    “You had a really alluring soul. You didn’t know it, but you were so mad and vengeful in that moment, I just had to give you a helping hand.” He said his gaze never leaving Paisley’s.

    She looked down at the dragon in her arms. Dracul nested himself in Paisley’s arms making some kind of purring noise. The girl giggled at the purring dragon. Her eyes softened.

    “Thank you.” Her voice was soft and innocent.

    “My dear, don’t thank me…”

    “I know. My life comes with a price… and I’ll do anything, under one condition.”

    She gazed up at him. Lucifer seemed intrigued by the small creature before him.

    “And what may that be, little one?”

    “Let me get revenge!” Her eyes held so much determination that it took the demon aback.

    “Even if you turn into a monster?” Now he was amused. No mortal was this driven when he made a deal with them.

    “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

    Lucifer smirked at this. This girl had the strength to join the death bringers. She was ready to become death itself.

    He stood up and walked over to her. He bent down and tipped her chin upwards so her eyes could meet his. His lips touched hers, molding with them perfectly. His kiss sent a burning sensation through Paisley’s body. She felt like Hell was inside her.

    “The deal has been made. Welcome to the undead, Paisley Kennedy.”

    Paisley awoke to shuffling in her room. She looked down to see Den and Natalie asleep by her bed. She saw Brant across the room, sitting in a chair staring at a balloon that said ‘GET WELL’, while Egor was nowhere in sight.

    She sat up, not feeling numb nor weak anymore. She felt something heavy on her legs and saw Dracul gazing at her, with his big yellow eyes.


    She smiled picking him up and cradling him in her arms. He made that purring noise to which Paisley’s smile grew wider.

    “He seems to like you.” Someone said from beside her.

    Her eyes landed upon a blonde haired man. He was casually leaning in a chair, his blue eyes twinkling at her. She blushed a little bit when he smirked at her.

    “Who are you?” Paisley asked him.

    For some reason she wasn’t intimidated nor scared by him.

    “I’m Luca, your new best friend.” He smiled a toothy grin, showing of his cannies.

    “What do you want?”

    “I’m here to help you on his highness’ order.” He said leaning towards a very confused Paisley.

    “He means master Wucifer.” Dracul said from the girl’s arms.

    She nodded slowly.

    “We have a lot to teach you, baby girl.” Luca said leaning in more.

    His lips brushing Paisley’s jawline, making her blush even more.

    “We?” She asked confused.

    “That’s right…” Luca leaned in more towards her ear. His hand was making a move towards her waist.

    “Who are you?” A threatening voice came from the door.

    Luca moved away to look at the figure that stopped him.

    “Egor.” Paisley whispered, her blush moving up all the way to her ears.

    Luca glanced between them and smirked. He stood up and kissed Paisley on the cheek.

    “We’ll talk later… baby girl.” His blue eyes sparkled at her and he left the room, leaving behind a very embarrassed Paisley.

    “Who was he?” Egor asked, taking Luca’s seat by her bed.

    “Just a friend.” She answered thinking back to her encounter with Lucifer.

    Den and Natalie woke up, and instantly they hugged Paisley. They started talking and Den was crying which made Paisley smile sadly. She wiped her tears and cooed her like a mother would to her baby.

    Egor looked at Paisley sadly. She wasn’t talking as much as she used to. Since she found out that she died, it made her literally mute. Egor was missing his bubbly little metalhead to much.

    “How are we feeling today?” The doctor asked Paisley.

    Three and a half weeks have passed since Paisley came to the hospital. If today’s tests go well she’ll be allowed home. Luca was visiting her every day since her encounter with Lucifer. They became close really fast, but for some reason Egor was agitated with Luca.

    “Good.” She muttered petting Dracul.

    A few days ago she found out, that people see Dracul as a small dog. She caught herself not talking much, just giving short replies that made her mother pissed of.

    “Well Paisley, tomorrow you can leave the hospital, but you are bed written for two weeks.”The doctor said and left the girl with her parents.

    Violets mother smiled happily and tried to hug her, but she evaded it.

    “Stop doing this already.” She said.

    “Stop showing me your affection, when I didn’t even exist ’till I got stabbed!” She yelled at her.

    Her mother cringed and hung her head. She left the room, slamming the door.

    “You okay?” Paisley’s father asked her.

    “No, I really don’t want to stay with her anymore. She’ll only yell and beat me when you leave for work.”

    “What can I do sweety?”

    “Let me move out.” She said, looking at him pleadingly. “Luca, he’s a friend of mine that has a spare room.”

    Paisley got offered to stay with Luca a few days ago, so he can keep an eye on her. He told her that she was gifted with powers thanks to Lucifer and that he and his friend could teach her how to harness them.

    “Paisley sweety, I don’t know. Your fifteen, moving in with a guy, who lives alone is risky.”

    Violets eyes turned red as she looked at her father. Her voice held authority and danger.

    “Let me move in with Luca and don’t bother me about it.”

    “Alright.” Her father said and left the room.

    “Wow, I didn’t know you liked me that much.” Luca whistled.

    “What do you mean?”

    “You just used one of your gifts, on your own father. Just so you can move in with me. I kinda feel really proud, right now.”

    “Well, you’ll be serving me for two weeks, so I can’t wait to see that.” She smiled up at him, making him chuckle.

    ”Oh, you’ll enjoy it. Trust me.” He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers, making Paisley blush madly.


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