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    The slight beep from the heart monitor filled the quiet room with sound. The small brunette was lying in her hospital bed, breathing through an oxygen mask.

    Egor couldn’t take the sight of her. Paisley’s class mates had sent flowers and a big panda plushie a few day ago. The flowers gave the dull room a bit of color.

    Egor was the only person in the room. Natalie and Den went home to sleep, but promised to come back tomorrow. Brant escorted Paisley’s parents to a nearby bakery for some food. He told Egor he’d bring him back something to eat.

    Egor held Paisley’s small and bony hand in his. His beautiful face was slump and he had bags under his eyes. He was living on caffeine and energy drinks for the past two weeks that Paisley was in a coma.

    “How could I let something like this happen to you?” Egor was devastated, he blamed himself for Paisley’s pain.

    “How could I be so stupid?” Egor hung his head in shame.

    The strong and emotionless Egor was now anything but that. Tears were spilling down his cheeks, while he let out quiet whimpers of sadness.

    But there was one thing Egor didn’t know. Paisley could hear him. She was trying with all her might to show him that she can hear him. She wanted to hug him so bad, as she did whenever Egor was mad or she needed him. He always told her that she gave the best and most calming hugs, which made her smile to know he liked one part of her.

    Her heartbeat increased as she knew what Egor would say next.

    “I am so sorry.”

    Egor’s apology made Paisley squeeze his hand a bit. Egor looked up and saw the small hand move slightlywith the squeeze, his eyes wandered up at her face and saw Paisley peeking to adjust to the hospital lights.

    Egor shot up from his seat by her bed and could only stare at the now awake girl.

    “Paisley?” His voice cracked, which was unusual for him.

    Paisley’s eyes slowly moved towards him. She blinked a few times and smiled weakly.

    “Hey.” Her voice came out as a whisper.

    Egor smiled at her and kissed her forehead. He looked into her brown eyes seeing some reds mixing there and got confused. He blinked a few times and they were gone. The caffeine must be getting to him.

    He quickly went out to find a nurse so they can take the oxygen mask off of her.

    “How are you feeling Paisley?” The doctor asked, taking some notes.

    Paisley had to blink a few times to get rid of the drowsiness from the drugs.

    “Good.” She answered. “What…. happened…. to me?”

    Her question was barley heard, but the doctor still caught it. He looked at her mother who was shaking her head no. Paisley mustered up a glare at her.

    “Don’t listen… to her. Please… tell me.” It was hard to talk because she felt really weak and sleepy.

    The doctor took a deep breath.

    “You got stabbed in the stomach and lost quite an amount of blood. When you got to the hospital we did everything we could, but your heart stopped… and you were dead for about 7 to 12 minutes…” He explained slowly.

    “You died.”

    The final blow made Paisley experience a piercing pain in her stomach. She grunted and her mother came over to hug her.

    “Don’t come near me!” She hissed at her.

    The doctor looked at her mother and motioned for her to go out.

    “We’ll let you sleep now.” He said and went out after her mother.

    Paisley knew who stabbed her and her eyes turned to a bloody red color. She was mad and had a really big urge for revenge. She wanted to make Charlotte suffer for this.

    Her eyes turned back to the dull brown color and she laid down. The drugs made her fall into a deep sleep.

    Paisley opened her eyes to be met with darkness. She blinked a few times to see glittering stars in the distant night sky. She propped herself on her elbows and a cold breeze blew making her hair flutter.

    Rose petals got caught in her hair as she stood up from the ground. She looked down and saw she was wearing a short black night gown. Nothing more, nothing less.


    She turned around at her name being called, but there was no one there.


    The voice called again from a different direction. She then realized that she’s in a maze like rose garden. A small shadow ran past her, making her jump. The shadow stopped in front of her revealing a small dog like creature with horns?

    “Hewo!” It said.

    Paisley’s eyes grew wide at it speaking.

    “Pwease fowow me.” It said.

    Paisley went after it. She admired the red roses and every time she touched a bud it would instantly open and reveal it’s beauty.

    When the small thing stopped walking, she found herself looking at a black throne covered in red ruby stones. There was a big rose in front of it that resembled a pillow.

    A person was making it’s way towards her. She went closer but quickly stopped when she saw him.

    ‘Paisley.’ It was the same voice that was calling her.

    “You were calling me?” Her sentence came out as a question.

    The man slightly chuckled taking a seat on the throne.

    Paisley took in the man’s features. He was tall, much taller than Egor. His hair was longer than her’s and a few strands were falling in his deep red eyes. Paisley noticed his eyes were pulsing when they met with hers. She blushed a deep shade of red and looked down.

    ”Take a seat, my dear.” He pointed at the big rose behind her.

    She sat down and quickly caught the small thing that led her here in her hands.

    “You like it?” The man asked.

    “Yes! He’s very…. interesting.” Paisley said smiling down at the small purple animal. “What is it?”

    “Its a dragon.” The man said simply.

    Paisley took a good look at this dragon?

    “Hewo again! My name is Dracuw! Nice to meet ‘cha Viowet.” It spoke.

    Paisley couldn’t resist to crush him in a bone crushing hug.

    “You are so cute!”

    The man laughed quietly.

    “Do you know where you are?” He asked.

    “Not really… But are you the person who saved me?” She asked.

    “That’s right, but I did not save you my dear. I just merely gave you another chance.”

    “Who are you?”

    The man smiled showing a sharp set of teeth.

    “Are you sure you want to know, my dear?”

    Paisley nodded not trusting her words. For the man in front of her was breathtakingly beautiful.

    “I’ve had so many names. Old names that only the wind and the trees can pronounce…”

    Paisley was looking at him amazed. She already knew what his next words would be, but she never expected to meet him personally, let alone for him to give her another shot at life.

    “I am Lucifer.”


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