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    Paisley was pacing up and down the bus stop, waiting for Natalie and Brant.

    Egor was watching the small girl and sighed. He knew this was stressing her and she had told him about her ‘bad feeling’ that grew bigger.

    Natalie’s bus pulled up and a few people got off including Natalie and Brant. Paisley’s head snapped their way and she ran up to hug Brant. Egor stood up grunting and went over to them. Egor had to crouch down a little bit to give a hug and kiss on the cheek to Natalie.

    “Hey man!” Brant and Egor exchanged a man shake, while Natalie and Paisley hugged. The four then made their way towards the park, picking Den up in the process.

    “You okay kid?” Egor asked Paisley.

    They were walking behind Natalie, Brant and Den watching them bicker about something. Paisley dragged her feet and heaved a sigh.

    “You know, just because your three years older than me, doesn’t mean I’m a kid.” Paisley said looking up at him.

    The boy was much taller than her and his bright blue eyes stood out from his long brown hair. Egor was a metalhead and Paisley’s best guy friend. Sometimes they were even mistaken for a couple. Which Paisley didn’t really mind seeing that she had a crush on him for the last 4 years.

    Suddenly Egor laughed at her answer. His laugh was rough and pleasant.

    “But… I’m not fine… I’m scared for some reason.” Paisley said in a very low tone while looking up at the sky absentmindedly.

    Egor ruffled her hair slightly.

    “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

    Paisley smiled up at him. Natalie, Brant and Den stopped, looking back at the two.

    “We’re here.” Den announced making Paisley shudder.

    Because of the season changing slowly to winter, it was already dark out by the time they made it to the center of the park.

    They looked around and Paisley could see Faith, Charlotte and Eugene sitting on a bench in the darkness. Jane was sitting in Stephens lap, shamelessly making out with him.

    Stephan left Paisley for Charlotte, just like all the other guys had.

    She took a deep breath, motioning for the others to follow her and walked over to them. Every step she took echoed because of her boots making contact with the hard asphalt.

    “Lookie here boys. Little Paisley finally made it. Big bad boyfriend didn’t let you come alone?” Eugene said making them all giggle.

    “Shut up shitty kid. I don’t have anything to talk to you about.” Paisley sneered like a vicious cat.

    “Wow, wow take it easy Paisley.” Riven said standing up to take her in a hug.

    She glared at him and that was enough to make him sit down and shut up.

    “Calm down Satanist, we didn’t come here to fight.” Eugene said.

    Paisley balled her fists and bit the inside of her cheek. ‘Don’t hit her. Don’t hit her. Don’t hit her…’ She replayed those word in her mind like some kind of mantra. Charlotte was smirking at her grinding along Stephan, while Faith was staring at her hands like they were holding God’s head.

    “Why did I have to come here and talk to this… ‘thing’? I mean look at her, she only wears black and nothing mor-“

    Stephan was cut off by Paisley’s fist grabbing his hair and pulling his head back.

    “You are the last person allowed here to criticize me!” She let his head go and turned to Charlotte. “So, what do you want? I thought I made everything clear the last time we saw each other.”

    “Just because you got new friends doesn’t mean you can act all high and mighty.” Charlotte stated pointing at the four behind Paisley.

    “At least I didn’t steal my best friend’s boyfriend and lied to the whole city that she’s a whore, that will do you for the slightest amount of money, because that’s how pathetic she is.” Paisley said pointing out the obvious.

    Egor let out an animal type of growl when he heard this.

    “That’s your own fault.” Charlotte said standing up. Her quirky heels making Paisley’s fist timer tick faster.

    “If you just stayed the way you were, everything would have been fine.” Charlotte said bringing her face into Paisley’s.

    “Sorry for growing up and wanting to educate myself. Not like someone.” Paisley didn’t back down.

    This action made Egor really proud of her.

    “Excuse me?” Charlotte asked shocked.

    “I don’t talk to people who didn’t even enter high school. Talk to me when you do, ’cause you ain’t cool if you end up as my cleaning lady in the future.” Paisley said pouting in her face. “Just because your dad is rich, doesn’t mean you should stay a stupid air head for life.”

    She then smirked and turned away leaving this conversation and Charlotte for good.

    She smiled at Egor and the rest, but it faded in an instant. Egor’s smile vanished and a look of horror replaced his beautiful facial features.

    Paisley looked down at her stomach, her vision blurry. She saw a silver tip in her stomach. She could feel it being pulled back from where it came and she fell to her knees. She saw Charlotte smirking with a bloody knife in her hand and spatting something at her. She started falling and Den caught her.

    Natalie was on the phone dialing 911, while the guys were nowhere in sight. Paisley felt pressure on her stomach and saw Egor’s face. He was pale, but composed. She put her hand on his cheek caressing it. Egor picked the small girl up and made his way out of the park, towards the paramedics.

    “I won’t let you die kid.”

    The paramedics in the ambulance cut open Paisley’s shirt and started stopping the blood. Egor was in there, silently watching her.

    After 15 minutes Paisley was being led to an operation room. Paisley was tuning in and out, losing consciousness. Her conscience making her hear things. Soon Paisley’s heart gave out and it was over. The doctors tried everything to bring her back, but it wasn’t working.

    “Nurse, write it down. Time of death: 7. p.m. Cause of death: stab wound to the stomach through the back.”

    “Paisley.” I heard a soft voice calling me. “Paisley, open your eyes.”

    I opened my eyes with lots of effort, but only saw blurry black dots. I looked to the side and saw a blurry figure with wings?

    “Do you want to live Paisley?” The figure asked, his voice was so sweet.

    “Do you want to see the world differently?” He asked.

    “I… want to… have revenge…” I said making out a hand in front of me.

    “Be mine and you shall be free!”

    I took the hand and fell into a deep sleep.

    The nurse was cleaning a scalpel when she heard a beeping sound. A steady beep. She turned around to see that the girl’s heart rate was growing.

    She ran out and called one of the doctors back inside. He ran in with her and Paisley abruptly opened her eyes, first showing dark blood red ones, gasping for air until she settled down to breathe normally and her eyes going back to brown.

    The nurse ran out to find the doctor that went to inform the girl’s family of her death. She caught him just before he was about to say the bad news.

    “Doctor! The girl is breathing again, her heartbeat is back! She’s alive!”


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