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    Be it romantic or pure unadulterated lust, you were very well aware of the way his eyes would never leave your figure while in the same room as you. Another reality you were very well aware of, was the deep hatred and rage Angelo had for the young Vanetti that was currently kneeling between your legs. A part of you felt bad about what you were doing, made you wonder just how hurt your friend must feel every time he sees or hears you and Nero being intimate.

    Despite the guilt that sometimes seemed to grow so intense, it could very much eat you alive, you simply couldn’t help yourself.

    The future don of the Vanetti family was everything you’ve ever wanted in a man. Despite not being sure of what your feelings for the brunette really meant, you were certain he had you wrapped around his finger just as much as he was wrapped around yours.

    You found yourself craving his presence, missing his scent and longing for his burning touch long before you made him yours. Only satisfied once you knew he won’t be running off and into another woman’s arms no more, as he was desperately addicted to you.

    Angelo on the other hand has always been and forever will be your closest friend, one of the few you would dare to call your family.

    Of course, he was attractive and you’ve caught yourself daydreaming about him on multiple occasions. Wondering just what his lean body would feel like pressed up against yours, how his breath would hitch with every thrust and what his sounds of pleasure would sound like when he buried his face in your neck as you made him yours.

    Curiosity however, was the only thing that attracted you to him. At least you liked to tell yourself as much..This situation, weird as it may feel to either of the males, has definitely occurred to you a couple of times before. Your mind couldn’t help but think of the way Angelo’s face would change as he laid eyes on you taking Nero like you always did, raw, wild and as hard as you can possibly manage.

    Would he finally say something? Would he act on his feelings and frustrations? After all, it might present him with a way to destress and take out some of his deep-rooted anger out on one of its causes.

    The endless possibilities were so alluring in fact, that once Angelo walked into the office while you held Nero by his throat, you invited him to stay.

    To the surprise of possibly all three of you, he decided to oblige, taking a seat on one of the sofas right in front of the desk and focusing his intense gaze on the pair of you, not wanting to miss a single detail.

    Nero’s lips make their way over the hem of your thigh highs, the split on the side of your dress letting him continue further up without any problems. He presses his face against your crotch, looking at you with another pleading look.“Mistress, will you let me?” Although he asks slowly and politely, the urgency and hunger in his voice does not escape your ears.“

    Go ahead whore,” you smirk, gripping his hair as he pushes your panties to the side.


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