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    Melanie pov

    It’s a valley. In the summer I bet it’s green and full of life like deer and bunnies. But now their is a thin layer of snow covering the ground and the only animal you can see is a deer here and there.

    “It’s quite pretty” I say looking over the area. We’re at a large tree there’s a small carving in it


    I trace the carving with my fingers

    “Why’d you put your name?” I ask looking to him.

    “Cause one day. I’ll be dead and so will everyone who ever remembered me. But this tree may still stand. And it will always remember me”

    “Do you mind if u do the same?” I ask. I’ll probably die before he does. Maybe he can be the one to remember me.

    “Not at all”

    I enlarge my claw and crave my name beside Mars’s.

    “Now you can’t ever forget me” I say turning to him.

    “I couldn’t even if your hadn’t carved your name in the tree” he laughs.

    Something about him. It makes my insides hurt. In a goodish way. My stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies. He makes me talk about my feeling and what I think-something I’ve never done before- it’s almost as if I was. Normal.

    “How does it look in the spring?” I ask

    “Oh. It’s the most beautiful thing you could see-I mean other than you.” I feel heat cover my cheeks. Is he flirting? Does he like me? Of all people “but there’s always blue birds that make a nest in this tree and there’s a pond close to here that you can swim in.” He says looking over the valley.

    “I have a special spot too” I tell him.

    “Oh really? What it like?”

    “It’s a cliff.” I tell him.

    “How’d you come to find it?”

    “It’s through a waterfall into a cave and at the end is the cliff it over looks a huge river and bluffs.” I’ve never told anyone of my special spot. It’s always been where I hid from my father. But. I feel as though I can tell Mars anything

    “Maybe one day I can see it”

    “Perhaps.” I say the sun has started to set making the sky a light purple

    “How long have we been out here?” Mars asks mostly to him self.

    “One hundred twenty minutes forty five seconds” I answer without second thought127

    “How’d you know” he asks looking at me with large eyes

    “I count the seconds in my head” I tell him


    “Habit” I say. It’s not a lie. But it’s not the whole truth

    “We should head back. It’s about dinner time. My mom makes the best roast” he says and we make our way back in silence. It’s not awkward it’s quite peaceful. We get back to his pack house and I smell something mouth watering.

    We go inside and up to his floor. We see Mars’s mother by the kitchen table with food, his father and a little girl are sitting there.

    “Oh good your back just in time to eat!” His mother says sweetly. And we take a seat.

    I get a little bit of everything, not trying to look rude or picky. I don’t get to much I try to eat very little, at home I rarely eat and I don’t want to have to go though the pain of my stomach being hungry again.

    Mars’s family has light conversation some laughs come out sometimes. It makes me think of what it would be like if I had a family.

    “So. Mars. Are you ready for your birthday?”  Mars’s father asks

    “It’s not till march” Mars says

    “Yeah but you’ll be 18! You get to take over the pack and find your mate! How are you not excited?” His mom says. Mars glances to me but turns away quickly.

    “I guess I’m a little excited” Mars says taking a bite of his food.

    “What about you Melanie? When’s your birthday?” Mars’s mom asks

    “Next month” I answer

    “Oh really. I didn’t know you were older than Mars.”

    “I’m not.” I tell her she raises an eyebrow.

    “Oh. So you’ll be turning 17 a year away. Well it goes by quick.” His father says

    “No sir. Ill be 16” I say and Mars drops his silverware.

    “Your 15?” He asks his eyes wide with shock

    “Yes” I tell him.


    “I’d rather not explain” I say vasfighting the smile that wants to form on my face

    “No I mean your the highest ranking alpha at the camp. And you definitely don’t look 15”

    “Well I am.” I shrug.

    “Oh yeah your the one beating Mars at camp” his father chuckles. “Your parents must be proud, who are they I might know them. If not. I’m sure you and Mars will be allies” oh this will be great

    “My parents are Richard and Jane black” I say and feel a pain in my chest at the mention of my mother.

    “Wait. Did you say black?” Mars’s father asks him and his wife looking at me with horror in their eyes

    “Yes sir” I say ready for him to yell at me. Curse me. Maybe even strangle me. That’s what happens when your related to Richard black

    But he does none of those things. He calmly puts done his fork and stands.

    “Mars” he says clearing his throat “can I see you in the hall” Mars gets up throws me a smile and walks to the hall.

    I continue to eat my food. Mars’s mother does the same tensely. I hear Mars and his father talk in the hall with my alpha hearing

    “How dare you bring the spawn of Richard black to our pack! She’s probably trying to see what kind of a fight it will be when she attacks us”

    “Don’t you dare talk about her like that” he says with a growl “do not base her off her father they are not the same, she is my friend and you will not speak ill of her” friend? We’re friends? I’ve never been referred to as a friend. My pack members who I’ve had friendly conversation with wouldn’t call me a friend just alpha. I have a friend.

    He’s my friend

    I’m his friend.

    The thought makes me giddy.

    They walk back into the room and we continue to eat In silence. The only person who says any thing is the little girl.

    “I wanna be a princess when I grow up”


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