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    The weekend is over and its back to alpha camp. I actually started to miss Melanie. A was strange. Because we had only known each other for a short time. I longed to see her.

    when I came in they introduced me like they did on the first day. With my name and pack. Me and Lance and playing with bark. They let him come to alpha camp since his dad gives large donations to the camp.

    “Dark stone pack” the intercom say. My heart drops. Dark stone pack is the biggest strongest and the most ruthless pack in the world. The alpha is abusive to all his pack members. He takes down packs just because he can. And his spawn has to be worst. I look at Lance with anger. He looks back with the same look. I growl lowly, accompanied by other alphas I turn towards the entrance. I’m shocked.

    Walking though the gate is Melanie. I look to Lance with confusion. But. How? Bark barks and runs to her jumping up on her. She looks at him. And pats his head.

    “Well hello there.” She says. Me and Lance walk up to her while everyone else stays as far away as possible.

    “Hey Melanie” I say with caution.

    “Hi.” She says shyly. Which is very unusual. She doesn’t look at us when she talks which is a sign of disrespect. But we don’t get upset cause we know she’d never disrespect anyone.

    “How-how’d your weekend go?” Lance asks

    “Fine. And yours?”

    “It’s was good.” He answers.

    Bark jumps up and licks her chin making her turn her face upwards to avoid him licking her face. Me and Lance growl lowly when we see a large purple bruise on her cheek.

    “What happened” I growl my eyes darkening.

    “Nothing happened.” She says. “Who’s dog is this?” She asks changing the subject.

    “Mine.” Lance says. “His name is bark.” She furrows her eyebrows

    “Bark? How’d you come up with that?” She asks

    “I got him when I was little and he barked, so. Yeah” he laughs

    “Um hum” she smirks.

    “What. What are your pets names?” He asks crossing his arms.

    “Lev and June” she says crossing her arms.

    “Umm hmm” he Mocks her “where’d you get that?”


    “That’s pretty lame” he says trying his best not to laugh.

    “I try my best” she smirks.

    “What are they dogs or cats?”

    “Birds. Parakeets” she says.

    “Huh. I saw you as a cat person.” He says

    “You were wrong.” She says pushing her hair away from her face. Her sleeve comes Down and I can see another bruise in the shape of a hand. I hold my growl in.

    “Wanna play some pool?” I ask

    “Sure.” Melanie and Lance say. We begin to walk that way.

    “Alpha! Alpha!” We turn and see Trevor a worried look on his face. He comes to her and stiffens at the sight of the bruises. “Oh alpha. I’m so sorry. I was so scared, no one saw you after you father-“

    “Trevor. Do not worry for me. We can speak when we can be alone. But no is not the time.” She says her lips in a thin line.

    ‘HER FATHER DID THAT!’ My wolf growls trying to take control. I push him down.  We walk to the basketball court in silence.

    Later that night I go out after Melanie started to read. I find Trevor. He looks a little scared when I come to him.

    “I’m not going to hurt you.” I say. “I just really need know what happened. With Melanie and the bruises.”

    “I don’t know if Melanie would like me to speak of it.” He says.

    “Please. I just what to keep her safe. Like you do.” He sighs.

    “You can’t tell her I told you. When she got back to the pack house. Her father was upset with her score. She got second and skipped a day of work. That night he dragged her out into the court yard by her arm. He yelled at her for being a bad alpha. And that she was a disgrace. He beat her then dragged her back to the pack house once she passed out. And I hear her scream. And no one heard her afterwards.” I want to cry. She went though that because of me. She lost because of me. And she missed her day because of me.

    “Does he do that to the pack members?” I ask

    “No, not anymore. He used to. But Melanie got in the way and he took it out of her” he says. Looking at his feet. “She’s the best alpha we could ever ask for once she takes over everything will be much better.”

    “Thank you for telling me Trevor. If you ever need anything, tell me.”


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