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    It’s been thirty minutes already and Christopher was still gone. All I had the urge to do was sneak into the building where the ceremony was being held at and watch the appointing of alpha. But of course I couldn’t. Why? Well one, I have no idea which building it was in this huge town, and two, it was forbidden.

    I got up from my new bed and stood in front of the dusty mirror, looking at my reflection, or if you can even call it a reflection. It just looked like a blurred blob, but I could still make out some features. I still had dirt smudged on me, my hair was a rats nest, my blue dress was wrinkled, and oh yeah, I was still wearing an apron.

    I went over to my trunk, which Christopher had so kindly sat by my door, and started to dig through it. I had the basics, all of my books, pictures burnt by the edges, all of my mothers old dresses, old shoes, undergarments, and my favorite, my old doll from my childhood.

    I quickly grabbed one of mom’s dresses, which was pink, and some undergarments. Then, I stood up and went out into the hallway.

    ‘Diana, watcha doing?’

    “Oh nothing, just looking for a bathroom.”

    I could feel my wolf sigh as I walked down the hallway.

    I stopped at Christopher’s bedroom door. If this is his bedroom, then the room across must be a bathroom.

    I swirled around to the door opposite of Christopher’s and reached for the handle. I began to peer inside it as I slowly opened the door.

    A sink with a brush? Check. A toilet? Check again. Mirror and tub? Check and check. Shower? Check!

    I fisted the air and scrambled into the bathroom. Then I checked Christopher’s shower for necessities. All was in order when I saw shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a razor.

    Oh thank gosh! A razor! Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been shaving for the past three years, but not with a razor blade. No, I used a freaking hunting knife. I don’t recommend that because it hurts like crazy.

    I quickly turned the hot water on, stripped from my clothes, and jumped into the shower.

    Gosh it felt good. The hot water hitting my back, releasing tension from my muscles. It just felt so relaxing.

    I squeezed some shampoo into my hand and began to scrub my hair. Maybe after this I’ll have shiny hair again.

    I shook my head and and began to wash my body with, wait for it, body wash! And boy, it sure did smell good.

    I let the water rinse all the soap from my body and reached for the razor.

    ‘Umm, are we even aloud to use this?’

    I nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to clean it and put it back where it was.”

    And so, I began to shave my legs and my under arms. When I finished, my body felt so silky. But I still had one more step. Conditioner.

    I squeezed some into my hand and began to scrub my hair. I could feel some of the knots come undone, but not a lot.

    Once I was done I let the water rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Then I turned off the water and grabbed a towel that was hanging beside the shower.

    Once I was done drying myself, I quickly grabbed my undergarments and put them one.

    I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the brush from the sink. You could imagine what I did next, I brushed my rats nest. When I finished, I looked into the mirror. I jumped out with surprise. Why? I had forgotten what I looked like over the three years. It was just surprising to see a clear reflection at all.

    My eyes, they were electric blue. I’d forgotten that color. And my hair, dirty blonde. I looked pretty skinny though, probably from all those years scavenging for food.

    I smiled as I lifted my hands to my face. This is me. This is what I looked like.

    I reached for mom’s pink dress and slipped it on.

    I glanced into the mirror before I left the bathroom with my dirty clothes. Only one thought came into my mind. I sort of looked like mom.

    ‘So now what?’

    I paced back into my room and shoved the dirty laundry into my trunk. Then I quickly made my way through the hallway and down the steps.

    “I don’t know. How long have we been in the shower?”

    There was a pause before my wolf answered. “Around forty-five minutes.”

    I stopped in my tracks. It didn’t feel like forty five minutes, more like five minutes. But if it’s been that long, then that means it’s been an hour and fifteen minutes and Christopher still wasn’t back.

    My wolf whined. ‘I don’t like being alone.’

    I nodded. “Neither do I.”

    I walked to the door and slowly reached for the door.

    ‘What are you doing now?’

    I grasped the handle and opened the door to outside hesitantly.

    A warm breeze blew in through the door and the sounds of birds chirping filled my ears. I smiled slightly and took a step outside.

    ‘Diana! Are we even aloud outside?’

    I ignored my wolf and shut the door behind me. Then I began to walk down the stone path to the street.

    When I reached the end of the stone path, I looked both ways of the road.

    Houses were outlining the sides, as were some cars and parked bikes. But there was no one to be seen.

    ‘Diana! Go back inside!’

    I shook my head. “No. I just want to look around the village…well, more like a town.”

    My wolf snapped back. ‘You’re an idiot, it is a town! This is Bleak Falls, in North Carolina! Which means there is a huge possibility humans can be around here!”

    I shook my head. “First of all, how do you even know that we’re in a town called Bleak Falls? And Two, how do you know if it’s even in North Carolina?”

    My wolf didn’t answer.


    ‘Okay…. For the first question, it’s a wolf thing. We automatically know where we are. And for the second question, it’s common sense. Our village was was here.’

    I shook my head. “Whatever. Oh, since you know where we automatically are, can you find anything like a pond, or a park, or something like that?”

    ‘But Diana,’ my wolf whined.

    “No buts, come on, don’t be a wuss.”

    My wild whined some more before budging. ‘Fine. Head left down the street then take a right near a building with two bikes in front of it. Don’t ask how I know that there are some bikes, it’s a wolf thing.’

    Well then.

    I sighed and took the directions my wolf told me. I exited Christopher’s yard, followed the street until I found the house with two bikes, and of course, took a right.

    After turning on the house, I froze. There was a park, and boy was it huge. Swing sets, monkey bars, tire swings, playgrounds, it was all there. But the scary part was that there was no one to be seen.

    ‘We should just turn back Diana.’

    I shook my head. “Nooooo, I’m in the mood for some slides and monkey bars. Don’t be afraid.”

    My wolf sighed as I began to trudge to the park.

    In my head I was thinking ‘Oh boy! So much fun’, but my face was probably giving off the feeling, ‘Oh crap oh crap oh crap!’.

    When I reached the park, I just stood there, looking around. There really was no one else here. Then I quickly scurried over to the monkey bars.

    ‘Diana, what on earth are you doing?’

    I began to climb up and swing off the bars. “What does it look like, I’m having fun!”

    My wolf sighed as I continued to play. It was just hilarious and fun and wow. I haven’t done this in awhile.

    I then moved to the slide and began to climb up it and have the time of my life.

    “What are you doing?”

    I froze midway up the slide.

    Oh please tell me they’re not talking to me.

    “Hello? Barefoot girl in the pink dress, I’m sorta talking to you.”

    I looked down at my feet then hung my head. I really was barefoot.


    I turned slowly to the person who was talking. It was a girl around my age with long brown hair with some blonde highlights at the tips, freckles, and hazel eyes. She was wearing a purple tank top, jeans, and boots.

    “Well?” She placed a hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side with a smile. “Can you not speak?”

    I shook my head. “I was, erm, I was having fun?”

    Her smile got bigger and she began to giggle. “Well obviously. I was just wondering why you weren’t at the alpha’s ceremony.”

    It was my turn to cock my head. “Wait a minute. Why aren’t you at the alpha’s ceremony?”

    She held up her hands and began to laugh. “It’s the after party thing, I usually don’t go to those things.”

    I smiled. “Well, that might be the reason why I’m here to.”

    She smiled and held out her hand. “Well stranger, my name is Melanie.”

    I slid down the slide and hesitantly took her hand. “I’m Diana.”

    She continued to smile. “You know, I haven’t seen you around here before, but you look familiar.”

    I nodded. “I’m, well, I’m sorta new here, so you wouldn’t know me.”

    She released my hand. “Yeah, but you actually look sorta familiar.”

    “No, I just got here today, so-“

    She snapped her fingers. “That’s it! You’re the chic the alpha brought here!”

    I backed up but she followed. “So what are you to him? Sister, cousin…mate?”

    I felt a blush creep up my neck. Then she began to laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m just yanking your chain. So, when do you start school?”

    I released a breath I had no idea I was holding. “Ummm, Monday.”

    She smiled but then frowned. “Huh, how are we supposed to go shopping before then?”

    ‘Is this chic serious?’

    My jaw dropped. “Sh-shopping?”

    She nodded. “It’s obvious you don’t have much clothes,” she said while pointing to my dress. “It’s cute, but it’s tattered. I can fix that. But for now you can borrow some of my clothes. We look to be about the same size.”

    I shook my head. “What if I’m some kind if murderous villain and kill you?”

    She laughed. “Well then that’s my fault. But I wanna be your new best friend, deal?” She held out her hand.

    I smiled and took it. “Deal.”

    She laughed and pulled me to the swings. She took one and I took the other beside her.

    “So where are you from?”

    I looked down at my feet and frowned. Do I just tell her?

    ‘No, it might ruin the friendship.’

    I shook my head and looked towards her with a slight smile. “Some where far from here.”

    She narrowed her eyes and was about to say something before we heard clearing of a throat.

    I froze as Melanie began to laugh.

    “So I bring home some food for a lovely lady, but my house ends up being empty. Then I follow her scent and where does that take me? The park, I should have known.”

    I relaxed and turned towards a smiling Christopher.

    Melanie turned and bowed. “Alpha.” But then she started to crack up. “I’m sorry, I can’t take this, it’s to much.”

    Christopher shook his head while smiling. “Sooner or later you’re going to have to accept it.”

    Melanie tried to stifle her laugh but failed miserably. “You? Alpha? Gosh, it’s to much.”

    I began laughing along with Melanie, catching Christopher’s attention. “What, is it so hard to believe that this sexy thing,” he gestured to himself, “is alpha?”

    Melanie and I laughed harder, causing Christopher to shake his head. “Fine, I’ll just eat your cake when we get home.”

    That’s when Melanie stopped. “Wait, you guys live together?”

    I stopped laughing. Oh crap. She’s on to us.

    Her eyes clouded over as did Christopher’s. Great, they were mind linking each other, leaving me out of the conversation.

    A moment later their eyes went back to normal and they both smiled. Then, Melanie got off her swing and tackled me from mine. “Oh my gosh! You’re the Luna! You’re Christopher’s mate!”

    I blushed. “Hey now, let’s not get to hasty.”

    She laughed but then frowned. Then embraced me in a hug. “But…your pack is gone. I’m so sorry Diana.”

    He told her? Why?

    “Don’t worry,” she continued. “I’ll keep your secret.”

    I smiled and hugged her back. “Thank you.”

    “And besides,” she said. “You were accepted into the pack by the alpha, so you’re not a rouge anymore.”

    My eyes widened. “Really?”

    The both nodded and Christopher answered. “Really.

    I smiled and got up off my butt. Then I ran over to Christopher and embraced him in a hug, catching him off guard.

    “Thank you so much.”

    A moment later I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. “Anything for you,” he whispered.


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