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    “Bye you three,” Harper shouted out as Christopher, Brent, and I walked down the stone steps.

    I waved to her and turned around to walk properly down the steps next to the two boys.

    “They seem nice,” I said happily which caused Christopher to smile.

    He turned to me and winked. “Glad you think so. So were you afraid of meeting them?”

    I nodded. “Yeah, I was freaking out in my head about spiders the whole time.”

    I heard Brent snicker. “You’re lucky they didn’t do it while you were fake sleeping.”

    My eyes widened. “Would they have done it?”

    In a matter of seconds Brent was in my face doing his creepy smile. “Oh yes. In fact-“

    Brent was cut short with a fist making contact with his face. Then he began to tumble down the steps, again. Each step his body hit, he would release a swear word. “What did I say about scaring her Brent!”

    My face went a tad bit pale.

    “Don’t worry Diana, he’ll be okay.”

    I shook my head. “No, it’s just that… I’m just thinking about how much he’s fallen down these steps.”

    Christopher began to laugh and bent down.

    I cocked my eyebrow.

    He pointed to his back. “Get on my back, it’ll be fun.”

    A smile lit my face and I nodded my head ferociously. “Yes yes!”

    I quickly scrambled to him and got onto his back, squealing like a little kid.

    He stood up and started to laugh. “Gosh Diana, your so cute.”

    A blush crept up my neck but I didn’t stop squealing with excitement.

    We continued down the steps until we reached the bottom where Brent was lying face first.

    Christopher bent down, still keeping me on his back, and began poking Brent. “Dude, that was quite the trip. You need to watch your step.”


    I couldn’t help but giggle. It was just to funny.

    “Ok, we’ll meet you at my place.”

    Brent groaned and Christopher got back up and began to walk.

    When we passed the gates from Harper and Douglas’s house, there was small movement from the corner of my eye.

    “Umm, big brother?”

    Christopher turned and faced a little girl with Puppy Eric. She was the most adorable thing ever. She had two pigtails with blonde curly hair. She was wearing a pink dress that went to her knees and was barefoot. So freaking adorable, and the best part was that she looked eight or so.

    Christopher walked over to her and bent down. “Hey Allison.”

    So this was Allison, she’s just so cute.

    She looked up at me and a smile lit up on her face. “Princess!”

    I giggled. “Hi.”

    She curtsied then looked up at me. “I was just wondering if, umm, if I’m aloud to have your trusty companion stay with me tonight.”

    “Now Allison,” Christopher started.

    I shook my head. “No Christopher, it’s fine.” I smiled at Allison and nodded. “In fact, he can stay with you as long as you want, he’s probably happy now that there’s more people to give him attention.”

    Her face lit up even more and she curtsied again. “Thanks so much! Come on Puppy Eric, let’s you get you a bouncy bed!”

    I giggled as she began to bounce around in circles. But she turned back to me. “Um, can I tell you a secret?”

    I nodded. Within seconds she had her mouth up to my ear and began to whisper. “Your the flower.”

    I’m the flower?

    She stepped back and smiled at me. Then she ran towards the stone steps with Puppy Eric in pursuit.

    “Did she say something that seems strange?”

    I shook my head. “No, just something that caught me off guard.”

    Christopher nodded and stood, then he began to walk.

    “When you have real discussions with her later in life, please don’t judge her.”

    I looked down at him even though I could only see the back of his head. “Why would I judge her?”

    He shook his head, making his captivating scent go everywhere. “She has a gift that’s not normal.”

    I put my hands in his brown locks, making him stop. I just started to comb my fingers through them, not wanting to stop, but of course, I had to.

    “I would never judge her, or anyone. If you haven’t noticed, I have no room to judge. I’m rouge that shouldn’t enen be alive.”

    He continued to walk. “Diana, there’s a reason why you’re alive. I don’t know why, but you did, and I love it that you did.”

    A blush crept up my neck.

    ‘Isn’t he just so sweet.’

    I nodded.

    “Ok, we’re almost to my house, so just relax.”

    I nodded and rested my head onto his, making a smile appear on my face.

    “We’re here!”

    I looked up from playing with Christopher’s hair and my jaw immediately dropped. There stood the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen. It was a brown, two floor house, with a stone path to it’s door and a glorious yard. The good part was that it wasn’t to big nor to small.

    “Wow, your house is, it’s amazing!”

    Christopher began to laugh. “Thanks, I’m not really into that fancy stuff.”

    I giggled and Christopher began to walk up the stone path.

    When we reached the door, there was a trunk. My trunk.

    “A trunk?”

    I tapped his head and smiled. “That’s my stuff.”

    He sucked in his breath which made me laugh. “Oh.”

    He bent down while keeping me on his back, and picked up the trunk.


    ‘I’ll say.’

    “What? Do you expect any less of me,” he asked while flexing one of his muscular arms.

    “Wow, someone has a big ego.”

    I could feel Christopher smirk as he opened the door and walked through with me still on his back and my trunk in hand.

    When we entered the house my face lit up with delight. The smell of home hit my face and I absolutely enjoyed it.

    “So we’re going upstairs to your new room.”

    I nodded as Christopher began to walk up the steps.

    The wall that the stairs were connected to had pictures all over it. I could recognize some people in them. There were ones with a man and a woman smiling and laughing with a little boy running around with worms in his hands. I could tell the woman was Harper and the man was Douglas. I had no doubt that the little boy was Christopher.

    When we reached the top of the stairs Christopher took a turn and entered a room. He set the trunk by the door and let me down.

    I looked around and smiled.

    It was a huge room with not a lot of furniture. And it was very simple to. It had a wardrobe, dresser and a mirror, queen size bed, nightstand with a lamp, and a desk with a chair and lamp. But I still thought it was amazing.

    “Sorry the room is bland, I didn’t exactly know I was going to be bringing home my mate.”

    I turned to Christopher and smiled. “No! It’s perfect. It’s all I can ask for.”

    He smiled, making my heart race and the urge to trace my fingers on his lips.

    Get ahold of yourself Diana!

    “I have question though.”

    He tilted his head in an adorable way.

    “Ummm, is this uhhh… Is this your room?”

    Christopher smirked. “No, but it can be if you want it to.”

    A blush crept up my neck. “I-I-I.”

    He began to laugh. “I’m kidding Diana. I just thought you would want to have your own room because, you know, you’re a little shy.”

    I nodded. “Thank you.”

    He gave a generous smile and turned towards the door. “Sorry, but I have to get ready for my ceremony.”

    “Wait,” I said. “Am I going to that?”

    He turned to me with a sorrowful look. “I’m sorry, but that’s against the rules. It’s forbidden. I was lucky that I could get you to stay.”

    I nodded, but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed. I really wanted to see Christopher get appointed as alpha.

    He turned back around and made his way out the room. “I’ll see you when I get back from it though.”

    I nodded even though he wasn’t in the room anymore. Then I went to the bed and slumped in it.

    ‘I really wanted to see that ceremony.’

    “Yeah, me to.”

    “Hey Diana,” Christopher called out.


    There was a pause before he answered. “Do you know how to tie ties?”

    I began to giggle. “Yeah, why, do you need help?”

    Another pause. “No, well maybe….yeah, I do. Can you come to my room and help me? It’s the room next to yours.”

    “Yeah, ok.”

    I stood from the bed and made my way out of the room, and into the next one.

    When I entered Christopher’s room, my jaw nearly dropped. He was in there in a dark dress shirt and dark pants with some nice dress shoes on. He was facing a mirror trying to put his tie on, which was awfully tangled.

    ‘He sure does change fast.’,

    I made my way to him and stopped right in front of him. Then I reached for his tie and began to work my magic.

    “You really fail at ties, don’t you?”

    He nodded and laughed. “Yeah, they’re not my specialty, but hey, you can do it right.”

    I cocked my eyebrow and continued to do the tie. “So you’re going to keep me here to do your ties? And I thought the forest was bad.”

    He began to laugh as I finished.

    “Okay, I’m done.”

    He looked into the mirror and smiled. “Thank you my princess.”

    I blushed. “It’s the least I can do.”

    He laughed and began to walk out of his room with me in pursuit. “I think I might be late.”

    He began to walk down the stairs and to the door. Of course, I followed him.

    He opened the door and I held it for him. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

    I nodded. “Yes sir.”

    He laughed and walked outside, following the stone path to the street. When he was out of sight, I shut the door and slid down it until I was sitting on the floor. “What am I going to do the whole time while he’s gone?”


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