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    It was very hard to drive away. I knew she was hurting although I didn’t know why, the urge was very strong to barge into that house and kill everything and anyone that was causing it.

        I knew that she wouldn’t appreciate it if I did, she was a gentle soul. I knew she wouldn’t be happy if I went and killed that Fort either but I wasn’t going to let him get away with assaulting my mate.

        Grabbing my phone I snapped it open, dialing a number from my contact list. I didn’t bother restraining the growl that ripped from my throat as the phone was picked up.

        ‘Thomas! I demand repayment! Your son assaulted my mate!’ the words were pulled together in a long snarl and my mouth twisted around the word son. I didn’t hold my fangs back as they pushed through my gums, fueled by my anger.

        The man on the other side of the line growled as well before saying, ‘Change your tone Vampire!’ As the alpha of the pack of werewolves in town he was one of the few that wasn’t scared of me, in a fight I would still win easily, but his rank allowed him more privileges.

        ‘I’ll be damned if I will. Your son tried to rape my MATE last night! I have a right to rip his fucking head off, be happy that I haven’t done so yet and went to you instead!’ to anyone human my words would have been unrecognizable but Thomas had no trouble understanding.

        ‘Since when do you have a mate, nobody knows about that,’ Thomas said, his voice calm now although I could tell he was offended by my way of talking. He was letting his alpha side show, trying to redirect conflict.

        ‘I found her this week Thomas… She doesn’t even know yet, but that doesn’t change anything. He still tried to rape her last night,’ I explained, my initial anger having burned away now. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

        ‘That means Fort didn’t know she was yours though… You can’t expect him to stay away if she’s not marked,’ Thomas said, defending his son and future alpha. It was his very own pride I was laying accusations to as well.

        ‘Thomas!’ I growled his name again, ‘That doesn’t take away the fact that he tried to RAPE someone, whether she’s my mate or not. That’s against the rules! It’s wrong! He needs to be punished.’

        It was quiet for a moment before I heard Thomas sigh, ‘Will you allow me to punish him? Or do you demand your right of repayment?’

        The monster inside me wanted nothing more then to get the chance to pound Fort’s face to mush but my rational side said: ‘Fine, but if there’s another incident I wont be so nice! Be glad I came to you first, you know I didn’t have to do that.’

        I knew that if Fort showed up at school on Monday all battered and bruised, Brit would know I was responsible for it. She must have seen the anger on my face when she told me the name, she probably thought I didn’t know who he was though.

        ‘Nathan… I will deal with this, no pack member of mine gets away with attempted rape. I just want to know one thing.’

        ‘What?’ the angry beast inside me roared. After this I knew I had to go out to feed, the anger had made me hungry and I needed to stay in control.

        ‘Are you certain it was Fort? And that he really tried to rape her? Do you have proof?’ Thomas’s voice was completely reasonable and I knew he had to ask to make sure the punishment he would hand out was just.

        ‘I smelled him on her Jer! I saw her memories, they were very clear,’ I said, my voice no longer distorting into growls and snarls but tight and controlled. I was fighting a war with the hunger and the desire to protect her and also the desire to go to her and make her mine.

        ‘Your bond is coming along fast then… Very well, I will make sure Fort knows his place in the future. Do you wish to be there when I punish him?’ Thomas sounded resigned now, I had known when I called him that I would get my way.

        ‘No, I will leave it to you. If I catch him again though I wont be so lenient,’ with that I snapped the phone shut.

        As I got out of my car and hurried back into my house I sighed regretfully, I was going to miss her and I knew I wouldn’t be seeing her again until Monday in school. It didn’t help that Sarah had just found her own mate, a witch. One that knew about the bond and recognized it just as she had.

        It wasn’t fair that they got to be with each other right away and that I had to tread so carefully to make sure I didn’t scare her. I so badly wanted to just hold her and smother her in kisses and take away all her pain.

        Thinking of her made me aware of her mind, so far away from me now that it felt like an elastic band pulled way too tightly. She was hurting and she was mad too, the anger was making her blood boil hot.

        It made me sad that all of her feelings were tinged with resignation. It felt as though she was giving up the fight, just waiting for the storm to pass.

        Inside the house I could still smell her scent, it lingered on the chair she’d sat in and hung in the corridor upstairs. My acute vampire hearing easily picked up the sounds of sex coming from Sarah’s room. I groaned at the unfairness of it all as I slumped down on the couch.

        ‘Don’t worry Alex, you’ve come along way to earning her trust this weekend. Besides at least you HAVE a mate,’ Bob said as he sat down in a chair opposite me.

        I gave him a sympathetic look and nodded, ‘I suppose you’re right. It’s just getting harder each time to restrain myself. I’m fighting to keep my fangs retracted all the time around her… Amongst other things,’ I added the last softly, knowing he’d hear.

        Bob laughed, ‘Just a week or maybe two more… She already loves you.’

        I nodded, ‘Yeah I know. I don’t want to overwhelm her… I just want to…’ I broke off feeling embarrassed suddenly. I was starting to sound like this really stupid love struck idiot.

        Bob cast me a knowing look and then got up, ‘Go out and feed okay? It’ll make you feel better and it’ll help you control yourself if you’re full. I’ll join you if you want but I’m guessing you prefer to be alone. You’re not much fun to be around anyway… You’re all lovey dovey.’

        I shook my head at my brother, again realizing how much older he really was. I was the undecided leader of our group, I was simply stronger, faster and had more vampiric talents then either of my siblings. But Bob was three years older and the way he looked at me now told me he hadn’t forgotten how it was to be the older brother.

        The only talent Bob really possessed was sensing moods, he couldn’t influence them whatsoever but he often knew exactly how people felt. Sarah was strongly telepathic, it was something she often combined with Bob, whenever they wanted to avoid something I’d told them to do.

        I hurried up the stairs, reaching my own bedroom in a flash. There I realized my bed still smelled very strongly after her. The scent so delicious that I just had to lie down and smell my pillow, breathing in deeply.

        After a while, too shortly, I became aware of the sounds emitting from Sarah’s bedroom. I couldn’t stand hearing that for very long so with a reluctant sigh I got changed and then hurried out the door.

        Time to hunt then… Although I was sure nothing would really appeal to me now. Not when I hadn’t yet Marked Brit and made her well and truly mine.

        She was crying now, so I was guessing she was alone in her room. Every fiber in my being was yelling at me to go to her and make her feel better. Yet… I couldn’t just go there and climb in through her window.


        I stared at the mirror that Monday morning when I got dressed. Did I really have ugly dull eyes and plain features? I knew my hair was always tangled because of the slight curls… I supposed Stephanie and Jennifer were right. I really wasn’t very pretty.

        I had never considered myself to be beautiful but I never thought I was ugly either… Now… I shook my head at my silliness. Just because Jennifer had been pointing out all my flaws yesterday, for hours on end, didn’t mean it was true.

        Still I opted for wearing loose more concealing jeans and a hoodie to go over my sleeveless shirt. I covered my figure and it was after all getting colder outside, now that summer was over. There was no sense in dressing prettily… My ‘family’ would only take it as more incentive to call me a whore…

        When I got downstairs I spotted my baby brother in the kitchen. Just as he saw me too apparently because he jumped from his chair, nearly knocking it over and rushed towards me to hug my legs as tightly as he could.

        His face was a little pale and drawn and there was a red blotch on his left cheek. I felt angry all over again and picked his little frame up from the floor, hugging him tightly. No matter that he was getting a little too heavy for it.

        ‘Giant… Are you okay?’ I asked him softly, stroking my hands over his pretty auburn curls. After I’d gotten home on Saturday and my father had been done yelling and lecturing me I’d been send to my room and locked in there.

        I hadn’t seen Andy since but I knew he’d been trying to get to me. Even daring throwing a tantrum at Stephanie when my dad wasn’t around, it’s when he’d earned the red blotch I guessed. Stephanie must have hit him.

        ‘I miss mommy… and home…’ he whispered and I could feel him starting to cry again. His sobs muffled against my shoulder.

        Behind him at the kitchen counter stood his nanny and for once she didn’t look stern, her face softened by a look of compassion. I shot her a grateful smile as I softly rocked my baby brother too and fro.

        ‘It’s okay Giant, I miss her too… But you remember our dreams right honey? About getting our own place? Eating ice cream all the time?’ I told him gently, usually that would cheer him up and then we’d spend hours fantasizing about all the things we’d do and have.

        Today, my baby brother just kept on crying, shaking his head and balling his little fists. ‘Those are just silly dreams Brittanylee… Stephanie says you can’t take me away when you leave. She says it’s against the law.’

        The tone of his voice, so solemn, told me he believed that now and that I should too. ‘No, no Andy! Don’t listen to her. I will find a way! I promise! I’m not going to abandon you, got it?’

        ‘Oh… Boohoo… How touching!’ Jennifer snapped from behind me all of a sudden. I stiffened and clutched Andy a little more tightly to me, then I sat him down in his chair again. When I turned around to cast a look at Jennifer she quickly looked away. Was that sympathy I saw in her eyes for a moment? I wasn’t sure.

        ‘Be strong for me okay Giant?’ I whispered as I ruffled his hair. He nodded and albeit still sniffling a little he squared his little shoulders and smiled at me. The sad look didn’t leave his pretty golden eyes though.

        ‘Let’s go, slut. Come on I don’t want to be late!’ Jennifer sashayed out of the kitchen towards the garage. I must have been mistaken about that look… She was once again dressed in a short, revealing dress. Black this time. Her hair and make up done like a model.

        I kissed Andy on top of his head and followed her. For some reason Dannis had just quit his job, right when my father wanted to fire him instead for not being there when he called him on Sunday.

        But with Dannis gone it meant I had to ride with Jennifer to school, that was something she definitely didn’t like. When we were nearly there she suddenly stopped and said: ‘Get out! You’re walking the last bit.’

        I didn’t hesitate getting out, even though I knew it meant I’d be late. If I didn’t she’d tell her mother another lie about something I’d done. I couldn’t let that happen, I couldn’t let them yell like that at me anymore in front of Andy. It was killing him.

        When I reached school I wasn’t as late as I thought I’d be, anger at my so called family for hurting little Hay had given my feet speed it seemed. Jennifer of course was right at the center of attention with everyone staring at her expensive car.

        I slipped inside unnoticed when I saw neither Bob or Sarah were there yet. In fact, Sarah didn’t show up for her entire first period but I was glad to see that Bob was there in second period. He cast me a gentle smile and patted my hand as if to tell me everything was okay.

        When I asked him where Sarah was he said: ‘Still at home… Probably doing something dirty with Dannis.’

        ‘What? She’s skipping to be with Dannis? Does Alexander know?’ I whispered loudly, luckily the teacher didn’t seem to hear.

        Bob nodded, ‘Of course, he told the principal she’s sick.’

        ‘Why the hell does he help her skip school so she can be with her… Boyfriend?’ Weren’t brothers usually all protective about that sort of thing? Surely he knew she’d be having sex or something, wouldn’t he want to prevent that?

        Bob smiled a close mouthed smile, ‘Trust me, he couldn’t keep them apart even if he wanted to. We’re just hoping that they get all of this… Lust out of their systems during the day so that we can at least sleep at night without having to hear them.’

        I felt myself flushing scarlet… Wow was it that bad? I thought Sarah had more sense in her than that, from Dannis at least I could understand. He was a guy after all.

        Although he had been nice enough to send me a text on Sunday, apologizing about not picking me up, explaining that he’d quit his job and that obviously he didn’t want to go on a date anymore but that he’d still make it up to me for saving him from my sister.

        When class was over Bob pulled me aside in the corridor. ‘Bob! I’m going to be late if you don’t let me go!’ I told him seriously but still I didn’t walk away as he looked around, obviously waiting for the hall to empty somewhat.

        ‘Listen Brittany, I really like you and so does Sarah,’ Bob started, ‘In fact I think we’ve become good friends in such a short time and I’m glad.’

        I frowned, okay what was this all about?

        ‘Now, my brother… He really likes you okay? Give him a chance? He’s a good guy and he deserves a girl like you,’ Bob said those words in such serious tones that I could only stare and gape at him.

        Did Bob just seriously tell me to go out with his brother? Who was in fact at least five years older then me and also my teacher and therefore it was totally against the rules? It wasn’t illegal, we were both legal adults but it was still against school policy and he could lose his job.

        Bob was already gone, off to his next class when I finally started moving. I kept thinking: to hell with the rules, Alexander had said himself that he didn’t care about the job.

        My feet had let me to the right classroom all by themselves and I was already knocking on the door before I realized I was late, again.

        He wasn’t going to give me yet another detention was he? But as I opened the door Alexander glanced at me from the corner of his eyes and then said: ‘Detention after school Ms Baker, take a seat.’

        Flushing crimson, both from embarrassment because everyone was staring at me, and from anger because it was unfair that he kept giving me detentions for things that weren’t my fault… I sat down in the back next to the empty seat where Sarah usually sat.

        During the entire class Alexander didn’t look at me once but he kept seated behind his desk the whole time. His free hand holding the desk in a tight grip.

        I was constantly assaulted by waves of desire. All of them focusing on Alexander and how badly I just wanted to by as near to him as possible. Touching his skin, running my fingers through his silky hair and breathing in the scent of him.

        The tension between us was so thick that my skin was tingling with it and my cheeks felt constantly on fire. I couldn’t understand how no one seemed to pick up on it, nor why it was so strong now when it seemed alright during the weekend.

        I was concentrating so hard on staying in my seat that I didn’t realize the bell had rang, signaling the end of the period. It was very lucky that Alexander hadn’t called on me during class, I wouldn’t have heard him if he had.

        His body beside my desk all of a sudden made the tingling on my skin even worse. As I looked up at him and met his stormy gray eyes it almost felt as if I could tell what he was feeling, happy and worried and something else barely kept in check. I blushed when I realized I could identify that last bit as lust.

        At least now I knew it wasn’t just me… Wait what was I thinking? I didn’t know that was what he was feeling, I was starting to imagine things.

        ‘You didn’t call,’ was all he said, his voice gentle and solemn.

        I shook my head, of course I hadn’t called him. First of all because either my stepmother, dad or Jennifer would have heard me talking probably and then they’d have taken away my phone. Secondly because he was still my teacher, despite what had happened and I wasn’t ready to share stories about my family with him.

        I doubted he wanted to hear anyway.

        ‘I… I should go get lunch…’ I stammered, hating myself for being so nervous suddenly. I hadn’t felt like this on Saturday around him, I had been really comfortable in fact. He seemed to know just how to put my mind at ease.

        ‘Brit wait,’ Alexander said as I got up and moved passed him. ‘Can I… Can I just hold you for a minute?’

        I stared at him in surprise, already nodding because I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms. Still my more rational mind spluttered: ‘Why?’

        His arms enfolded me and he pulled me flush against his chest, his head coming to rest on top of mine. Warmth spread through my body and the tingling on my skin stopped, to make place for a slow burning that could only be described as incredibly pleasant.

        It felt like I could finally breath again and a sudden tension drained from my body, like an elastic band suddenly released from over stretching.

        I wrapped my own arms tightly around his waist, snuggling even closer and breathing in his amazing scent deeply. I didn’t even care about the answer anymore, my rational mind had shut up and was reveling in the contact just as much.

        After a while Alexander said softly, ‘It’ll make it easier to get through the day. Especially last period.’ I didn’t know what that meant but I knew he was right.

        I couldn’t see the clock but I knew he held me longer than a minute. I could care less about that, in fact when he did let go at last I couldn’t seem to make my own arms release their grip on his waist.

        He chuckled softly, ‘A ghrá mo chroí, lunch is almost over. In not too long this classroom will be filling up with students again…’

        Shocked I unburied my face from his chest to look up at his face, ‘No way… It’s only been a few minutes!’

        ‘It’s been nearly thirty a rún,’ he smiled gently, one hand coming back to rub my back softly. The other one stroked my cheek, tugging a strand of hair behind my ear.

        I shook my head in disbelief, ‘No…’

        Now his hands were tugging on my arms, prying them loose and embarrassed I stepped back. ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to… Eh I’ll just go to my next class,’ I turned to hurry out the door.

        ‘No I am sorry a ghrá mo chroí, because of me you missed lunch. I will see you last period,’ he said, his voice sincere, his eyes stormy and warm.

        I felt that soft touch on my mind again just as I smiled at him one last time as I darted out the door. Warmth and love filling my head.

        It was a good thing the halls were still deserted and nobody saw me leave. I felt a little sorry for Bob for letting him eat lunch all by himself but just having spend those last eh… thirty minutes with Alexander had made me feel really good.

        I could handle whatever the day decided to dish out now.


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