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    “You agreed to help”, Alexa said angrily.

    Mila stared at the vampires before her and scoffed. “I agreed to help you free her. I didn’t say I’d stick around.”

    “I’m afraid you’re forgetting what I’m actually capable of”, Scarlett hissed and Mila sighed before making her way out of the tomb.

    “What’s the problem?”

    “This is the problem”, Scarlett said pointing to her eyes which glazed into the same yellow orbs it did earlier.

    “We are in quite a pickle aren’t we?” Mila asked sarcastically causing the doppelgänger to roll her eyes.
    “Can you help us or not?”

    She shrugged. “I mean, I can. But I’m not sure I want to…given recent events.” She looked at Scarlett who sent her a side smile.
    “Is an apology want you want?” The vampire asked. “Because I’m willing to apologize but I can assure you that I won’t mean a word I say.”

    Mila squinted her eyes at that and shook her head. “You’re just like him.”

    “Just like who?”

    “Your brother. Brad. Incapable of feeling any remorse whatsoever.”

    Scarlett smiled. “Ah, so him and I do have something in common.”

    “We don’t have time for this”, Alexa exclaimed. “What we need to do is figure out what the hell that witch did to Scarlett.

    Mila knitted her eyebrows, “What witch?”

    Alexa exchanged a look with the Salvatore who. They both knew that whatever happened, they couldn’t bring Bonnie up. Bennett witches were to stick together and if Mila found out about Bonnie, there’d be no doubt that she’d back out of the plan.

    “Some witch from the 20s that Franklin found. I’ve never heard of her. Just tell me you know something”, Alexa pleaded.

    Mila knew they were withholding information but she chose to ignore it anyway. For now at least. “Fine. She used a spell to try and send you to Hell right?”


    “Well, the only spell that even remotely has anything to do with that place is a spell to contact the Devil”, Mila informed them and Scarlett’s face grew serious.

    “The devil”, she repeated.

    “Yes. Do you need me to spell it out for you?”

    “So you’re saying I’m the devil”, Saprahina monotonously said before a smirk plastered its way onto her chiseled features. “Although I appreciate the compliment, I–”,4

    “You’re not the devil”, Mila quickly bursted her bubble. “At least, not entirely. There is a part of your soul – or what’s left of it anyway – that was left open when the spell happened. Therefore, you allowed just the right amount of space for the devil to try and take control of you. Which he partially did.”

    Alexa opened and closed her mouth in shock. In all her years of living, and she has lived a very, very long time, she’s never heard of such a thing.

    “So you’re telling me that Scarlett is a hybrid? Part vampire….part…devil?”

    Mila shrugged. “Seems impossible doesn’t it? Well, a lot of things that are happening in this town seem impossible but they are happening. And they’ll only continue to get worse.”

    “But I don’t understand”, Alexa said slowly beginning to pace. “She performed the spell on me. Why was Scarlett the one affected?”

    “Because Alexa, you were too weak to be controlled. And since you and Scarlett are linked, Scarlett was the one to suffer the blow. She’s the strongest she’s ever been. And now–”, Mila quietly said, looking at Scarlett who already began to feel the effects of the spell. “She’s stronger than anything.”

    “Wait a minute”, Alexa laughed, clearly unamused. “What do you mean we’re linked?”

    Mila smirked.

    “The minute you asked me to do you a favor, I knew exactly what that favor was. The look in your eyes made it clear that you wanted one thing and one thing only. Your true love to be alive again. I agreed to it and when I got home, I scanned that book of spells for hours on end until I came across a binding spell. I took a strand of your hair that fell from your head and onto that lovely designer jacket you’re wearing, and the witches preserved some of your own hair just like they did all the vampires they sealed in the tomb”, She said to Scarlett who looked just as lost as she was feeling. “And that’s when I did it. I linked you two together. I knew I couldn’t handle the both of you ripping this town apart, so I made sure this was the spell I needed that would ensure me along with your brothers, that if one of you dies, the other follows 24 hours later. Clever huh?”

    “More like suicidal”, Scarlett gritted out, stalking up to her, prepared to actually kill her this time. “My brothers know about this?”

    “No.” Mila smiled. “But they will.”

    “Sara”, Alexa quickly said, placing a hand on her chest to stop her movements. She turned around and walked up to Mila, Scarlett following close behind.

    “I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but you still owe me. You practically owe me your life”, Alexa threatened and Mila instantly cowered in fear as the two vampires circled her. “However, you’re the only witch on our side so we’ll allow you to live for now. But once we’re done with you, I’ll decide whether I want you around or not. And if not, you’ll be history…just like Joanna.”

    Mila’s face contorted into shock. “How dare you speak of my mother!”

    “You’re lucky you’re not lying in the ground like your mother after this stunt”, Scarlett replied carelessly.

    “What do you want me to do?” Mila exclaimed. “I can’t reverse the spell if that’s what you’re thinking.”

    “Which one can’t you reverse?”

    “Neither. You’re linked for eternity”, Mila told them and she looked at Scarlett who already had her yellow eyes focused on her. “And as far as that little Hellfire spell goes, you’re probably the most powerful being on this earth. Besides the Originals of course.”

    “You know about the Originals”, Scarlett stated more than asked and Mila nodded. “Everyone knows about the Originals.”

    Scarlett wore a light smile that seemed to never vanish. “Then you must know Edgar has arrived just outside of Mystic Falls”

    “And that he needs the moonstone to break the sun and the moon curse”, Alexa added.

    Mila looked between them and asked, “Why does it matter?”

    “Because you’re going to help us get it”, Alexa said.

    The witch blinked. “Excuse me?”

    Scarlett slowly strolled up to her and looked her straight in the eye. Mila was almost sure she could see the devil himself. “Alexa’s life is on the line which now means my life is on the line and you’re responsible for that. So if you don’t help us…may god help your soul.”

    “Okay, okay”, Mila nodded. “I’ll help you.”

    “There’s a good witch”, Scarlett teased.

    Hours later, Scarlett and Alexa arrived back at their motel without Mila.

    “How long are we going to keep her locked down there?” Alexa asked and Scarlett shrugged. “For as long as I please.”

    She looked to Alexa who sat, staring.

    Alexa shook her head. “I don’t know.”

    Scarlett rolled her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

    “Nothing’s wrong exactly. You’re just so different now”, Alexa replied. “That’s all.”

    “Well I told you I’m not–”,

    “The same girl I fell in love with in 1864. Yeah spare me that line again.”

    Scarlett paused for a moment, before realization finally dawned on her. She let out a short laugh, “You don’t like me this way.”

    Alexa almost immediately shook her head. “I never said that.”

    “But you’re thinking it and if I’m not mistaken, you think I’m going to screw up your plan for getting the moonstone.”

    “It’s normal to have doubts and yes I have doubts but that doesn’t mean I don’t still want to stand by your side”, Alexa quietly said.

    “Doesn’t it?” The taller of the two asked rhetorically. There was a moment of tension filled silence as they glared at one another.
    “Tell me why.” Scarlett demanded, her voice rising. “Why don’t you like me this way? Is it because you miss having the ability to control me whenever you please? Or perhaps it’s the inferiority you feel when you’re around me.”

    Alexa nearly gave in. The last thing she wanted to do was argue with Scarlett, but she decided to stand her ground against the girl who still held her heart in her hands.

    “This is why I don’t like you this way. Because you’re just like him. You’re just like Edgar.”

    Scarlett shook her head. “No. I am nothing like Edgar.”

    “That same wicked smile. The same sinister antics”, Alexa observed. “Soon, you’ll be wreaking havoc and you’ll push me away only to eventually kill me just like he did.”

    Scarlett’s shoulders relaxed as the tension gradually dissolved from her body. “I love you too much to even think about killing you. I might have changed a lot since 1864 but that doesn’t mean my love for you did. It’s always been there. Even when Rebekah–”

    Alexa’s ears perked up. “Even when Rebekah what?”

    “Nothing. Forget I said anything”, Scarlett whispered slowly turning so that her back was now facing Alexa.
    “You and her?” She asked in disbelief.
    Scarlett shook her head. “Very briefly.”

    “But it still happened.”

    “It wasn’t intentional. We were both… vulnerable”, The younger one explained, turning around to desperately plead her case. “I talked about you the entire time before it happened.”

    Alexa scoffed. She wasn’t the jealous type but she knew Rebekah was so different from her and she was worried that, that’s what Scarlett was seeking. Different.

    “And that makes it so much better”, Alexa sarcastically said.

    “But it doesn’t matter to me now”, Scarlett assured, taking one of her hands in her own. “We’re here together. You and me.”

    “And how long before she wakes up and she steals you away?” Alexa asked her.

    “Never. I promise.”

    “You’re lying”, Alexa replied after a beat. She removed her hand and bitterly said, “Excuse me, if you don’t mind, I need to speak with a former lover of mine.”

    “Alexa”, Scarlett warned as she walked towards the door. It opened and closed causing Scarlett’s anger to boil over.



    Just as Alexa left, she turned around to see Mila walking up. “How’d you get out?”

    “I’m a witch and I have the ultimate power on my side”, Mila replied. “Where are you going?”

    Alexa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Originally to piss Sara off and flirt my way back into either brothers’ arms.”

    “And now?”

    “Scarlett’s shifting”, The vampire mentioned, moving them away from the door. “As are her emotions and I need their help to stop it before it can get too out of control.”

    Mila knitted her eyebrows together. “Okay but whhat about the moonstone?”

    “Oh they’ll be playing by my rules without even knowing it so don’t worry”, Alexa shrugged. “I’ve got it all under control.”

    “So what is your plan exactly? Sleep with one of them until they agree to help Scarlett?”

    Surprisingly enough, Alexa didn’t take offense to the witch’s words as she answered, “Once I tell them that Scarlett is alive, they’ll want to see for themselves so they’re going to help whether they want to or not. I’m going to convince Franklin that I love him and he’s always been the one and blah, blah, blah…until I eventually get what I want.”

    “What if none of this goes as planned?” Mila asked.

    “Then I’ll have to deal with the consequences. Gracefully of course.”

    Mila shook her head as Alexa walked off. She approached the motel and knocked on their door. Seconds later, Scarlett opened it and she groaned.
    “What do you want?”

    Mila sat down on the bed across from Scarlett who took a seat on the couch. “Alexa tells me this whole devil thing is setting you off. But I have a feeling it’s not the spell.”

    Scarlett looked up. “What do you mean?”

    Mila shrugged. “You haven’t fully morphed into a hybrid yet because your eye color keeps fading in and out. Which means it’s preparing.”

    Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows. “So what does that tell me?”

    “That the ‘you’ that you are now, is you. A vengeful, hateful vampire with a thirst for blood”, Mila said to her. “And when your hybrid self finally breaks through, that thirst will turn lustful and you’re going to hurt a lot more people than expected.”

    Scarlett laughed. “And why exactly do I care”

    “One of those people could be me”, Mila said knowing she’d of course receive zero sympathy from the vampire.

    As expected, Scarlett asked, “Your point?”

    So Mila settled for, “Or Alexa.”

    “We’re linked. I kill her, I also die.” Scarlett said, her concern lessening.

    “You might care now but in a few days, you won’t care about anything anymore.”

    That’s when Scarlett sighed and looked down at her hands.
    I heard that little devotion you made to her”, Mila mentioned. “About loving her too much to kill her. Do you really think that you’ll be able to control this? Control your urges to kill? Because the devil doesn’t care for love Scarlett. He never did.”

    “Alexa won’t get hurt”, Scarlett said through gritted teeth.

    Mila shrugged. “Guess we won’t know until the day finally gets here.”

    “Where did she go?”

    “To get your brothers’ help.”

    “Help?” Scarlett nearly shouted. “I don’t need help and certainly not from them. What made her think this was a good idea?”

    “Because I’m sure they feel terrible about what they did”, Mila softly said trying to somehow ease the already feuding family, also hoping to spare the town of her forthcoming destruction.

    “That’s your reason. Now tell me her’s.

    Mila sat in thought trying to get inside of Alexa’s head. “I don’t know. Maybe she thinks if she can break through to them then she’ll possibly find the witch who did this to you – where are you going?” Mila quickly asked as Scarlett shot up from the couch and made a beeline for the door.

    Scarlett didn’t look back as she said, “To pay my brothers that visit they’ve been expecting.”

    Scarlett’s POV

    I stared up at the large house for a while. The anger settling within my chest only caused me to want to burn the entire place down but I knew Alexa was still inside.

    Just as I reached for the doorknob, I could hear someone else approaching the house.

    “Tell Jenna I’ll probably be home late. Okay Jer”, Judy’s voice distracted me for a moment before I quickly entered the house.

    “Hello? Franklin?” She called out once she walked in and I rolled my eyes before showing myself. Judy stood with her mouth opened in shock.

    I sighed and said, “I’m assuming you’ve told your boyfriends of my arrival.”

    She shook her head, “Franklin knows, but he won’t believe it.”

    “And Brad?”

    “Franklin says not to bring it up because he’ll implode”, The human informed me.

    “Do you do everything Franklin says?” I asked her, taking a step closer. “Are you that kind of girlfriend, Judy?”

    “What do you want?” She asked.

    I shrugged. “Just to reunite with my brothers again. Have a few drinks, talk about women, maybe even rip their hearts out. Whichever they prefer really.”

    “Franklin!” Judy yelled out and I laughed, feeling a familiar presence at my side.

    “You must be Judy”, Alexa spoke.

    She looked utterly confused as Alexa and I stared her down.

    “She clearly doesn’t remember our encounter earlier when Brad stabbed me in the back and threw me in the basement. But that’s okay, I ripped her little vervain necklace right off of that pretty neck of hers and compelled her to forget”, Alexa evilly revealed.

    “How is this possible?” Judy quietly asked. “How do we look exactly alike?”

    Alexa didn’t answer as she looked her up and down and strolled over to her. She circled the girl slowly and I watched as she grazed the girl’s neck with her finger.

    “You’re asking the wrong questions.”

    I heard a loud shuffling as Alexa sent me a small nod and sprinted out of the house. I looked to Judy who looked like she’d just seen a ghost.
    I smiled. “That must be my brother.”

    “Judy!” Franklin shouted for the girl worriedly but choked on his words.

    With a slow twirl, I stood next to Judy and faced one of the men responsible for my death. His face was completely pale and he was gasping for breath.
    “Scarlett”, He breathed out.

    “It’s good to see you brother”, I couldn’t help the genuine words that escaped my mouth, although they came out quite sarcastic. I truly hadn’t realized how much I missed him until I was actually standing before him.

    “This is – this is impossible. You’re–”

    “Dead? Well I was, but now I’m not.”

    “How are you here? Did Alexa free you?”

    “You’re asking the wrong questions”, I repeated Alexa’s words from earlier. “I have another brother to attend to. Brad’s going to be just ecstatic to see me. Don’t you think?”

    “No”, I hear Franklin shout and before he could do anything, I was exiting the house. I jumped up to the tree hanging over it and watched as Franklin opened the door and frantically looked around before rushing back inside.

    Next stop, Brad.


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