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    Jessica, you need to wake up. Come on girl. I could hear Jess begging me to wake up, but I felt so tired of fighting; the pain of losing my parents, the pain of rejection from my mate, the pain of when he cheated and when he betrayed me. I just wanted to stay asleep. But it wasn’t in me to lie down and give up. My father had raised me to fight, and fight I would until I died.

    Taking a deep breath, I slowly open my eyes. They felt so heavy, like someone had glued them shut. Finally, they fluttered open and I looked around me. I was glad to see that I wasn’t in the hospital. I was in my room, and I was alone. Sitting up, I had to close my eyes until the room stopped spinning. Getting out of the bed, I slowly make my way to my bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, I take in my appearance. I looked like I’d been drug through the mud and back.

    I strip suddenly and wince at the pain. Stepping in the shower, I stand under the water until it turns ice cold. Wrapping a towel around me, I slowly walk to my closet and flip through my clothes. I finally pull a Captain America tee shirt and my favorite pair of Levi’s out and tosses them on my bed. Slipping into a pair of black panties, I put on a matching bra. Walking to my bed I quickly put my clothes on. Braiding my wet hair, I made my way out of my room.

    It took me twenty minutes to walk down the stairs, and another ten to reach Dylan’s office. Knocking on the door, I wait until I hear him call out. Stepping in, I close the door behind me. I smile when I see him looking puzzled at a piece of paper in his hand. Keeping my mouth shut, I sit in one of the huge leather chairs in front of his desk and waited for him to look up. I wasn’t sure how long I had been out, but I was itching to get back to work.

    Ten long minutes later, Dylan quickly lifted his eyes and then lowered them back to the papers on the desk. I watched amused as he jerked his head up when he realized that I was in his office. “Tami?! When did you wake up? How’d you get down the stairs?” I smiled at the concern in his voice and eyes. “I’m fine Dylan. I woke up almost an hour ago. I managed to take a shower, get dressed and walk down the stairs on my own thank you. That fight didn’t make me crippled.” He just stares at me, and I laugh softly.

    “How long was I out sir?”

    “For two weeks. The second week we moved you to your room seeing as how all your wounds were healed. But you wouldn’t wake up. We…I was scared you would die. I’ve had someone watching you 24/7.”

    “Who was supposed to be watching me about an hour ago?” I asked curious. “Dan was, why?” Opening my mouth to tell him that I was alone when I woke up, the door flew open and Dan came rushing into the room looking worried. “Dylan! Dylan, she’s gone. Tami’s not in her room and I can’t find her anywhere. Someone took her.” Biting my lip to keep from laughing, I stand up and speak. “Calm down Dan. No one kidnapped me, I’m right here. I’ve been here for the past fifteen minutes.” Dylan started laughing at the shocked expression on Dan’s face. And I found myself smiling as well.

    I quickly sit back down in the chair, my legs shaking. “Dylan, I just got off the phone with the Councilmen in Washington. They request our presence in a dispute between two of the alphas there.”

    “That sounds like a matter for them to handle. That’s why I assigned them their jobs.”

    “I know, and that’s what I told them. But they thought you’d want to come and see what the fuss was all about since it was regarding your best warrior.” My ears perked up and I look at both of them. “Are you telling me that in the two weeks I’ve been out, someone took my job?!” I couldn’t believe it, you get almost killed protecting your alpha and King and when you wake up, your job’s gone. Huffing softly, I cross my arms, missing the looks they gave each other.

    “Jessica, no one has your job. You’re still my Captain of warriors. And you know that there is no one that could take your place as my best warrior besides Dan here. And as far as I know, you’re the only warrior I have under my command that came from Washington. Am I right?” Bowing my head, I nod once. “Sorry Sire.” Dylan sighs and pinches his nose. “It’s just that I love my position here and I honestly don’t know what I would do if I lost it.”

    “I understand Tami, I do. The only way you’ll lose your job is when you pass it on to your successor.”

    “Or when you die.” Dan adds softly but we heard him. I glare at him, but he could tell I was joking. “Are you trying to get rid of me that soon Fox?” He cocks an eyebrow and stares back at me. From the corner of my eye, I see Dylan trying not to smile. “And what if I am Kent?”

    “Well, I guess we’ll just have to settle this later. After we see what’s going on in Washington.”

    “And when you get your strength back.”

    “I could take you right now if I wanted to.” Our alpha couldn’t hold it any more. He threw his head back and roared. “What would I do without the two of you?” He asks. Dan and I look at each other and wink. “You’d go stark raving mad.” We answer at the same time. The three of us smile at each other. Then Dylan brings us back to the situation at hand. “Well, let them know that the three of us, along with about ten of my warriors, will be there in a few days. Did they say who the alphas were?”

    Dan stood up and walked towards the door, pulling out his cell phone. “All Chambers said was the alphas of Midnight Lunar and Righteous Goddess were close to calling a pack war. And from what he could tell, their fight is over Tami here.” With that being said, he left the room. I look back to Dylan puzzled. “Why would Charles and Elvis be fighting over me?” He shrugs. “How long has it been since you left your original pack Tami?”

    “Almost ten years Alpha. I was eighteen when I left, and I’ll be turning twenty-eight this year.” Rubbing the back of my neck I stand up and walk towards the door. “It might be a good idea to bring a watcher or two with us just in case something happens. It would come in handy to have a bird’s eye view.”

    “That it would Tami. Dan’s waiting outside to help you back to your room. Tomorrow, we’ll pack and leave about dinner.  The sooner we get this settled, the sooner my mind can have one less thing to worry about.”

    “Goodnight Alpha.”

    “Night Tami.” I leave his office and smile at Dan. He picks me up bridal style and carries me up the stairs while I laughed. He placed me back on my feet in front of my door and I hugged him. “Thanks for the lift Dan.”

    “Anytime Tami. Just holler if you need anything.” He walks down the hall to his room whistling softly. Smiling after him, I slip into my room and get in my bed. Though I didn’t feel tired, within seconds I was asleep. We had a big day ahead of us, and I didn’t know if after ten years, if I was ready to face him or not. Only time would tell.


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