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    “Jessica Kent, the last test you will have to pass before we grant you a position in the Alpha King warriors is a fight between you and his best fighter. You will fight in either your human form or as your wolf. If one of you shifts to the other form, so must your opponent. The fight will be over when one of you has the other’s throat in your mouth. You will not kill each other.” Chambers stops talking and looks me in the eye. “Do you wish to drop out Ms. Kent?”  As I looked from one councilman to the other, I realized that’s what they were expecting me to do.

    Shaking my head no, I look at Councilman Chambers. “No sir. I do not wish to drop out.”

    “So be it. Your opponent will be Gamma Jordan W. Fox.” I watch as the man stepped into the arena and I sized him up. He stood 6 foot 5, and I could tell that he was pure muscle. Both Jess and I knew that he would be a very, very tough fighter. It would take everything both of us had to beat him. We both got in position and started circling each other.

    He swung first, but I managed to dodge it. I quickly landed two solid punches to his face and he back slapped me causing me to fly several feet backwards. Landing on my feet, I walk back in front of him and resumed circling. Our fight continued for hours and I could tell that both of us were becoming tired. Five hours into the fight, I almost had him. But he managed to deliver a punch to my side that made me loosen my hold on him. I stumbled back, my arm wrapped around my ribs. I knew that he had broken a couple with that hit. I grit my teeth as I felt them heal.

    Gamma Fox smirks at me and shifts into his wolf. For a split second I admired him. His wolf was black with hints of silver streaking through his fur. And his eyes were just as icy blue as mine. I had to admit that his wolf was huge, but then so was mine. I grin and jump towards him shifting mid jump. He was surprised when he saw that I was just as big as he was and I gave him a wolfish grin. I could feel the eyes of the councilmen on us, but I focused on the wolf in front of me.

    We fought harder and longer in our wolf forms. And before I knew it another five hours passed. Our legs were shaking with fatigue, but we kept fighting. I could feel a trickle of blood running down my hind leg where he bit me earlier, and I knew he had similar wounds as well. I circled him again, trying to find an opening. I was just seconds away from letting him win when he made a mistake.

    Gamma Fox took his eyes off me and turned them behind me. Taking the opportunity, I lunge forward my body hitting his causing us to fall. I quickly place my teeth on his neck and close my mouth. My grip on his throat wasn’t tight enough to hurt him. Chambers raised his hands and smiled. “We have a winner. Jessica Kent, you now have a place among the best warriors in our world. You will hereby be known as the King’s Captain. Fox here has been looking for just the right person to take his place as head of the warriors so he could focus more on his Gamma duties. He has been searching for a long time.

    “But now, he can stop his search. Welcome Captain Kent to the King’s service.” Chambers handed me a change of clothes and I take them gently from his hand. Walking into the tent, I shift and pull the clothes on. Walking back to the arena, I stand before them and bow my head. “It’s an honor to be accepted. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.” They nod at me and leave.

    Fox walks up to me and extends his hand towards me. I slip mine into his. “Gamma Fox, it was an honor to fight you sir.” He laughs and it rings through the air. “I must say that I’ve never fought a femme who could fight as well as you did. I must say, whoever trained you taught you well.”

    “Thank you sir. My father trained me ever since I could walk. He was the Beta of my old pack, and he wanted me to be able to become a warrior if I wasn’t chosen to follow him as Beta.” Although I was tired, I didn’t show it. He slaps my shoulder and we start walking back towards the mansion. “Let’s grab a bite to eat before turning in. In the morning, we’re going to see the King. He’ll want to meet his new Captain as soon as possible. And I’m sure you’re ready to meet him as well.”

    Smiling at him, I start to feel the aches and pains of our fight. “That sounds like a plan to me sir. You know, I was just seconds away from letting you win when you looked away. Both my wolf and I were almost too tired to fight anymore.”

    “I knew that if we fought any longer it would be a draw. I knew that you were the best choice to take my place. And please call me Dan. We’ll be working together and I hope that we’ll be friends.”

    “Sure thing Dan, as long as you call me Tami.” He smiles at me as we enter the house. A nice hot meal followed by a long hot bath sounded like heaven to me right now. Though I was nervous about meeting the Alpha King, I was excited as well. After our dinner, the council’s doctor patched us up and we headed to our rooms. I filled the tub up with hot water and just soaked until it turned cold. The second I climbed into bed, I was out like a light.

    Dan and I woke up early and headed to the airport. All I had was my bag of clothes with me, so he didn’t have to wait for me to pack anything. The flight to England took close to twenty hours, and I slept for the most part of it. We reached Heathrow just as the sun was starting to set. “So, are you nervous?”

    “No…Yes, yes I am. I mean, it’s not every day a normal wolf like me gets to meet the Alpha King.” Dan just chuckles as we climb into a truck. “The Alpha King’s territory is a little south-west of Edinburgh in Brighton. You’ll love it there.”

    “I’m sure I will Dan. Now, let’s go meet our king.” I say with a smile and Dan throws his head back laughing. As he put the truck into gear, I heard him say, “I knew I liked you kid.”


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