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    I couldn’t wait to watch Harrison and Rachael in action as they trained the new wolves. I even asked if I could take notes and Rachael of course said that was fine.

    So I grabbed my notebook (I know they seem outdated but hey, what can I say, I’m old fashioned) as well as some hot tea that I just recently poured and started to make my way towards the back door while Rachael finished up with something in the other room.

    I really did want to become stronger, faster and overall just better so that I was no longer a ‘runt’ and who better to learn from then the best?!

    Right as soon as I turned the corner from out of the kitchen, I bumped into a hard wall I thought. That was until I looked and saw it was Harrison, not a wall.

    “Mate.” I hear my wolf tell me.

    “Not now.” I tell her.

    I saw him scowling at me and then looked down at his shirt and noticed that I had just spilled my hot tea on him. No wonder he’s pissed. I don’t blame him. I felt so embarrassed and tried to apologize but he interrupted me and warned me to be more careful before he turned around and stormed upstairs.

    Damn, accidents happen and it’s not like I meant to do it. Now granted, I’d be upset too if I had hot liquid just spilled all over me but what makes this all even worse is the fact that it was to him.

    After storming back upstairs, I let out a breath of relief that I hadn’t realized I was holding in.

    “Hey, you ready?” I hear Rachael ask me as she places her hand onto my shoulder.

    “Uh, yeah. I think I just signed my death wish though.” I tell her while setting down my now empty cup onto the kitchen counter.

    “Ohhh.” She replies. “Well what happened?”

    “I accidentally bumped into your brother as I was turning the corner and spilled my hot tea all over him. I thought he was gonna kill me right then and there.” I explained.

    Her eyes grew big and before she begins bursting out laughing really hard.

    “Oh my god, are you serious? And I missed it?” she asks while trying to hold in her laughter.

    I look at her confused. Shouldn’t she be mad at me? Shouldn’t she be yelling at me and defending her brother? I mean sure, she’s cracked jokes about him for the past few days but still, I was waiting for her to say ‘be more careful’ like he did or something else along those lines. However, she never did. I guess I’m so used to being blamed for everything that I assumed she’d be no different but she was proving otherwise.

    “Yeah.” I nervously laughed along with her, though not as hard.

    “Man, I’ve gotta tell the pack about this one. Especially Fred.” Rachael says while throwing her arm over my shoulder and us start walking outside.

    When Harrison came walking out, I tried to stay as far away from him as possible and avoided eye contact. Instead, I just paid more attention to taking down notes and I must say, I like the way he thinks and his approach with the training. I can’t wait to learn more I thought to myself.

    Then once he finished talking, I finished writing a few other things and he left back into the house.

    Once Rachael did her part of the training in helping assign them their rooms that consisted of them sleeping in bunks, along with a few other things that they would need for the training, she then handed the reigns over to Fred and a few other pack members to start preparing them and giving them ideas about their first real actual training day, starting tomorrow. It was going to be intense, I could tell.

    Rachael came over to me and we started walking back inside and laughing at a story she had told me about her and Harrison when they were kids. Then we saw Alpha Harrison come walking up to Rachael, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from me as they began to head down the hallway.

    It was hard not to over hear Harrison and her yelling at each other with the door even closed. He wanted me to go and even after I heard him tell her that I was her responsibility like I was some damn little kid, I got irritated. If he wants me to not stay then HE himself needs to man the hell up and tell me, not have her do it.

    I heard the door then open up and I’m not sure in what came over me but I stormed up to him to give him a piece of my mind.

    “You listen to me. I don’t give two shits who the hell you are! You’re an asshole and as far as being a fearless Alpha, for you to ask your sister to watch me like I’m a damn little kid, that’s not fearless, that’s a damn coward. Now if you want me to leave, I will go, but I want to hear it from your mouth and nobody else’s!” I yell at him with my arms crossed, tapping my foot and waiting for him to answer me.

    He just looks at me surprised and confused.

    “Wow, is Mr. Big Bad Wolf speechless?” I teased.

    He began to clench his jaw while looking like he wanted to tell me something but seemed to be holding back.

    “Now listen here…” He started but I wasn’t hearing it nor was I taking this shit anymore. “You know what? Save it!” I began telling him off while holding my hand up in front of his face while continuing. “I am so tired of being treated like shit when I have done nothing wrong. I will NOT be the victim anymore. And as far as me leaving, I’m gonna stay. Nobody seem’s to be having an issue with it other than you and guess what, you aren’t the ONLY one that lives here and in charge. So why don’t you get off your big macho throne and stop being such a dick! No wonder you don’t have a Luna!” I felt proud of myself until the last part just came spilling out of nowhere. I quickly cover my mouth after saying the last part as I feel horrible I even said that. Oh my god, I didn’t mean that. I swear this man gives me confidence to stand up for myself but at the same time brings out irritation.


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