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    NOT! ANY! MORE! I am going to turn eighteen soon and I will NOT allow myself to endure my family’s abuse ANYMORE!

    “We need to hurry, your brother is coming.” My wolf, Aurora tells me.

    I quickly zip up my backpack and place the straps over my shoulders as I make my way to my bedroom window, that’s located on the second floor. I sit on the ledge before jumping down and landing on my feet. As soon as I stand up, I overhear my father yelling out to everyone to find me and bring me back to him. Which I can’t let that happen, I know how bad the punishment will be and I already have enough scars and bruises to last me a lifetime.

    Immediately I start running as fast as I can into the dark woods, without knowing or even caring where I’m going. I just need to get as far away from all of them as possible.

    Once I feel that I’ve gotten far enough ahead to stop and catch my breath for a moment, I stop and start trying to look around, hoping I can somewhat see a path. But then Aurora stops me.

    “We can not stay here, it isn’t safe. We have to keep going.” I hear her tell me.

    “Okay, give me a second.” I tell her.

    Suddenly I feel the air being knocked out of me as I feel the rest of my body hitting the ground hard.

    As soon as I turn over onto my back, I see it’s my brother, Stewart.

    “Thought you could get away huh?!” He asks while he has both of my arms above my head.

    “Get off me.” I struggle.

    “Stop it! You and I both know you’re too weak to escape from my grasp. Now get the hell up!” He says while pulling me up by my arm.

    “Let go of me!” I tell him.

    “No! You know what happens when you disobey our dad. So now you’re gonna get what you deserve you pathetic worthless little bitch!” He says as he starts pulling me roughly by my arm back towards the house.

    This was NOT going to happen. So I stopped and as soon as he turned to look at me, I took that opportunity to take my other hand and punch him as hard as I could in his nose before running off again.

    I ignored the pain I began feeling in my feet and legs from running so far for so long, determined to go until I literally couldn’t anymore.

    Suddenly I felt the ground fall from underneath my feet as I seemed to have ran off a high hill and began tumbling down hitting every sharp rock, branch and other hard and sharp objects that I felt as they bruised my body while scratching me all over.

    Finally, when I came to a complete stop, landing face down. I slowly begin to lift my head to see if anyone was near by or to see at least that my brother anyone from the pack was near. But so far, I saw nobody.

    So I slowly started sitting up and winced at the pain I was feeling all over my body. Luckily there was some lighting coming from the moonlight, which I knew meant that I was no longer in the woods.

    “Ow.” I say out loud to myself as I take a look at my ripped up jeans and blood covering my knees along with some dirt.

    Then I started checking out my hands and elbows and noticed that I was all cut up.

    I then hear a growl coming from in front of me and I look ahead and see a dark figure coming out from the darkness.

    Really? This can’t be happening to me right now, I thought to myself.

    “Um, m-my name is….” I tried to introduce myself not knowing if this was a rogue or not. Well, I was hoping more that it wasn’t a rogue. However, I couldn’t finish my sentence because the wolf began to growl and started running towards me fast while showing it’s canines. This was not the way I wanted this to go. So I start to get up quickly and as I begin walking backwards, I trip over a heavy rock behind me and fall back and hitting my head hard on the ground before I am consumed with darkness.


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