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    Jerry instantly jumped off me, while I pulled down my shirt which had ridden up during our tickle fest. We all sat in silence until Isaac finally decided to speak up.

    “Dinner in five. You will be introduced.” he said looking between me and Jerry. He continued this for a good minute before turning around and walking out.

    “Well, that was awkward” Jerry sighed walking to the mirror to sort his hair out before we had to go downstairs. I should probably do the same. So I did. A few minutes later, we were both walking downstairs to the kitchen, which was full along with the living room. Isaac spotted us and waved us forward. When we were too slow, he stomped towards us and literally dragged us with him.

    “Alright, quieten down” Isaac yelled over the noise stopping the on-going chit chat.

    “As you’ve probably already heard, we have some visitors in our Pack. Alpha and I both expect you to treat them with respect and represent us perfectly. Please welcome Elizabeth Faye, the daughter of the Shadowless Beta and her warrior Jerry Creed” I hadn’t met the Alpha yet. I wonder how he is and whether the rumours were true. I personally do not believe rumours unless I experience whatever it is first hand. The wolfs howled in welcome before re-staring their conversations. They weren’t interested. Isaac led us to a the cook, who was a sweet old lady in her late fifties and handed us our dinner. I quickly finished my dinner before heading back to my room. Jerry did the same.

    Tomorrow I would be starting school. A brand new school with brand new people. The only good thing was that Jerry was with me but I still felt a sea of anxiety deep down. I guess I was just worried. Worried about being exposed. We would just have to wait and see what life had in-store.

    “You ready?” Jerry asked poking his head through my door.


    We decided to walk to school since it was only a five minute walk and I needed the fresh air. Talking about fresh air, I’m thinking about going for a run later this evening. When I saw the school entrance, I was in awe. This school was so fancy. All we had was a simple building with the school name on it. It was nothing compared to this. I looked towards Jerry only to see him holding the same expression as me.

    We walked through the doors and got some not so subtle stares.

    Weren’t we introduced yesterday?

    Not everyone was there.

    Good point. But, they knew they had some visitors. My wolf didn’t reply after that. Jerry stood slightly in front of me like he usually does when we’re in public. He took his job seriously. I ignored the whispers and focused on only one task. Finding my classroom. Jerry had different classes compared to me because he was a year above me. Though we were both in sixth form, he was in Year 13 while I was in Year 12. Not a massive difference, but there was one.

    Period 1 – Maths – C2

    I tried to ask for help from some passers but instead only received a nasty look. Okay then, I guess I’m on my own. I did accomplish the task, but it was fifteen minutes after the bell had rung. I took a deep breath before knocking on the classroom door. After I heard a ‘come in’  I slowly opened the door walking in.

    “Elizabeth?” The teacher asked looking at her computer.

    “Yes Miss” I replied trying not to make eye contact with anyone. They’d probably think I’m challenging them.

    “Take a seat” she sighed and pointed to an empty seat and the front table. It was a six people table and had already been taken up by four. I sat down placing my bag under the table after I had taken my book out, opening it to a new page. Let it begin.

    My second lesson was Biology, which I actually enjoyed. We dissected a heart. After science we had a twenty minute break so I met up with Jerry.

    “How’s it going?” he asked sitting next to me in the courtyard.

    “It’s actually been alright. How ’bout you?” He shrugged scrunching his nose.

    “The girls are too clingy” he replied with a disgusting look. I wasn’t surprised. I knew that he would have girls falling at his feet. It happened wherever we went. Jerry was cute, but not my type. Neither was I his.

    “Time to go” He groaned picking up his bag placing it on his shoulder. He gave me a quick hug before running to his class. I had two free periods next so I decided to go to the common room. This was a large area where all the sixth form students could go to, to either study or relax for a bit. I felt awkward at first but eventually got used to it. I sat at the far end of the room and plugged in my earphones ready to listen to music. That was until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

    “You’re Elizabeth, right?” A beautiful blonde asked. She had absolutely stunning grey eyes and I instantly knew she was a prize for the males.

    “Yes, why?” I asked curious. She was accompanied by two other girls. They were also very beautiful, to say the least. Blondie took a seat next to me, crossing one leg over the other.50

    “I’m Alexis. I was just wondering who that guy was with you. Does he have a mate?” she titled her head to the side, as if analysing me, with a small smile

    “He’s my warrior, and he doesn’t have a mate.” If she was looking for a date, she was after the wrong guy. Jerry doesn’t do dates.

    “Great. Nice meeting you” she said standing up beginning to walk away.

    “I don’t think he’ll be interested” I called after her. Okay, I didn’t mean to say it like that.

    “And, why not?” She turned around shooting me a glare.

    “He’s waiting for his mate” I replied honestly. He truly was. He hasn’t even had his first kiss yet. Her face fell slightly and understanding crossed her but it changed immediately.

    “Really? I just think you’re jealous” she accused walking towards me again.

    “Of what?” I snorted.

    “Me” She said narrowing her eyes into slits, crossing her arms over he chest.

    “Righhttt” I stretched, nodding sarcastically. She doesn’t scare me.

    “What your tone” she hissed. Now she was just begging for attention. The students in the room turned their heads in our direction.

    “Or what?” I challenged. I couldn’t help but smile. Jerry is going to kill me.

    She clenched her fist before clenching and walking away. That was fun. Jerry had told me to meet him in the canteen during lunch, so I did. I stood near the canteen entrance waiting for the arrival of Jerry before I felt something hard collide with my shoulder, knocking my bag to the floor.

    “Watch it” a male snarled while I bent down to retrieve my bag.

    “Don’t steal my line” I stood up facing him. He was cute. Too bad his personality was shit.

    “What’d you say?”

    “Great, he’s deaf too” I mumbled, but I knew he heard. He moved forward to grab me but a body blocked him. More specifically, Jerry’s.

    “Don’t even try” Jerry said in a deadly whisper. I’ve seen this Jerry. This Jerry is not good. You don’t want to make this Jerry angry. Angry Jerry equals broken bones.

    “Oh, look the hero” The boy mocked nudging his friends. Jerry cricked his neck, clenching his fists. All of a sudden the entire canteen fell into a hush. The boy’s face fell. Him and his friends instantly ran to an available seat and sat down. I looked around and saw all eyes looking towards the floor. Not one was looking up. There was power in the room. An indescribable power which even gave me the urge to bow. The Alpha. There’s no other explanation. He’s here.

    “What is going on?” That voice was familiar. Isaac.

    “No problem here” Jerry replied calming down slightly. I moved to the side trying to catch sight of the Alpha.

    “You three are expected in the Alpha’s office first thing after school.” He commanded pointing to the three boys.

    I saw him. At least one was rumour was correct. He was damn hot. He had a slight stubble but otherwise had a flawless face. He wore a tight black shirt which hugged his muscle clearing showing them off. I felt something, but it wasn’t strong. He looked up and our eyes locked. Only for a split second but I felt a sudden shiver. As soon as we made eye contact I hid behind Jerry again.

    I guess I finally met the Alpha


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