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    During our small trek to the Pack house, Isaac literally half skipped because he was so excited to finally have some visitors.

    “I could piss rainbows right now, I’m that excited” were his exact words. I’m staring to re-think my view on this pack. They don’t seem that bad.

    One person doesn’t represent an entire pack.

    Oh, so your back? I thought you weren’t speaking to me?

    I’m your wolf. I can’t stay away from you even if I wanted to.

    You’re right though, I haven’t really heard anything about the Moon Dweller Beta. Only it’s Alpha. He’s pretty infamous.

    I’ve heard he’s hot.

    Horny dog.

    I would give you a nasty look. But I already see you have one.


    It’s scary to think people like you can breed.

    Okay, enough. Bye-bye. I blocked out my wolf as we got to the pack house. Describing it as huge would be an understatement. I stepped out from the woods, gaping at the large mansion that was set just beyond the trees , towering over me as if attempting to intimidate me. The cream coating of the paint shined as the sun beat down on it, causing me to have to squint.

    As I stepped onto the side walk leading to the house, I noticed a marble fountain sitting towards the right side of the lawn. An angel holding a flower was perched on top, looking up towards the sky. Water spurted from its other hand, which lay gently out in front of it, as if waiting for someone to take it in return. The water fell gently towards the crystal blue pool beneath it, causing ripples to form and wave out until they were no more.

    Isaac pushed the door open and allowed Jerry and I to step in first. I stole a glance around the place. The peachy linoleum floor of the entrance glowed, obviously having been cleaned before we came.  A doorway was on either side of the room, one admitting you into the kitchen, the other into the living room.  We all entered the living room only to be welcomed by pounding coming from upstairs as two little boys ran down the winding staircase, each of them holding a toy car, chasing each other.29

    The living room was absolutely beautiful but the room was so full it was claustrophobia-inspiring. A seething mass of people were littered in the room either watching TV or just chilling oblivious to their surroundings.6

    “Well, this is where you both will be staying for the rest of your high school life” Isaac said proudly.

    “Wow” was all Jerry said, his voice full of awe. I was still looking around getting used to my surroundings.

    “I’ll show you to your rooms” Isaac said walking through the crowd as they split for him. I followed behind trying to ignore everyone’s curious gazes. He led us up two flights of stairs then down a hallway straight to the end.

    “This is Elizabeth’s room” Isaac said pointing to a brown door on his left.

    “This is Jerry’s room” He continued pointing to a door on his right.

    “That’s very convenient. Thank you” Jerry thanked before walking into his room.

    “Thank you” I said before heading to my room. Isaac just nodded his head before leaving. I walked into my room blinded by the rays of the sun which peeped through the windows. I walked to the windows taking hold of the curtains before closing them. This room was stunning. The room consisted mostly of the colour gold – which happened to be my favourite colour –  along with specks of maroon. There was a king sized bed in the centre of the room with two vintage couches next to it.

    Placing my bags near the foot of the bed, I removed some clothes before walking to a door which I presumed led to the bathroom. I opened the door walking in only to stop and gape. It was huge. My dream bathroom. The entire bathroom was tiled with a shower in the corner of the room, next to a bath which was sitting on a platform.

    I locked the door behind me before I stripped naked and walked into the shower. There were around three to four shower heads embedded into the walls. It allowed us to choose which shower head we wanted. This was perfect. Not soon after I exited the shower, I quickly wiped my self dry before jumping into my clothes and heading over to Jerry’s room. I knocked on his door and waiting a few seconds before he opened it.

    “Welcome to my lair” Jerry whispered in a deep voice. I laughed at his attempt before walking in and jumping on his bed.

    “This house is amazing” Jerry commented laying down beside me. I just nodded in agreement. Jerry sat up leaning his elbow on the bed, his head resting on his hand, facing me.

    “We’ll be starting school tomorrow” he mourned.

    “It can’t be that bad” I said trying to be optimistic.

    “Who knows? You’ll be protected by me, but who’s gonna protect me?” he asked laying back down.

    “Maybe you’ll find ‘the one'” I looked at him as he laughed.

    “I doubt it” Jerry jumped up and and stood on the edge of the bed towering me.

    “Remember when you kicked me in the balls?” he asked coming closer. Not this again.

    “I will not hesitate to do it again. Don’t come any closer” I warned backing up but he had already caught me when he jumped on me, once again straddling me.

    “You deserve it” was all he said before he attacked.

    “Stop! Please. Have some mercy” I said in between my laughter.

    “Nope” He said. Just as he started to tickle me again the door burst open.

    Uh Oh


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