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    “So…” I say standing awkwardly next to the door. I backed into the door casually leaning against it. Well, I’m trying to make it look casual. I don’t think it’s working.

    “Why don’t you sit down” Alpha Alfred said pointing to the chair in front of him.

    “NO!…I mean…ermm…I’m all good” I replied with a nervous smile

    England needs 1 from 18 balls…I backed further into the door trying to hear the television. Even with my extra hearing I had to put in some effort.

    “You okay?” Jerry asked looking amused. He knew exactly what was going on.

    “Just perfect” I said just as the commentator spoke again.

    It’s a Six! England makes it through to the finals, winning the match against New Zealand by seven wickets.

    Hearing those words I couldn’t help but yell in delight doing a little happy dance.

    “We did it. We did it . We did it. Yay. Lo hicimos. We did it.” I began singing Dora the Explorer signature song. Jerry jumped up from his seat, running to me giving me a high five, before starting to punch the hair with both fists.

    “Fuck Yeah” My Dad said after a while giving a bro-hug to the Alpha.

    “Dad” I scolded playfully but couldn’t keep the grin off my face. As you may have already guessed. I’m a huge cricket fan. Ever since we were kids, we had a tradition to play cricket as a Pack at least once a month. Alpha’s lips started to turn up from the corners but he kept a straight face gave my Dad ‘The look’. He instantly shut up and sat down. I took that as a cue to shut up too.

    “So what was it that you wanted to talk about?” I asked pretending that we weren’t just dancing like idiots. Alpha shook his head slightly looking down to hid his smile, but I caught it.

    “They’re coming” Was all he said.

    “Who?” I asked instantly focusing on what was happening. I was a crazy person who would anything to make someone smile but when needed I was the most serious person you could ever meet. I’m just cool like that.

    “I don’t know, but they know about you” he ran a hand through his hair as he sat down behind his desk, his wife standing by his side.

    “So, what now?” Jerry asked from beside me. The tension in this room at the moment was thick.

    “Well, there’s nothing much we can do.” Dad said from across the room looking down at the floor.

    “There has to be something” Jerry commented rubbing his jaw from frustration.

    “There is one thing we can do.” The Luna spoke. The alpha looked up at her and I knew the were using the mind-link. Looking over at Dad, I saw his eye’s were also glazed over.

    “You could move packs” Dad finally announced.

    “No. That’s never going to happen.” I replied instantly. I’m not leaving my pack. Not now. Not ever. This was my home; these people are my family.

    “Darling, just listen” Luna said walking over to me and lead me to the couch to sit down with Jerry on my heels.

    “We don’t want you to leave. But right now, it’s the only thing we can do. It’s only temporary, love. You’ll be back before you know it. ” she explained running her hand over my head affectionately. After losing my Mum at a young age, the Luna took the responsibly of giving me a Mother’s love.

    “Also, you won’t be alone. Jerry will go with you as your personal guard.” Dad said coming to sit next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I had never been to live anywhere alone. Even though Jerry was going with me, I still wanted my Dad. I’m a daddy’s girl, sue me.

    “Maybe we should. It’s the only way to keep you safe” Jerry shrugged looking at me waiting for my answer.

    “If that’s what you think is best for me, then I respect your decision” I decided. Dad smiled at me before kissing my forehead.

    “That’s a good girl” Luna spoke up as if she was talking to a seven year old. She got up and made her way to the Alpha with my Dad following behind. Jerry pulled me off the couch and out the pack house. I knew where we were going. It was my favourite place and it was the most beautiful place on our territory too. It was a clearing near the centre of the woods, decorated with thousands of Bluebells. It was absolutely stunning.

    When we finally got there I ran towards the biggest tree and sat under its shade, resting my back against its trunk. Jerry came to sit beside. We just sat there for a few moments watching the sun set.

    “You okay?” Jerry asked looking at me.


    “It’ll be fine” he said nudging me with his shoulder.

    “I hope so” I said repeating his actions. Suddenly he stood up, pulling me along with him.

    “Alright, show me what you got” he said standing back.

    “Jerry, I seriously cannot be bothered” I said trying to sit back down but he was having none of it.

    “We are not leaving until you do as I say” he crosses his arms resting himself against the tree. I let out a sigh before facing the sunlight. I slowly lift my right hand and see a ball of fire being created. As seconds pass, it gets bigger and bigger. Before it could get too big, I closed my palm extinguishing it.

    “All of them” Jerry called from behind me. Dick. I lifted my index finger and started to move it in a circular motion until I saw a small whirlwind. I instantly stopped. These things could get out of hand. After that I pointed a finger towards a Bluebell and lifted my finger higher and higher causing the Bluebells stem to grow. I turned back around to face Jerry again.

    “I said all of them” Just as he spoke those words I lifted up a finger soaking in water from a nearby puddle. I slowly turned around releasing the water, so it sprayed on Jerry.

    “There, that’s all of them” I smiled innocently

    “Oh, you’re so gonna get it this time” he yelled before lunging at me. Before he could actually get hold of me, I legged it.

    “You asked for it” I yelled still running back to the pack house.

    “I asked to see them, not use them on me” he yelled back. I just laughed while he chased me all the way to the pack house.

    This was my secret. Now, you must be thinking what’s so big about that? Well, I hold all the powers and not only one. Not only this, but I have the power to move and control objects along with hypnotising powers. Now you know my secret.



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