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    “Balamory!  Balamory!…What’s the story in Balamory, wouldn’t you like to know? What’s the story in Balamory, where would you like to go?” I sung under my breath while fiddling with my hair. Yes, this is me. A seventeen year old girl singing the theme song to a children’s TV show when bored. I have no life.

    “Will there be treats with Pocket and Sweet? Is that where we should go?” Jerry joined in from where he was sitting, which was on the floor near my bed – guess I’m not the only one with no life – Jerry had been one of my closest friend since I was born. We’ve practically grown up together due to the fact we both belonged to the same pack. The Angel Guardian Pack.

    My dad held the beta’s position while Jerry’s was the Gamma. Even though his father was the Gamma, Jerry is one of the best fighters this pack has. One of the best things about my Pack is the fact that everyone is equal no matter their social status. We all respect each other. Not only this but our Alpha was one of the greatest Alpha’s out their. He has integrity and character. He’s balanced. He’s confident. He’s courageous. He listens. He takes initiative and the list goes on and on, which is why I hold the highest respect for him. Him being my Father’s best friend meant I got to spend a lot of time with him. I got to know him. I got to understand him. He’s a second Father to me.

    My Father on the other hand is honest. He has good humour. He’s humble. He’s a team player. He’s adaptable. He has good manners. He is shaped by the people he respects but most importantly, he fights against injustice: when he sees another guy act out of line with a female, he thinks it could be his own sister, mother or daughter, and steps in to fight the injustice, even if it’s his own friend that’s causing the problem.

    These guys sit on a very high pedestal and I love them more then life itself.

    “Who are you texting?” Jerry asked coming to sit across me on the floor criss-cross style. Even though dad was in the house it was difficult to find each other because we all lived in the pack house. Now you must be thinking ‘Why don’t you simply use the mind link?’, well to be honest I never really use my mind link unless it’s super important, like when I need to make Jerry laugh while we are in a serious situation.

    “Dad” I replied still focused on my phone. A second later the phone vibrated indicating a reply.

    A second later, a reply was sent to the phone.

    As I read it I couldn’t help but be shocked. It wasn’t the ‘OMG he’s dead’ shock. But it was the amused kind of shock. Jerry was sitting behind me peering over my shoulder to get a slight peek at the text and when he did he fell back on the carpet laughing. I would have asked Jerry to remove the Moth but he would have picked it up and chased me with it. No thank you.

    “Gosh, I love your Dad” Jerry expresses wiping away some tears.

    “It wasn’t that funny” I mumble getting up and stretching. My legs had fallen asleep from sitting down for so long.

    “Yes it was” he countered.

    “You find everything funny” I fought back. The next thing I knew I was on the bed with Jerry straddling me, his hands resting on my ribs.

    “Don’t you dare” I shrieked trying to get him off me.

    “Take it back” he said moving his fingers against my ribs causing me to laugh.

    “You’re a ****. DAD!!! Jerry is killing me. I’m being murdered. DAD!!” I yell trying to get my dad’s attention. But he obviously wouldn’t be able to hear me.

    “Dad’s dead” he shouted back. He was standing outside my door. That traitor.

    “DAD!!” I shouted once again but all I got in reply was a fading chuckle. Jerry starting tickling me again so the first reflex was to kick him. So I did. In his balls.

    “Shit. I’m so sorry. It was your fault though…” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at Jerry’s foetus position on the floor cradling his gems.

    “You’re a *****”

    “Why Thank you. A ***** is a do-” I tried to reply like the smart-ass I am but Jerry was having it.

    “Don’t start that bull**** with me Elise” he growled making me shut up instantly. He slowly sat up and glared at me all the way to the door and left. I followed behind him and straight to the kitchen.

    “Hey Luna” I greeted when I saw her standing by the stove.

    “Elizabeth, how many times have I told you to call me Amy?” She playfully scolded.

    “Sorry, Amy” I apologised and made my way to the fridge and removed a can of Pepsi and headed back to the living room where Jerry was now sitting with a bunch of other teenagers, watching telly. I jumped on the same couch as Jerry and sat next to him. Well, half on top of him. He just glared at me.

    “It was your fault” I said poking his cheek. He just ignored me. So I continued poking his cheek and then moved onto his ribs until he broke into a small smile.

    “There it is. That little trouble maker” I said pointing to his lips. Not soon after we were all called for dinner which was cooked by our lovely Luna. We always had dinner together to show the unity of the Pack. I loved traditions liek this. Just as I was stood up to put my dirty plate away my named was called.

    “Dear. I need to talk to you. In my office. Jerry you also join us.” Alpha Alfred said getting up and headed to his office with my and Jerry following behind. When we got there my Father was already present and so was the Luna.

    Let’s get this show on the road.


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