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    I hit the water Staring, watching my silver white hair with black tips rise in front of me as I sunk deeper into the lake. Watching my last breath escape with all the other bubbles rising to the top.

    I hit the bottom of the lake gently staring at my skin and bone hands In front of me. I was so thin that the veins in my body stuck out so I blended with the water.

    I began to feel the pain burning in my chest making me want to thrash around screaming for air but my body wouldn’t listen.

    My fingers began to tingle like I was holding a vibrating phone which soon travelled all the way up to my lungs.

    I need air! revenge! Happiness! I WILL NOT DIE YET!! My mind kept screaming.

    I let out the rest of my air in a blood boiled scream that was muffled and mutated by the water taking its place.

    Black was soon covering the outside of my vision indicating that death was soon upon me.

    Horrific memories flashed before my eyes.

    NO! I will not die yet!

    I squished my eyes so hard my head hurt just to shake them out.

    That’s when I noticed it. The water was no longer smothering me but gently prodding me as if it had seen my past.

    All the depressing memories over 10 years of me crying myself to sleep or begging.

    The water now no longer wished to take my life and body down into its deep depths. I felt as if it wanted me to keep my promise to Albert. Like it was also sick of him and his ways.

    I closed my eyes. Only to see pictures of eyes with tears falling from them which flashed continually until I felt I under stood.

    It wanted revenge on the tears spilt not only from Albert but all the evil who have made people suffer the way I have.

    And before I knew it I could breath.

    Through the flashing memories I could feel my body start to transform. It felt like over whelming pleasure coursing through my veins.

    I opened my eyes slowly and looked down to My legs that was now a silver tail.

    Silver at my hips then merged into white until it went a midnight black at the bottom where a fish like fin was. I flicked it once seeing if I could control it and I unexpectedly shot through the water a few meters.

    My laughter was clear throughout the water it was a soft and gentle melodic tune that attracted all of the fish. They swam around me in their muddy brown and red forms. With Lobsters dancing around my tail.

    I flicked my tail again and again making me speed through the water, using my arms to help direct me where I wanted to go.

    I came to a sudden Halt as realisation hit me. I can move. I felt the current change making my now midnight black hair with white tips flow across my mouth.

    Flicking my tail up I shot through the waters surface twirling around so I could flip back down into the warm liquid that had become my friend.

    This is amazing!

    The water current changed me once again only to make me move on to shore where once I touched land all but my hair had changed back to normal.

    I waved my hand throughout the water in a thank you gesture, thanking it before I would walk away ready to commit to my promise.

    As I stood from my crouch a water sphere rose form The centre of the lake and headed straight towards me. Natural instincts made me put my hands up with palms out over my fact to Brace the impact but found to my surprise that it stopped hovering just above my open flat palm.

    ‘Close your hand’

    My wolf yipped happily as if she knew some thing I didn’t.

    I did as I was told and to my surprise when I clenched my fist the water evaporated.

    Opening them again the ball appeared.

    “I can control the water !”

    I screamed laughing at my new skill. I can make water come from thin air.

    But hushed down forgetting that I should’ve cheeked to make sure no one was here.

    ‘Straight ahead 12 o clock’

    ‘Why didn’t you say something?”

    ‘Didn’t really think about it till before.’

    Loren barked

    I shot my head up stupid wolf.

    “I know your there come out”

    I spoke with new found confidence.

    I didn’t care anymore that I was naked and neither did the man who emerged from the shadows and stalked over to me slowly.

    I’m guessing he was in his forties. With jet black hair and a few grey stands that obviously indicated stress. He had hard hazel eyes that looked criticising in every way. He was broad mussel kind of guy that was covered in a black T-shirt and den-nom jeans.

    “Impressive. I couldn’t help but over hear your scream for revenge from a few miles away. I’d like to help you and may I say this is a very rare opportunity pup.”

    My iris shown a different colour that day.

    A colour no other pack had not even a wild red rouge.

    My iris shone a deep blood red purple that lit up my revenge stricken smile. Helping me Give my answer without the slightest hesitation.


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