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    “I Albert Rice next alpha of Moonlight Guardian pack reject you Taylor Sterling as my mate and future Luna of this pack.”

    He slammed me up against the locker his signature smirk chiseled into place. The cool metal sunk deep into my sore muscles. As his warm rough hand was holding my wrists above my head and his body squishing down my fragile scarred one, his arm slowly digging into my collar bone. Was becoming excruciating and I knew I’d be left with a dark blue mark. But it wouldn’t be as bad as the cuts he had laid upon my heart when he said those words and my sole snapped.

    I was tortured and experimented on, abused and raped. These were the things that awaited me every night and day of my life by him, but now that I think about it, that wasn’t the worst part of it all.

    The worst part is that he knew all along.

    Every time he rapped me every time he shot deadly chemicals into my blood stream. Every bone he Broke he knew what I was to him. He let my hope thrive on the fact that I thought I would soon find somebody that would save me.

    My mate.

    He told me that if my mate would want me, he’d gladly hand me over. Giving me hope, a purpose to live for.

    I was prepared to forgive him for killing my parents in front of me as he slit their throats.

    I really was if he would’ve let me go with my destined.

    My wolf howled in anger and sadness as she too was broken from the rejection.

    I felt the last of our soles that had once been held by a few strands of happiness being cut away like tree bark.

    I was looking down at my feet when my whole body and aura shifted from a sweet and innocent girl to something dark and deadly.

    It fed me until I was full. I consumed it and it me.

    I loved it and so did my wolf.

    It wasn’t good nor bad but powerful.

    Raising my head to the disgusting bore I store into his amused eyes waiting for the moment I scream in pain at the rejection.

    I couldn’t help but see a figure outside the cream window but at the same time nothing. Like I knew someone was watching but I couldn’t seem to see them but I knew they were there.

    I know now why he waited to tell me.

    It was so he could see me die slowly as my wolf left me. He wanted to see the hope drain from me so I was nothing but a mindless puppet.

    Only she wasn’t howling anymore in pain but for vengeance and we would give it to him.

    After all we have another mate out there.

    Yes, that’s right each wolf has two mates in case they get rejected, but the likelihood of finding them is another story.

    “I’m going to kill you. I’m gonna make you scream in pain as I slowly peel the flesh off you bones.”

    I gritted my teeth making each word come out with angered spit

    I wanted to rip the pathetic things he calls balls off with a silver knife and shove them so far up his ass that not even a specialist couldn’t find them.

    My wolf growled in agreement.

    We were both so filled with hope the moment We smelt him. The smell of chocolate and mint.

    His just laughed at my death threat as his future beta Rex and third in command Ryan came and stood by him. Also, known as the double R’s. They were Staring at me with the usual lust and disgust before they raped me.

    I wasn’t scared anymore and I could tell they knew, because their eyes turned pitch black with gold shining around the iris.

    (Let me explain every pack has their own colour that surrounds the iris when angry, or getting intimate with their mate. Or when they are in their wolf form.

    Moonlight Guardian packs colour is a vibrant gold.)2

    “Hey fellas Don’t you think Taylor has over stayed her welcome.”

    Albert smirked obviously, mind linking the others at the same time.

    He wrenched my body flush against him. Giving my head whip lash before Slapping his hand down on my mouth so I couldn’t call for help as he dragged me easily out of the schools hall way, past the parking lot and into the Forrest.

    Rex and Ryan were flanked either side of him as he dragged my pathetically struggling body to the edge of a lake in the middle of no mans land which was 6 miles east of the territory and 1 mile from the school.

    It was a beautiful place when you first see it but when you get to know what happens here you never want to return.

    There were yellow flowers blossoming around the ridge of the calm watered lake.

    “Let’s show this bitch her place.”

    He turned his head so That he was looking into my grey eyes.

    “You really shouldn’t have threatened me Taylor, ah to bad that you learnt it late.”

    He shoved me towards Rex and Ryan who store at me as my long sleeved shirt ripped from the back by Albert tearing it off from the force he pushed me with.

    I landed in Ryan’s arms wearing just my bra and shorts.

    Ryan gripped my shoulders turning me around to see Albert laying down playing with a blade of grass next to a small yellow daisy, completely uninterested in Rex who bent down in front me as I struggled to get away.

    “Stand still!” I heard Albert’s alpha voice come out to play as he would call it. He was now in control of my body.

    I watched in horror as Rex unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down so they rested at my ankles.

    “Please Rex. Don’t do this. I only want revenge on him-“

    I shot my glance at the now smirking Albert.

    And back down to an amused Rex.

    “Trust me Tay darling you won’t be doing anything after tonight.”

    The nick name they gave me was Tay

    They only said it when things like this happened so people didn’t get suspicious. Not that they ever would be. No one cared for me anymore.

    All three of them began to laugh as Rex pulled down my under wear and Ryan unclipped my bra letting them both hit the ground long with the still remaining tears I had.

    Albert stood up and walked over to me the grass muffling his footsteps his eyes black ringed with the brightest gold.

    Smiling he looked into my eyes and cupped my breast making the shooting tingles go through me.

    I muffled a moan to which he snorted at before lowering his head and brushing his lips on mine so that the most tormented pain burst through my heart. From where he last touched me.

    A searing red S, now covered my left breast marking me like he had done when I was 15 on my back bone above my bum.


    Here let me explain. Every alpha and Luna will develop a special gift when they first take rule but the one gift they are given is the power o claiming. No not like how a mate claims a mate. It more like branding.


    A pain full of lust and shear burning from his rejection.


    I screamed at the top of my lungs making him flinch back, backhanding me so hard I swear he had Brocken something from the metallic taste in my mouth.

    ‘Don’t show him. Don’t get to angry or he’ll find out.’3

    My wolf spoke calmly even though she wanted to rip him apart just as much.

    we’ve put up with too much of this shit.

    ‘I know. But this will be the last time, I promise’

    Trust me.’


    I replied without hesitation

    None of them new I had a wolf. They never inquired probably because of all the experiments they had done they thought my wolf was probably dead.

    “Make me” he sneered with the others laughing. Breaking me out of my conversation with Loren my wolf.

    For hours, they played with my body I remained in a mantra to suppress my anger. Usually I would have cried and begged but not this time. It’s like something finally clicked inside me but I don’t know what.

    When they were done, I was dragged to the edge of the lake my head turning from the way they picked me up so I was now staring into the setting sun gleaming on the waters surface.

    They zipped back up their pants and stared down at me. Obviously mind linking one another. Their expressions completely blank.

    “Somethings different. She’s not crying anymore. Usually she cries the whole time.”

    Rex said looking towards Albert for an explanation to which Albert just shrugged replying

    “Which is all the more reason to get rid of her. I mean where’s the fun if she doesn’t even beg.”

    Both of them snickered to one another and turned their heads in my direction.

    He was looking down at my body with a disgusted expression and then kicked me in the ribs making me grunt trying to catch my breath.

    “I don’t know man! I don’t think I could do that. I mean what we just did was bad but wanting to kill her is taking this too far. I mean look at her….” Ryan pointed at me.” I can’t do it. No I won’t do it.” He looked at me and back at Albert silently pleading.

    “Look Ryan either you grow some balls and help or she’ll go around telling everyone what we’ve been doing to her” Albert said obviously putting venoms into his voice.

    “She’s never done it before why start now.”

    Ryan asked confused.

    Ah so he doesn’t know that he rejected me as his mate.

    I just giggled a little until finally breaking out laughing with all three guys staring at me like I lost my marbles. Which I probably have.

    “No man I can’t do it. We’ve fucking broken her look!” Concern laced his voice.

    “All right if you don’t want to that’s fine but you will lose your place as third in command and if you leave you will not tell anyone about what we have done.”

    Albert spoke abusing his alpha tone.

    Ryan’s face held so much shock from what Albert said before turning around and stopping a few times until completely walking off into the Forrest leaving me with a smiling Albert and Rex.

    Albert turned his attention back to me before grasping my ankles and Rex holding my wrists rising me into the air.

    “Any last words Tay? I mean let’s just say this is a parting gift from the both of us.” Rex laughed they both waited for me to answer.

    “Yea. You guys better watch your backs and sleep with a knife under your pillows cause I’ll be back and when I return I’m gonna kill you by cutting off those pathetic sultanas you call balls.”

    I spoke through a smile adding an innocent tone.

    It’s like I’m a completely different person.

    “Have fun with that in the afterlife.” Rex muttered obviously wanting to get this over and done with so he could probably go fuck some other girl or rat because of what I just called his pair.

    They swung me a few times and threw me in the air with Albert yelling at me to remain frozen.


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