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    I was moving. I was moving around from the place that I had called home for so long. I wasn’t sure what was out there and whether or not I would like it but that didn’t matter for now. I was leaving. I was leaving behind my pack, my mate and my previous life.

    No one had waved me off. Lucy had gone out of town this week and I was fairly sure that she didn’t know I was leaving. She’d probably call me when she comes back. I think she was on a holiday trip with her mate.

    I didn’t mind that no one was there, I didn’t have to say goodbye. I could just pack my bags into the pack of the van and go. A lot of the stuff had been sent over to Ken and Riley but my stuff was coming with me. It felt weird and empty – I hated seeing the house this way.

    It felt as if all my memories were gone along with it but I had to move on. I knew this was going to happen and now I needed to face it.

    I let a small cross my face as I sat in the mover’s van. There was the driver and I in the front of the van. I was fairly sure that the driver was from the Royal’s pack.

    Ten hours to go.

    I was four at the time – or maybe five – but I remember walking around the pack land. I loved to look throughout the trees. Sometimes I saw flashes but the guard would move me away and storm into the forest.

    But one times they didn’t, a small boy reached the boarder. His hair quite rugged and messy. He looked tired and malnourished. I held my hand out to him but I’d remember he flinched away.

    “Hello?” My little voice spoke. I wasn’t very threatening but the boy seemed to think so. I let out a sigh. “Are you okay? My name’s-“

    “Go away!” He spat out. “I don’t want you near me go away!” He whispered the last part but I could hear him – I guess he didn’t want to draw any attention to himself.

    “I can help you.” I suggested. “I can get you some food and water-“

    “I don’t need your charity.” His angry voice was heard.

    “You look like you need it.” I remarked. “Stop being so stubborn and let me get you at least a slice of bread and some water.” He contemplated for a moment – weighing out his options.

    “Won’t you get in trouble? For helping a rogue that is?” He asked me, his voice slowly becoming more friendlier.

    “They won’t know.” I waved my hand in disregard. “Unless you tell them but if you set foot in our land then you’ll be a dead man.”

    “My name’s Axel.” He smiled at me, the lie was clear.

    “Your real name?” I asked him with crossed arms.

    “I can’t say.” Axel responded. “Maybe in the future.”

    From then on, I’d visit Axel and give him food and drink in secret. We’d discovered a cave that intertwined with both my pack and rogue land. We usually had small little picnics. He kept his name in secret and that made me keep my own secret.

    However, that was until the day my parent’s died, I had rushed out to see if Axel was okay after hearing the news of their death and he wasn’t there, only a patch of his blood and the tears of my grief.

    Three hours to go.

    “There’s a cafe here, I have to refill the tank so take your time.” I nodded towards him getting out of the van and moving over to the cafe.

    As soon as I stepped into the cafe I could sense that this was pack territory and a wolf owned this cafe. I gulped slightly even though I had permission to pass through their territory. As I sat down on one of the tables, someone instantly came up to my table with a small menu.

    She sniffed the air subtly. “What can I help you with?” She smiled brightly at me but it was obvious that she was trying to pick up as much information as she could.

    “I haven’t look yet but I’ll call when I need any help.” I smiled softly, she nodded turning away and regrouping with the other employees. Their stares weren’t subtly either.

    I looked through the menu and selected a waffle with chocolate sauce. I quickly ordered but that didn’t change the group from staring at me.

    In a second, the waffles were out and someone sat themselves across from me. She had black hair along with an  overly cheery face.

    “Hi?” I spoke, unsure of what she was doing in front of me.

    “Hey, you are not from around here, are you?” She said and I shook my head.

    “No I am moving packs actually.” I smiled softly.

    “Really?” Her eyes sparkled with curiously. “I’m Natalie, where did you come from and where are you heading?”

    “I’m from the Full Moon Pack heading to the Royal Pack though.” I told her with a small laugh. “I’m Megan.”

    “The Royal Pack, huh?” She questioned and I nodded. “Good luck over there, I’ve heard the Alpha is cruel.” I couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

    “I am moving there to see my sister, I want to forgive her but I don’t think I can.” I admitted. “Anyway, I’ll be fine, I’ll manage… hopefully.”

    “Good luck.” I went to pay for the waffle. “It’s on the house, maybe you could visit here sometime in the future.”

    “Okay.” I simply said.

    It was strange how easy it was to make friends with an absolute stranger, it gave me more confidence going into the Royal Pack. Maybe this would be easier than I’d originally thought. Maybe my sister and I could actually get along.

    Maybe everything would be okay.


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