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    My hands delicately pressed the buttons but I didn’t click the call button. I was contemplating my decision for the past hour. I had dared call it earlier but was glad to hear her voicemail. I had to run this by my Alpha first, I needed to set things up before I decided to move for real.

    I stumbled down the hallway towards my Alpha’s office. I could hear him moving around within it. I sorted out what I was wearing – I was trying to look smart and presentable. I knocked on the door, my fist more affirmative this time like I knew what I wanted.

    I heard his response within the second. “Wait outside please.” I nodded and walked to a comfortable chair that laid conveniently outside his office.

    Hey Alpha-

    No too informal.

    Dear Alpha-

    No that sounds like I am writing a letter and Luna may get a bit posessive.

    Alpha, I was wondering-


    Alpha, I would like to move to the Royal’s Pack to rekindle with my sister who I still hold a grudge against.

    Too personal.

    Alpha, I would like to move to the Royal’s Pack due to the fact that my sister has formally invited me to stay with her.


    Alpha, I would like to move to the Royal’s Pack due to my finicial issue. My sister has accomidation set up for me over there and her Alpha approves.

    Half-true, I wasn’t sure whether she had set up accomidation and told the Alpha but I’d hope she does when I call her. I won’t forgive her straight away but I feel that this an oppunity that I couldn’t let go of.

    “Come in.” The Alpha’s gruffy voice was heard as I stood up straightening out my shirt.

    I walked towards the door and opened the door. He sat on his chair, his eyes held black bags. It was strange, this had happened over a weekend. What had made him so stressed?

    “Alpha.” I acknowledged with a nod.

    “Megan.” He responded with the same action but his nod was quite weary compared to his usual strong nod.

    “Alpha, I would like to move to the Royal’s Pack due to my finicial issue. My sister has accomidation set up for me over there and her Alpha approves.” His eyes enlarged slightly- taken back by my words. He stood up for a moment and sat down again.

    “What has brought this on, Megan?” He asked me. “I can not grant you permission without a valid reason.” He agrued. I nodded in understanding.

    What was I suppose to tell him?

    I want to leave because three months ago, your youngest brother rejected me as his mate and I finally accepted it and I just want to leave and have a fresh start.

    I let out a deep sigh. “Rejection…” I drawled. The Alpha looked surprised.

    “Wha-? I am shocked Megan.” He voice quite deep. “I hadn’t realised, this is not acceptable. Tell me the member.” He demanded.

    “I-I can’t!” I told him.

    I can’t break the bond between two brothers, that’d be cruel. I wouldn’t stoop. I wouldn’t.

    “Tell me.” His eyes turning into a dark swirl of blue and black. His Alpha tone coming through demanding for the name yet I still didn’t answer.

    “I’m sorry Alpha but no.” I stared him straight in the eye holding my power over his own.

    “Will you grant me permission to leave your pack and transfer to the Royal’s pack?” The Alpha let out a deep sigh.

    “I, Alpha Henri, grant you, Megan Anders, permission to move to the Royal’s pack.” I felt a string break within me. “In a week, all ties with this pack with be broken, during that time you can settle into your new pack and hopefully – finally – be happy.”

    I let a smile cross my face. “Thank you Alpha.”

    I finally built up the courage to call Alena’s number. I didn’t trust – not yet anyway. I conversed with Ken before making this call, he was all for it telling me that I was doing the right thing. It felt as if everything was flowing.

    I was relieved that the pain of rejection was no longer on my shoulder.

    I was relieved to have a new start.

    I was relieved to move away from Ace.

    After a few rings, a female voice was heard. “Hey?” The voice was confused – probably due to the fact that she didn’t have my number – and sounded slightly stressed.

    “Hey it’s Megan.” I spoke, a small squeal was heard on the other end of the phone.

    “Megan?” She questioned out loud. “Oh my Moon Goddess, Megan!” I could feel her grin, that’s how delighted her voice sounded.

    “I haven’t forgiven you.” I spoke quickly. “I’m not sure how long it’ll take but I haven’t forgive you.” I stated.

    “Oh…” She spoke slowly and slightly sadly. “I understand, completely.” She then continued. “I will try make things right Megan, really.”

    “I hope so.” I said. “I am accepting your offer.”

    “My offer?” She sounded confused. “Oh! My offer! You are going to come? Really? That’s great.” Her voice bright.

    “Uh, is the Alpha okay with that?” I asked her – unsure.

    “Oh yeah, he’ll be fine with it, I’m the Beta’s mate.” She spoke proudly. My eyebrows rose in surprise in shock.

    “Whoa, I didn’t expect that.” I said.

    “Neither did I.” She admitted. “Everything will be set up, when do you think you’ll be coming.”

    “In the next few days, most likely Wednesday.” It was currently Monday so that shouldn’t be a problem.

    “We’ll send a mover’s van.” She proclaimed.

    “No, no, no.” I denied.

    “Seriously, it’ll be there Wednesday morning at ten.” I let out a sighed.

    “Okay, thanks Alena.”

    “I can’t wait!” She squealed and I hung up.

    I had to get used to her, even though I have not forgiven her, I couldn’t cast her out. This was another oppunity – one to mend the bond between two sisters – I couldn’t miss out.


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