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    I started to make my way to the Alpha’s office ignoring the pain that I still felt from the rejection. I had started to get used it the numbling, painful feeling and now it was subtle but there – a little reminder of my downfall.

    The pack house was empty as I’d thought. Most of the children were off at school or at the daycare whilst the parents were working either within the pack or outside the pack. If you worked inside the pack, you automatically got a room within the pack house but if you did not then you had to pay for your own homes and only live within in the pack house if there was an emergancy.

    It was very exclusive to live in the pack house and most lived on the first floor working their ways up to the third floor – each better than the last. On the fourth floor was for orphans in which a pack nanny lived too. Lastly the fifth floor was for the third-in-command, the sixth was for the Beta and the seventh was for the Alpha which joined up with the loft conversion. Overall, spaces were limited in the house.

    I carefully made my way through the hallway and towards the stairs. I would have to walk to the fifth floor which was both where the offices were and where the third-in-command lived. Once I had made the journey up the stairs, I stumbled up to his office door.

    Listening slightly to make sure he was not in a meeting, I brought my fist up to knock on the door. Soon the light sounds rang through the air along with a response of “come in”. I polietly entered and stood waiting for permission to sit down.

    “You may sit.” He spoke tiredlessly. I did as so and placed my clamming hands together trying to lose some nerves. “I was actually trying to find you recently. You haven’t been around lately.” His eyes narrows, I unconsiously gulp.

    “I’m sorry Alpha. I have been in my house that’s all.” I replied polietly.

    “Yes, I assumed so.” His voice trailing slightly. “Is this a similar request like your brothers?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

    “N-no! Not at all Alpha.” I bowed my head. “I have been requested by my brother to join him at the Golden Moon pack for a family weekend if that is okay.” I spoke unsure of the response.

    “Ah!” The Alpha suddenly spoke. “Yes, family week. Ours is soon as well.” He spoke moreso to himself than I. “Very well, who am I to get in the way of family?”

    “Thank you so much Alpha! I’ll be back Sunday night!” I responded with surprise and happiness. I was actually very excited to see my brother, I hadn’t seen him in three months. I started to get up when the Alpha’s hand halted me.

    “Wait.” He spoke with strength and power. “I do have something important to speak to you about.” I sat down slowly.

    “Yes Alpha?” I asked and he smiled gently.

    “As you may know a new family are arriving into our pack from the Blue Sky pack.” I nodded my head a couple times. “And without a source of income, you have overstayed a month in your house.” My mouth gaped slightly. Was he serious?

    My house was part of the pack like many houses. Over the years, we’d managed to get by for free in it due to our mother and father’s death. It was probably due to the fact that I was no longer a child and had to face up. Rejection had just been so hard on me and I couldn’t feel any motivation. I didn’t even know what I wanted to do.

    “In all respect Alpha, that house is my home. Surely I can make it up to you.” I pleaded. He shook his head.

    “The deal has been done. The Stu family will be moving into that house by the end of the month, understand?” His voice made me feel as if it was a command even though I knew better. It was a very strong request.

    “Yes Alpha.” I let my head drop in understanding and sadness.

    “I’ll be seeing you soon Megan.” He told me and I nodded picking myself up and removing myself from the room.

    When the door banged close, I let a sob erupt from my throat until tears were falling down my face at a rapid rate. It seemed that luck was not on my side at all. All I felt was despair but I needed hope more than ever. Maybe this weekend would be good for me.

    As I continued to cry, I made my way to Lucy’s room. We had hardly spoke – mostly texted – and I felt my self slamming myself onto her door. Quick footsteps were heard as she opened the door, seeing my state and hugging my close. Her mate stood behind her, unsure of what to do. Lucy shooed him away which he obliged.

    “T-they… they’re making me move!” I stated. Lucy was trying to calm me down. “I-I-I just c-can’t believe it, y-you know?” I sobbed.

    “I know, it’s okay.” Lucy spoke attempting to comfort me and it was working slightly. The pain I felt was still there but the tears were slowly ending.

    “I-I can’t do this.” I stated. “Where am I going to live?” I let out.

    “There’s always room for you here.” Lucy stated with a small smile. Her light blonde hair staying static.

    “Thanks Luce.” I told her simply but gratefully.

    She continued to comfort me until I felt better. In the beginning of my rejection, I hadn’t told her as she had recently met her mate – I didn’t want to be a burden – but a month in, I told her. She understood completely and helped me through most of it. I was happy to have her as a friend. Even though the pain was immense and I hardly saw her, her small texts of support sometimes brightened my day.

    I was making my way back when I bumped into Ace. His hair rugged and his clothing out of place. My eyes narrowed slightly, my heart bumping at an excerlerated speed and my mind a twisted mess. The bond was clearly still there and his eyes pleading as if wanting me to just accept it and move on.

    I don’t know why but part of me just wanted to hold onto this bond. If I accepted, I wouldn’t be able to feel anything like this again. All the pain was worth it just to feel this bond.

    “Hi.” He spoke. His voice sounded like cobble. “How are you doing?” He asked me with a tight, fake smile.

    I am terrible. I’ve spent most of my time cooped up in my house without being aware that I would be kicked out in the following months. Oh and did you know that it feels like a million knives are being stabbed into my back everytime I see you with Maddie and did you know that when I think about you for just a moment, it feels as if someone rips my internal organs out. My wolf refused to speak to me in the beginning only to tell me not to accept your rejection and did you know how much that hurt?

    “I’m good, I see Maddie’s pregnant?”

    Pregnant with your baby which should be my baby. She’s happy and blissful. He’s happy and full of pride. They are the perfect family. Maddie for the third-in-command’s family and Ace from the Alpha’s. They are perfection.

    “Yeah.” He spoke awkwardly. “Three months actually.” I raised my eyebrow.

    “Three months? Must be great.” I gritted my teeth.

    Must be great that no one knows that I am your mate so you are not frowned upon for rejection.

    “Look Megan, you have to accept it, I am begging you at this point.” His eyes pleading. “I can’t be happy until this is gone.”

    You can’t be happy until our bond is broken? He doesn’t care for me at all. He never really did. This is about him and Maddie, it’s always about him and Maddie.

    “I-I just can’t Ace.” His name like acid in my throat.

    “I know you can move on just like I did. You are an amazing girl Megan.”

    You’re a great girl.

    You’ll find someone better.

    I’m sorry I disappointed you.

    You’re a beautiful girl with lots of potential.

    “I-I can’t deal with this.” His face, one of sorrow. “I’m sorry.” I then turned and walk away to the once place I felt safe.



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