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    I’d missed the graduation ceremony as I sprinted to the forest to cry. The pain was worse than I’d ever imagined and as the second went by, it increased.

    Soon, my body started to break creating fire that burned throughout my body. My voice screamed out for no one to hear as the shattering sound of my bones were heard. Screaming and crying, the slow shift began.

    Moments later, I was staring at myself in the lake. Moving my head from side to side staring at those dark brown eyes that my wolf held. I let a small smile appear on my wolf’s face. She had beautiful brown fur that blended with different shades. The left ear held a unique colour of white whilst the other one remained brown.

    About three months had passed and the pain had developed immensely. I’d never have thought that rejection would’ve felt as it did. In the beginning, my wolf had shut me out; Ken and Riley had moved to the Golden Moon pack (unaware of my current situation) and I hadn’t told Lucy as she had recently found her mate.

    Loneliness was unfortunately always there along with a a never-ending pain. It felt as though someone had grabbed a knife and launched it into my heart shattering it with no hesitation.

    Words can not describe the pain I felt when I saw him.

    So as I wither in my sadness and slumber in the darkness, I can’t help but think of what to do. I had no job, no mate, no relatives (nearby) and no friends currently available. This pack had nothing for me yet it had everything.

    The house – a large house – laid dormant on a small hill behind the pack house; looking over the meadows and complementing the forest. Memories stayed within this home from the first time I’d pulled a tantrum leaving a black biro pen all over my walls. We’d never managed to get it out and then procrastinated in removing it. Even my sister’s room stayed intact. Her young self with band posters all over the walls and the dark purple and grey colours glistening still on her walls. My brother’s room painted a slick grey colour. His room held simplicity.

    Snuggling up into my covers further, I noticed my phone ringing. I held it up to my face scrunching my eyes at the blinding light. I looked at the called ID. It was only Ken. I picked up.

    “Hey.” My voice was simple and less perky as it should’ve been. During these few weeks, Ken had picked up on it and sometimes question it. “What’s up?” I tried to perk up but I could feel my failure.

    “Hey. I was just wondering whether you wanted to pop up to our place this weekend. It’s family week over here and just wanted to see.” His voice slightly pleading. I let out a sigh letting my hand comb through my hair.

    “Maybe.” I said to him. “I haven’t been feeling well lately.” It was the half-truth. My mate rejecting me and caused pit in my stomach that had made me inevitable hurl.

    “It’s fine if you can’t.” He spoke smoothly. “I asked Alena to come as well.” He conjured up. My eyebrows raised.

    “Seriously?” I asked incredulously. “I sent her an email a couple of weeks ago and no response.” I’d always try and keep in contact even without replies.

    “Oh? We’ve been emailing quite a lot recently. She’s really happy – mate and all.” Ken told me happily.

    It broke my heart. Alena was happy with a mate and I was stuck here wailing about mine. I really did need to do something.

    A question that had been in my mind for the longest time was;

    Should I accept his rejection?

    I didn’t want to let it go. For months, I had waited for him to come and apologise but it never happened. His relationship with Maddie had developed much more. They were engaged – she’s pregnant. I didn’t-don’t know what to do.

    Accepting it would make the pain go away but it would mean that I’d lose all my chances of a perfect life.

    “You still there?” Ken asked and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.

    “Uh, yeah sorry about that just thinking.” I admitted.

    “You thinking?” He gasped and I snorted.


    “I know.”

    “Anyway, you know what. I’ll come.” I told Ken and I heard a girly scream in the background – Riley.

    “Riley would’ve came and got you if not.” I rolled my eyes. As if Ken would let her.

    “Whatever. See you this weekend, you’re picking me up.” I told him and he groaned.

    “You have a car use it.” He snapped.

    “No I don’t. You took our car with you.” I rolled my eyes.

    “Right…” He spoke slowly. “So Saturday eleven?” He asked.

    “Sounds good.” I replied. I hung up on him letting a hand go through my face along with a sigh. This should be fun.


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