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    When I had just turned the age of one, I was dropped off at the edge of the pack land. I don’t remember the day much, but I can remember the fear. The feeling of dread, discomfort that twisted through my tiny frame as if something bad had happened. A feeling of uselessness which had left a dent in my heart.

    I know what they told me. They told me that I was unwanted. They told me that I was lucky to have arrived at such a compassionate pack. They told me that I was one of them now.

    During the first few weeks, I had been transferred into a family within the pack which consisted of two children – a daughter (Alena) and a son (Ken) – and their parents. Alena was noteably older than her brother – around seven years older – and she looked undeniably like her mother. The boy was merely fourteen months when I arrived.

    I was told basic information that they’d found out about me. My birthday was among that and I was glad to keep at least a little part of myself.

    During the years, I grew much closer with my adoptive brother. We’d act as if we were twins in school due to our ages being so close and they would believe us. It was much more natural to say that we were twins than truly explaining my situation which I was banned to mention anyway. Alena – my adoptive sister – was a different story though, I don’t think she ever found it in her heart to accept me which lowered my self-esteem especially as a werewolf.

    Werewolves were known to strive on acceptance – to be part of the pack – so this caused me to feel dejected. This is why rogues usually had no emotion. They locked out their wolf’s emotions to avoid the feeling of rejection, although some were just pure evil – as I was told.

    However, a few year later – around four – when I was at the age of of five, my adoptive parents had passed away in a fire which caused the distance between Alena and I to increase but it was the complete opposite in regards to Ken. Ken and I grew close quite quickly whilst Alena turned rather cold.

    Around three years later, Alena had left to join the Royal Pack as a pack doctor. She was only fifteen but during the years of blocking us out, she’d studied and studied so she could leave and have a better life – away from her real troubles. I knew that she found me partially to blame for ‘our’ parents death but she would never dare say it.

    I didn’t want her to go. I’d heard to stories about the Royal Pack and how savage they really were. Even if she didn’t partially like me very much, I still cared for her well-being. I’d heard that they had killed the previous pack doctor due to him not being able to save a warrior – a life for a life. Apparently, the pack never used to be like this but after the King and Queen’s decease, the kingdom had become darker and I didn’t know what to think about it all.

    When Ken, ‘my’ brother, turned eighteen he found his mate. An elegant girl who held the title of a Beta’s daughter. The Beta of course had a son also so he was pleased to see his daughter mate with Ken. I was just in pure bliss that Ken was happy. It made me ruminate about my mate.

    Who would he be?

    What title would he have?

    What if he’s a rogue?

    But I knew through all of that, I would love him. I wouldn’t mind if he was an omega or a rogue. I wouldn’t even mine if I got Randy Jackson who is still as immature as a four year old. I wouldn’t mind because this was my mate. The person that the Moon Goddess had decided that I should be with and I wouldn’t deny him – never.

    I also often wondered about my wolf. Many had said that men receive their wolf increasingly earlier than women but it’s untrue. It’s just a way to make men feel more superior. Just like men, women shifted when they turned eighteen. Like my mate, I’d wonder about my wolf too.

    What would be her name?

    How old is she?

    Will she like me?

    The last question left my pondering for hours making my body an anxious mess. Ken had always tried to confer with me about the situation explaining the wolves could never hate their human but I still felt an unhealthy amount of trepidation.

    “It’ll be fine.” He assured clamping his hands together to make a point. His brown hair flowing slightly as we sat on the bench outside our home. “My wolf has assured me that wolves never hate their human unless the human has caused them to reject their love. You’re completely fine, May.” I let out a deep sigh in response.

    “Well what if I accidentally reject my mate without knowing.” I stressed. My mind racing with all outcomes. “My wolf would never speak to me thinking I was stupid.” Ken laughed – no, he was in hysterics.

    “What?… How?… You’re hilarious May. How are you going to accidentally reject your mate. It’s just not possible.” He wipes his eyes to remove the fake tears.

    “I’m serious.” I narrow my eyes. “What if he already knows I’m his mate and wants to reject me. Will my wolf hate me then? Please don’t hate me wolf, I don’t mean to be rejectable.”

    After a few more laughs, Ken’s face straightened. “First off, rejectable is not a word. Two, I’m sure you are fine, it’s highly unlikely for rejection to occur.” I nodded calming some nerves. “And anyway, if he rejects you, he would become weaker. No wolf would want to be weak.”

    “I guess so but promise me this Ken…” He looked up at me, his face curious. “Promise me that if rejection did occur and I was left heart-broken, do not let me become rogue. Okay?”

    His face was in a state of awe. “Why would you want to become rogue anyway?”

    “Because I am not sure how I will function if I was rejected. Just promise me.”

    He let his hand slip through his hair. “Yes I promise.” I smiled brightly at him.

    “Now invite that mate of yours over. When are you two moving in together again?” I teased. His face blushed as bright as a tomato.

    “After school, you know this.” He grumbled.

    I squeezed his cheeks. “Just double checking.” I teased as he shook my hands away. I laughed at his action. “Anyway, how’s the application coming?” I asked him.

    He had requested into joining a programme that allowed his to research the mythical power that certain wolves hold. A white or black wolf was deemed extremely powerful and a silver wolf was known to be quite power. He’d always been curious about this aspect of the werewolf world and he enjoyed finding out more.

    His face instantly brightened. “It’s all done and dusted. I’ve just got to ask the Alpha for permission.” He told me. I smiled at him proudly but then laughed.

    “Surely you should have asked the Alpha before writing the application doofus.” He rolled his eyes.

    “I brought it up a while ago. He seemed all for it.” I nodded. “Plus they said that I would be provided with accommodation for my mate… and future family.” His red face caused me to laugh. “Anyway it’s great and I get paid to do research. It’s a dream.”

    “As long as you visit you little ole sister, I’m happy for you.” I smiled.

    “You do realise that ole means old, right…? You just called yourself little and old. Make up your mind woman.” He joked.

    “I hate you.” I responded with a role of the eyes.


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