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    What does it mean to be a Pureblood? Part of the strongest, biggest, most powerful families in the werewolf world? Part of a legendary bloodline that’s been around for centuries?

    It means that my brother is a stinking moron.

    He’s the Alpha of our pack and technically the Alpha of me. Which is unnecessary to me at all because I don’t need someone to boss me around. But he’s the only family I have left.

    He sent me away to an insanely boring town, with only three stop lights, to live out my entire life.

    I hate it here. I only had one friend and my caretaker Scarlett was the only one who knew that I was a wolf. No one could find out.

    It was so frustrating I wanted to scream. I felt trapped. I wanted to be free.

    He said it was for my safety, for my protection. But I couldn’t see why living in this town would make me any safer. I would be better off living with the pack, but my brother forced me to stay here.

    Usually, wolves wouldn’t go to school at all. We were too busy with duties and stuff. But I needed to fit in with the humans so I had to go.

    If Albert hadn’t sent me here, I would be back at home training or patrolling our borders. Something fun.

    And school was no fun as well.

    I was beginning another year, my second year of high school.

    But I wasn’t nervous. Because there were only four hundred people, including teachers, in the entire school. Everyone pretty much knew each other and we never got new kids. I’ve been going to this school since year three, I would know. I was the last student to transfer in a long time.

    An insanely boring town indeed just like I said.

    And I, Amelia Pureblood, would do anything for my freedom.

    “Pureblood,” I spun around and saw my best friend, also my only friend, Keith run up to me. His brown hair was messy like always, probably since he never sleeps for more than six hours. Unlike me, Keith actually does his work while I kind of “accidentally” forget to do it.

    Albert can deal with it.

    “Ken,” I retorted, hating the sound of my last name.

    “Did you do your math homework?” He asked as we headed for lunch. Keith and I had almost every class together, considering how small the school was. Math was my worst subject and he wanted to tutor me but I told him that would be wasting his time. No one could save me in terms of math.

    “What do you think?” I asked innocently.

    “Well, it counts for ten percent of our grade, Amy!”

    “Oops. Please forgive me, I was doing something else that was more important.” I grinned and he grinned back. He only did school work because he was a senior and wanted to get into a good college.

    “Like what?” He asked playfully.

    “Watching my toenails grow.”

    Keith chuckled and we sat down at our usual table, as far away as possible from Sofia Green and that whole cheerleader table. She and her friends thought that they were better than everyone else just because they had rich parents.

    And before I even begin to explain Sofia Green, just know that she spilled pasta all over me last year and called me a bitch. Me the bitch.

    Ever since, she’s been trying to make my life a living hell.

    I vowed revenge on her. Keith would like to help, too. He already had some pretty good ideas. Like putting glue in her shampoo bottle.

    “So, did you hear from your brother?” Keith asked while taking a huge bite, yes, a huge bite into his burger. He ate like six meals a day.

    Keith also knew about Albert, but only to some extent. I always complained about him. He knew that my brother lived in Canada and that he sent me here five years ago. I told him I was waiting for a call from Albert so I could come home. But I didn’t tell him anything else.

    “Not yet.” Although I’m pretty sure it was safe to go home, Albert was overprotective of me. He was paranoid that hunters would try and kill me.

    “When was the last you heard from him?”

    Harper’s induction into the pack, which was a summer ago. Three months.

    “A few months.” I answered and watched as he finished his first sandwich and moved on to his second.

    Keith was such a glutton.

    “Not too bad. I remember when my brother-” Keith stopped talking, his breath caught in his throat.

    “Are you okay?” I asked, having no idea why he was acting so weird. He had this glazed look in his eyes but it soon disappeared.

    “Yeah, just-“

    “Am I interrupting?” Sofia suddenly cut in, standing in front of us. Her lips were turned in a pout and her eyes were unfriendly.

    She was holding a cup of coffee, which at first I didn’t see. But then she lifted the cup and all I could see was brown liquid splashing in my eyes.

    Yes, Sofia just threw her coffee at me.

    Keith stood up from his seat and looked at me in shock.

    “My bad,” Sofia smirked and the rest of the cafeteria laughed along with her friends.

    I was always good at controlling my wolf. I was always the peaceful one who never turned to anger.

    But not this time.

    My temper snapped and I had this violent urge to break her neck.

    I gritted my teeth and actually growled. I felt my eyes flash amber.

    Sofia blinked at me, stepping back a bit.

    “Did you just growl at me?” She asked, crossing her arms.

    She’s not worth, she’s just a stupid snotty brat, she’s not worth it.

    My wolf disagreed.

    Kill her. Let her pay. She deserved it. My wolf was irritated, annoyed that no one knew that I was more powerful than all the humans here.

    I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the cafeteria, utterly humiliated. I had to get out here before I revealed the whole supernatural world to everybody.

    I ran down an empty hall and leaned against a wall, trying to calm my breathing. I needed to calm down. I wouldn’t phase and kill anyone. Not even Sofia, no matter how much I wanted.

    “Amy, calm down!” I heard Keith shout and I closed my eyes, trying to supress the wolf inside of me. I felt my wolf push against me and I knew she was winning.

    “Go away!” I said through gritted teeth.

    I can’t do this! I’m going to phase!

    “Focus on your anchor!” He yelled and my eyes flew wide open. I stepped back, my breathing ragged.

    Did I hear him right? Did he just say anchor?

    I was so stunned that my anger disappeared.

    “How do you know about that?” I gasped, looking into his eyes. My legs trembled and I grabbed the wall for support.

    He just stood there, watching me.

    After a few seconds, Keith cleared his throat nervously. Finally, he spoke, “Because I know you’re a werewolf.”


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