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    Shivering. I clung to my brother’s hand, squeezing it so tight he tried to shake me off. He always held my hand, ever since we were toddlers. Even if I was close to cutting off the circulation to his hand.

    Albert shoved me behind him, blocking my view of what was going on. I could only hear what was happening. I was curious. My parents always said that I was still a kid, and I wouldn’t understand adult stuff yet. Was this adult stuff?

    I peeked around my brother and saw my Daddy on the floor, clutching his side. His clothes were soaked in blood as he tried to stand on his feet. He hissed as he fell down again and picked his head up to stare at us.

    “Albert, Amy! Run!” Daddy yelled to us, his eyes ringing amber. Albert blocked my view again, taking my hand again and tugging me to follow him.

    The rest was blurry, an evasive memory.

    Mommy appeared in front of us and ushered us into her room. Something was definitely not right. I could smell fear in the air.

    “Come in here,” Mommy locked the door behind her and I noticed that her hands were shaking.

    “Are you cold, Mommy?” I asked, walking up to her and hugging her. I tried to give her all the warmth I had.

    “No, I’m not, my little Amy-bear,” She smiled at me and that’s when I saw the blood trickling down her face. Her eyes were bleeding. She embraced me in her warm hug and I hugged her back, confused.

    “Mom?” Albert asked quietly, noticing too, “Mom?” He repeated more frantically.

    Her eyes rolled back into her head as she let out a shriek and collapsed onto the ground.

    “Mom? What’s wrong? Mom!” Albert shook her shoulders, but she didn’t respond. I could still hear her heart beat, but I knew it was slowing down.

    Albert shook her again, drowning in his own despair.

    “Protect. . . your sister.” She whispered and with the only strength left in her body, “. . . love you. . .”

    Her heart stopped beating. I couldn’t hear it anymore.

    Albert let go of Mommy’s hand as it fell limply by her side.

    “Amelia,” I jumped, not used to him calling me my full name, “Leave this room.”

    The playful, carefree brother I once knew my whole life was gone. Replaced by soulless, icy blue eyes. I was hopelessly confused.

    Why was Mommy sleeping on the floor? Why was Daddy in the hall, telling us to run? Run from who

    Why was there blood everywhere?

    “Why is Mommy sleeping here?” I asked desperately and confusedly, hugging myself when it was obvious he wasn’t going to comfort me. But they were going to be alright, right? They weren’t… dead, they were werewolves, right?

    So I hoped.

    “Alpha Brandon,” He sputtered and said a word starting with an “f” that I didn’t recognize.

    I didn’t understand what any of this meant.

    Across time, both of my parents’ spirits died at exactly the same moment. Returning to the stars, their spirits reunited, they found love in their eternal rest.

    I felt a strong sadness overwhelmed my body. My wolf howled, feeling the loss.

    My family was ripped away from me forever. . . by the one they called Brandon.


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