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    I woke up early in the morning and rolled over to make sure Daniel was okay. He was sound asleep, his thumb in his mouth. I took it out and set his hand on the ground. It was a habit I was working on breaking for him. I smiled at his peaceful face.

    “Daniel.” I whispered.

    He sighed in his sleep and his eyelids flickered but did not open.

    “Daniel. Sweetheart.” I said a little louder.

    His eyelids slowly slid up until his bright green eyes were showing. He let out a big yawn and smiled a tiny smile at me.

    “Hi momma.” He grinned.

    I grinned back at him. I had explained to Daniel that I wasn’t his mother but he said he wouldn’t call me anything else. He said he knows that I’m not his momma but he also knows that I am the one who takes care of him.

    “Good morning baby. Are you hungry?” I asked.

    He shrugged his little shoulders and scooted closer to me. The grass was damp between us from the dew of the spring morning and I pulled him closer.

    “Too tired to eat?” I asked.

    He nodded and soon I heard light snores once again. I sighed and picked a sticker off my ratty old shirt. I stole it from a line off a woman’s laundry line. Along with a pair of loose fitting shorts. Both of them had holes in them and a bra was long ago not considered necessary.

    I stood up and stripped of my clothes while Daniel snored. I shifted into my gray wolf and nudged him awake.

    He smiled up at me and kissed my nose. He was all for getting up then and stripped out of his own clothes. He concentrated so hard and finally formed into his small brown wolf. I barked in approval and he sagged his little tail, wanting to play. I pranced around him as he lunged at me playfully.

    Daniel had had his first change a few months after we left the… Scene. I was so scared for him. But luckily I knew what to do from experience of my own and helping someone else go through it. Once he had successfully formed into the small wolf at least three times, we traveled together to a whole other state. We traveled from New York to Ohio. Not too long of a trip for a mature wolf and it was at the limit for a young wolf like Daniel. He was also learning to hunt for himself.

    I tilted my head and he came to my side. His size was very impressive for someone so young. I sniffed his scruff and he barked a laugh. I let him lead the way for the hunt and watched as he used his nose to find food.

    ~Watch where you step. Use your senses, not just your eyes.~

    Our minds were very much attached that our voices were as clear as they were when we spoke as humans.

    ~Yes momma~ He responded.

    I was focused on Daniel so much that I almost didn’t see the net that was set. I got Daniel’s scruff between my teeth and cautiously backed away.

    ~Aw. Momma, I thought I was doing good. I had a really strong scent of a deer!~

    ~Daniel, please be quiet sweetheart. And whatever I tell you to do, do it.~

    I set him down and his head cocked to one side. I heard a rather large branch or stick snap somewhere close. A growl rumbled from the part of the forest that was still dark to my vision. Daniel’s puppy whimper made me take a defensive stance in front of him.

    As far as I am concerned, Daniel is my pup, maybe not blood but by heart. No one will lay a harmful hand on him. The source of the growling showed themselves from the dark of the forest and started to stalk toward us. My ears flattened against my head and I crouched, covering even more of their view of Daniel.

    ~Rogue~ The mind link from these wolves was completely unclear. I almost didn’t catch the words that the three wolves were yelling to each other.

    ~Momma?~ Daniel whimpered.

    The three Wolfe’s heads snapped to me and they looked at the small form behind me.

    ~Stay behind me.~ I told him.

    ~A pup. But she has no mate.~ The Amber colored wolf to the right said.

    ~She may have killed him.~ Another said.

    I sneered my objection at the comment. I have no mate, nor would I kill him.

    ~Grab him!~ The one in the middle shouted.

    Daniel’s yelp made me spin around to see a black enemy wolf take him roughly by the scruff. I was about to lunge when a pretty faun colored wolf stood in my way. This one seemed to be female. And by the way she protected the male, she was his mate.

    ~Just…. down…. surrender… pup will be unharmed.~ The Amber colored wolf said.

    I looked around at the wolves and wondered if there was a way that I could get us out of this mess. The large black wolf tightened his jaws and Daniel yelped louder.

    ~Momma!~ He whimpered.

    I bowed immediately and the black wolf set Daniel in front of me. We were circled in and I licked at Daniel’s scruff where the black wolf had started to draw blood.

    The same wolf shoved at us to walk forward. I snarled and nudged Daniel to go first.

    ~Peculiar rogues indeed, brother.~ The female wolf stated to the Amber colored.

    He nodded. I kept my eyes on Daniel, making sure he kept his pace. I had no idea what they would do if he fell or became tired. This was the first time that we had crossed a pack’s borders. And it was my fault for not paying attention to our surroundings. I hung my head in shame.

    ~To the alpha with them. I’ll keep watch.~ The black wolf said and the faun wolf stayed with him.

    I barked and pushed Daniel back. The Amber colored wolf narrowed his golden eyes at me. I huffed angrily.

    ~Let us leave. We meant and mean no harm.~ I’m sure my statement was unclear in the stranger’s head but he must have heard enough.

    ~No rogue…. After crossing our land… Must be taken to the alpha.~ I got the gist of his message but stood completely still. The black wolf stepped toward us and I snapped aggressively at him. The female growled and got closer.

    ~Try me, bitch.~ I spat.

    She snarled and her mate pushed her back with his nose.

    ~Come…. Pup gets it.~ Another wolf snarled.

    I got the gist of that statement as well and Daniel’s frightened little wolf face had me taking my steps again. We followed the strangers to their alpha and they began to walk too fast for Daniel. He started to fall behind and I had to keep nudging him forward.

    ~Slow down. He can’t keep up.~ I snapped at them.

    ~Then he gets left behind. He’s only a pup after all.~ One said.

    I growled.

    I looked at Daniel’s scruff and gently lifted him off his feet. He did not whimper so he must have healed already. I followed the strangers at a steady pace and was pushed forward by the wolves behind me.


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