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    Bilbo eventually went quiet, running out of the happier memories that were just on the top of his head. He had started telling the others his past first as small-talk, or when they would pester him about his ‘oddities’, but it had become more than that over time. It became more like healing for him, being able to remember the good and bad times. Being cooped up in the tent with the two younger dwarves didn’t help matters, as they were always begging for more from him. He was hesitant at the beginning, but he opened up as he realized it was probably the best way for them to spend the time. He wanted to ask what it was like for Fili and Kili growing up, but from what he gathered it wasn’t a very happy story. They weren’t old enough to have been around when Erebor was taken, and he didn’t want to pry in case they only had harrowing stories of The Wandering, as Balin had called it once.

    As if he was reading his mind, Thorin cleared his throat to attract Bilbo’s attention. Kili and Tauriel had started talking to each other, and Fili looked like he was debating gagging at the sight or to just try and go back to sleep. Bilbo laughed softly as he shook his head at the trio before turning to face Thorin. He had expected to see a piercing gaze, but instead was met with a pair of soft blue eyes, looking at him as though he were more precious than the Arkenstone. He could feel heat rising to his cheeks, his ears burning. He gave an awkward smile, glancing everywhere except Thorin’s eyes before gazing at his mouth. His tongue darted out, licking his lips before looking back up to face Thorin. It must have been noticeable, as Thorin’s eyes had darkened, and the dwarf returned the favor as he dragged his eyes down Bilbo’s face, landing at his lips. He wasn’t sure what compelled him to, but Bilbo threw his legs over his cot and stood up, crossing the small distance between them and sitting on Thorin’s cot. He placed his hand on top of Thorin’s, rubbing his thumb across calloused knuckles. They sat there for a moment, taking the time to rake their eyes over each other, feeling the tension building.

    Thorin parted his lips, letting out a rasp as he felt warmth pool in his gut. He watched as emotions flashed through Bilbo’s eyes, excitement to longing to pure want. He made a move to sit up, to close the distance between them and kiss the hobbit silly, but Oin barged into the tent, yelling to Mahal about wretched elfs and stubborn dwarfs. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the scene before him. Bilbo and Thorin were both as red as a ruby, and Fili, Kili, and Tauriel were on the edge of their cots watching.

    “Am I interrupting something?” He couldn’t stop the smirk that came out as he spoke, with Thorin growling a warning at him and Kili threw his hands up and groaned at Oin for ruining it. Oin clicked his tongue, chiding them all as if they were dwarflings. “Enough of that, you two shouldn’t be sat up for so long,” he pointed his finger at the princes, “and you,” he turned onto Thorin, “need to be resting, not snogging.” Thorin’s glare hardened, while Bilbo sputtered out a meak response.

    “We were not snogging, thank you very much! We were.. I was.. Well..” Bilbo turned to Thorin for help, but all he received was a smug grin and an arched eyebrow. Stupid hobbit! He knew that Oin was absolutely going to tell the rest of the company what he saw, and that the rumors would start flying around camp. The outbursts of giggles from the trio behind him didn’t help soothe him, but it still brought great joy to see Thorin’s glare be directed at his nephews.

    “Frankly, I don’t quite care what you were doin’ Master Baggins! But you can’t be rilin’ up my patients when they ought to be restin’, yerself included. Now up ya get! Go on your little walk with Tauriel, while I tend to these fools. Not too far though, can’t have you ruining all your progress.” Oin had made it to his table while talking, picking up whatever clean bandages and rags he had left. Bilbo huffed, blowing his hair up off his forehead. He shared a look with Thorin, one that promised ‘Later’. He pushed himself off Thorin’s cot with a grin, and a slight pep to his step. He met with Tauriel at the front of the tent, grabbing his coat on the way. He glanced back at the dwarfs, happier than he had been in a long time.


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