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    Severus’s Mum had told him what to expect from the boat ride, but of course she couldn’t have known he’d be stuck in a boat of Gits. He’d actually feared as much, because it would be just his luck. When they left the train, Raislen promised to find him in the great hall.

    The larger boy clapped Severus on the shoulder, wished him luck and assured him that he would be fine. So confident was he, that Severus almost believed him. He got put onto a boat with the two gits from earlier and another shorter boy who seemed thrilled to be having their attention. At first dismayed sight of them, Severus attempted to back away and find another boat but the large man, the half giant, Hagrid, waved him onto the git boat with a gruffly cheerful, “Go on with ya then! It’ll be fine.”

    Did the oaf think Severus was frightened of the stupid boat? Hefting his trunk over the side he gave a resigned sigh. When Severus settled resentfully onto the seat nearest the short boy, the bigger boy who’d pushed him on the platform sneered.

    “Here comes Mr. Dark Arts. Wouldn’t you know?”

    The short boy made a face, giving Severus the side eye, and the other two smiled in open approval.

    “Dark arts…That’s just asking for trouble,” short-brain said, apparently deciding to opine on the matter in hopes of continued approval which he received when the other two enthusiastically nodded.

    “It was actually a book on potions,” Severus sneered.

    “I know that book,” the big boy said. “It’s in my family’s library. There are some very dangerous potion recipes in the thing.”

    Severus fixed a resentful gaze on the lake after giving the big boy a venomous glare. He wondered how the prat could dislike the Dark Arts if his family had them in their library, but he didn’t wish to speak to him long enough to ask.

    Throughout the ride, he focused his mind on what would happen when he was able to exit the boat. He would find Raislen. Then the feast and sorting would be far nicer. Full of talk of books and interesting things about the school. When the boat drew to a stop he was the first off.

    “Good riddance,” the tall thin boy with the messy dark hair called and the other two laughed. Severus hurried away, trunk in hand, not looking back. So eager was he to put as many first year moving bodies between himself and the three gits that he nearly ran down a small man. He had bright black eyes and shoulder length thick black hair.

    “Slow down before you kill us both,” he chuckled, reaching up with a small yet strong hand to grasp Severus’s upper arm.

    Severus felt the heat rushing to his face. “Sorry… I am sorry.”

    The small man smiled kindly. “It’s alright. I’m Professor Flitwick, by the way. If you need any help, that’s what I’m here for.”

    Severus forced a smile. The little professor was being kind, after all, and that was apparently a rare thing. “Thank you, Professor. I’m Severus… Severus Snape.”

    “Well done then. Head right this way,” Professor Flitwick said, waving Severus to join Hagrid and a group of first years. Though he could see the gits far ahead of him, many others were there to serve as buffers as they formed a line toward the castle. He was happy to trail in the back of the line, the conversation with the professor having held him up, giving the gits plenty of time to get well ahead of him.

    As everyone moved toward the castle, Severus took it in with a sense of awe. Though his mum had told him about how grand and stately Hogwarts was, seeing it was so much better. It was impressive, and the idea of living in such an ancient looking structure full of rare magic was terribly exciting.

    He learned the names of the three gits while watching the sorting. The bigger boy was Sirius Black, the tall thin one was James Potter, and the short prat was Peter Pettigrew. They all sat with Remus Lupin, another boy who was sorted into Gryffindor.

    Because he was chatting happily with the other three, Severus decided to hate him too. Being their friend told him all he needed to know. It meant that he was rotten just like the other three. When it was his turn to go up and take a seat on the sorting stool, Severus felt a thrill of excitement. He’d get into Slytherin with Raislen for sure, just like his mum.

    It was a relief that the prats were in Gryffindor, because of all the houses, he was certain he’d not end up in that one. If the sorting hat said otherwise, he’d protest until it got fixed. Gryffindor was the worst, full of hot heads and apparently bullies. He wanted no part of the rubbish house. The hat was on his head for less than a second when it shouted, “SLYTHERIN!”

    Severus felt his face breaking into a grin as he slid down from the stool, removing the hat from his head with one hand. He glanced up as a shadow fell over him, expecting to see Raislen there, but instead it was a tall willowy blond boy in Prefect robes.

    “Welcome to Slytherin, Severus Snape,” he said, clapping Severus expansively on the shoulder.

    The words were friendly and inclusive. Severus felt his smile growing as his chest filled with happiness and pride to at last have a place where he belonged and better yet was actually wanted! “Thank you.”

    “Come right this way. I’m Lucius Malfoy, and if there is anything you need, I am here to help. The first years sit here,” he said, leading the way to the Slytherin table and waving at the end where other first years were clustered.

    “Severus! Come sit with me and HeatherToy! You don’t have to sit with the first years if you don’t want.” At the sound of Raislen’s voice, Severus turned eagerly in his direction.

    Finally he would meat the infamous Heather, Severus thought. As he approached a red haired girl at Raislen’s side punched him hard in the stomach. Raislen let out a woof of air as he bent double. “Don’t call me HeatherToy,” she snapped before turning to smile kindly at Severus.

    “Hi, Severus. I hear you also have rare books. I will be your friend forever.” Severus laughed at her joking tone and the conspiratorial wink she gave as she spoke. Her hazel eyes seemed somehow kind. “I will be your friend forever, that is, as long as you don’t call me HeatherToy. If you do, you will also get punched.”

    Severus nodded as he took a seat across from Raislen. “I won’t call you that,” he promised. ‘It is nice to meet you, Heather. Between the three of us, it seems we have a book club.”

    Heather nodded happily. “Yes! Books are the best.”

    “Far better than most people,” Severus agreed.

    “Did you see those gits who were mean to you,” Raislen wheezed, finally straightening from Heather’s punch. He rubbed his belly as he glanced inquiringly over at Severus.

    Severus gave a sour nod. “Would you bloody believe I got stuck on a boat with them? It was rubbish! They got sorted into Gryffindor.”

    Raislen’s green eyes narrowed. “Figures.”

    “They’re Peter Pettigrew, James Potter and the worst one is Sirius Black.”

    At that Heather and Raislen exchanged a surprised glance.

    “What,” Severus asked.

    “Well just the Blacks are all usually in Slytherin,” Heather said.

    Severus made a face. “Well this one would’ve only made the House look bad, so I’m glad he’s not.” Having Sirius Black or any of the others in Slytherin would’ve completely ruined school for him, he just knew it!

    Raislen and Heather nodded in agreement. “For sure,” Raislen said.

    The hall suddenly fell silent as the kindly looking old Headmaster came up to the front to make his speech. Severus listened carefully to every word, taking it all in. When the table suddenly filled with food, he started, then grinned because it all looked delicious!

    “It’s so good, I eat until it hurts, then hate myself for the rest of the evening,” Heather said cheerfully.


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