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    He’d waited for this for years! Severus had literally counted down the days until he could get away from his grandfather’s house at least for approximately nine months out of the year. Since he was seven years old, he’d set his sights on that eventual escape. Not only would he get away from his horrid grandfather who lived to remind Severus and his mum what rubbish he was, but he would at last make friends his own age and learn great feats of magic!

    Of course his Mum had already taught him great feats of magic, and for the most part she allowed him to study any of her books that he liked, but at Hogwarts he would be exposed to all sorts of professors. Each knew different things and had different methods of imparting that knowledge, and Severus was hungry for all of it.

    As soon as Eileen apparated them to King’s Cross station, he gave his mum a tight hug then waved her off. He didn’t want any potential new friends seeing him standing with his mum like a baby. It just wouldn’t do.

    “I’ll see you on the holidays and I promise to write soon,” he said. “Hopefully HE shall be a bit kinder to you with me away.”

    It was obvious that Severus referred to his grandfather, but Eileen made no comment.

    “I wish Toby was here to see you now,” she said instead, choking up as her eyes welled.

    “Me too, Mum,” Severus agreed as he swallowed down the lump in his own throat. Though this day was an exciting and glorious one, it would’ve been so much better were Tobias Snape present to share in the moment. He would have so loved hearing about all of Severus’s magical experiences at Hogwarts, not to mention, with his father alive, Severus wouldn’t be desperate to get away from home. But no. The old Prince home wasn’t his and never would be.

    “Don’t you want me to wait with you for the train,” Eileen asked wistfully and Severus felt himself flushing with embarrassment as he shook his head.

    “I’d like to perhaps try to make some friends, Mum. They’ll think I’m a baby waiting for the train with my mum.”

    “You are my baby, and always shall be,” Eileen proclaimed, reaching to give him another hug.

    Severus returned her embrace, before stepping away firmly.

    “I promise to write in a few days,” he said.

    “Very well, then,” she said with a sigh. Bending she tapped his trunk with her wand. “I’ve put a feathering charm on it so it won’t appear to weigh anything. That’ll make it far easier lugging it about.”

    He grinned in appreciation. “Thanks, Mum. I love you. Now go… Visit some friends or something. Enjoy your free time and try to stay away from HIM.”

    Eileen nodded, and apparated away with a final wistful look. Severus hated that his Mum felt sad, and in part hated leaving her. If they only didn’t have to live with Grandfather Prince, things would be so much nicer. The sallow old man was always being mean to Severus and shouting at Eileen to the point there was never any peace. For that reason, Severus was just glad to escape, and hoped she found ways to stay away as well. Perhaps she’d go and visit her old school chum Jean.

    Glancing around, he couldn’t spot anyone his own age. He’d insisted on coming early just to escape as soon as possible, and only a few older kids were milling about so far. Some of them had even apparated themselves, he noticed, impressed. As there was no one his age about to talk with and the older boys and girls were somehow too intimidating, Severus bent to his trunk to retrieve a book.

    He never minded reading while he waited for anything. Books were his friends, his solace, his distraction and his happy place. He loved books! He could completely lose track of time when reading, and today was no exception. More time had passed than he realized, because when the boy jostled into him, he glanced up to see several students around his own age waiting on the platform.

    The boy who’d rammed him was bigger, and wore a belligerent scowl.

    “Leave it to a Dark Arts freak to be the one taking up space with his stupid trunk on the platform,” he sneered.
    Severus blinked. He hadn’t done anything wrong.

    “He’ll be in Slytherin for sure,” a thin yet equally tall boy in glasses chimed in. Like Severus both boys had fair skin and black hair, but these two were far more richly dressed. Though Grandfather Prince had plenty of money, he refused to spare any of it for Severus or Eileen to have better clothes.

    Eileen had to scrimp and save what she could get from selling her potions to the local shops in the two alleys and sometimes to Hogsmeade. This meant that she nor Severus could afford new outfits very often, but as Severus was a growing boy as she so frequently said, his clothing needs were met first. He was quite excited for the brand new school robes.

    “I hope so,” Severus spoke up proudly. “My mum was in Slytherin house and it has brilliant qualities.”

    “Oh does it, now,” the bigger boy sneered. “Let’s see,” he continued, beginning to count pointedly on his fingers. “It has the qualities of bigotry, open fascism, backstabbing, cheating, lying and… being ugly!”

    Severus felt the heat of anger and embarrassment coloring his face. “None of that is true! You take it back!”

    “Or what,” the big boy demanded, pushing him again, harder this time.

    Severus stumbled over his trunk and nearly fell. Both boys laughed as they began to turn away.

    “Dark Arts won’t save you from a spill,” the thin one remarked in open amusement. “Better watch your step,” he advised almost kindly.

    “I wouldn’t have to watch my step if that Git hadn’t pushed me,” Severus snarled.

    “Perhaps so,” the thin boy agreed with a smirk.

    The prat had messy hair, Severus noted. He behaved as if he was so superior, but couldn’t manage to have organized hair for all that. Probably because he was stupid!

    “Push me again, and I shall show you precisely what Dark Arts can do,” he shouted after them. He hadn’t come here to escape from Grandfather Prince just to be bullied by these smug gits or anyone else. He replaced his book in the trunk and slammed the lid closed.

    Sadly the gesture did nothing to soothe his foul mood. So much for a new start, he thought wrathfully. Was everyone in the bloody world going to be dreadful like Grandfather Prince? He nearly wished he was allowed to attend a Muggle school. His father had been a Muggle and he was a good person.

    Then again lots of Muggles had done rotten things to wizards so perhaps it was just everyone, Muggle and wizard alike, being mostly awful. When everyone began boarding the train, Severus lifted his trunk, once again grateful for his mum’s feathering charm that made it hardly weigh a thing.

    As he watched, students grouped up to share compartments. Not willing to deal with another ugly and unwarranted face off, he lagged back, hoping to find an empty compartment in the back if he allowed everyone else on first.

    It appeared that luck was with him, because when he entered the very last compartment, it was indeed empty as he’d hoped. Heaving a sigh of relief, he retrieved the book he’d been reading from his trunk before settling down for the ride. This wasn’t how he’d imagined his first train ride but at least it would be peaceful and free of mean bullies. He was truly shocked at how those boys had behaved.

    He’d hoped to make friends that were like him, or even more interesting. Friends who could give him new experiences and with whom he could have fun. With faith lost in the student body of Hogwarts, he could only hope that the professors would be far kinder and more beneficial.

    When the train began to move, Severus let out a sigh of relief. He’d won! He would have the entire compartment to himself. If anyone else was going to enter, they’d have done before the train started.

    With it moving, everyone would have to have a seat for the ride, so he was free to relax without fear of anyone coming in to disrupt him.

    When the compartment door burst open, Severus’s heart sank in disappointment before flaring with rage. Why! He glanced carefully up from his book, trying not to be too obvious about it. If it was the gits again, he’d just draw his wand and show them a thing or three, he vowed silently. It wasn’t them, though. It was a far larger older boy. His shoulders were wide and his arms looked like tree trunks.

    He was tall with short curly black hair and large laughing green eyes. Because he was older and bigger, would that make him meaner? The boy glanced around in disappointment, then sighed, swearing under his breath as he took a seat.

    “She’s really hid good from me this time,” he remarked. “Say, may I have a look at that book?”

    Severus scowled darkly. “And if I say no, you’ll just take it, is that it?”

    The boy’s large green eyes rounded in surprise before he scowled back. “Of course not. I’ll just call you a git.”

    It was then that Severus finally noticed that the older boy at least wore Slytherin robes. Dare Severus hope that would make him a decent human being? “You won’t take it from me?”

    The boy’s eyes rounded in surprise again as he shook his head. “Of course not. It’s yours.”

    Severus sighed and passed the book over. “Just be careful with it, then.”

    “Of course! I have the largest wizarding library in all of London, or at least my family does. I know how to treat a book right.” He grinned. “I’m Raislen, by the way. Raislen WestCraven.”

    “Severus Snape,” Severus replied.

    “What’s got you in such a foul mood,” Raislen wondered.

    “I met some gits on the platform,” Severus admitted. “They seemed upset that I was reading that book and they pushed me twice. One of them did, rather and the other was amused by it.”

    “Gits,” Raislen said. “It’s a good book. I’ve actually never seen it before,” he added, clearly impressed by that fact. “It’s hard to find a book I haven’t seen unless I leave Europe.”

    “Who were you looking for,” Severus wondered. He recalled Raislen mentioning that someone had hid good so found himself curious.

    Raislen grinned happily. “Her name is HeatherToy. Well that’s my name for her. Her name is Heather Knight and she’s the prettiest girl in Hogwarts.”

    Severus’s lips twisted. “And she’s hiding from you.”

    Raislen laughed. “Yeah, I don’t know what her problem is. Hey I have some books too. Do you want to look at one of mine?”

    Severus had already read the potions text that Raislen held once, so nodded eagerly. “Yes! Thanks.”

    Raislen dug into his trunk and produced a thick heavy and very old looking book. Its cover sported the title of Ancient Lost Curses. The words were nearly faded, but not quite, so they were still simple enough to read. Severus let out a reverent sigh as he carefully reached out to take the book into his hands.

    Raislen grinned. “At least I dont have to tell you to be careful. It’s nice to have another book friend.

    Before you, HeatherToy was always the only one who had anything good that I actually cared to borrow.”

    Severus grinned, rightfully taking the words as a compliment. “My mum has some great books.”

    “Was she a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw,” Raislen asked. “It’s usually one or the other.”

    Severus grinned. “Slytherin, like you.”

    Raislen grinned back. “Great. Hopefully you’ll get into Slytherin, and I can show you around. I’m a third year so I know the ropes. If you end up in another house, I’ll hang with you anyway.”

    Severus smiled, suddenly feeling his whole body relaxing as his mood lifted. Perhaps Hogwarts would be good after all. Hopefully the gits from the platform wouldn’t be in Slytherin house.


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