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    The trio walked back to the exit only to find it blocked. They did not need a genius droid or anything for them to realize that Dooku was behind it. He must have understood that there was a Gundark in the cave and not to their surprise, he acted by sealing them inside.

    While this would not truly stop them, it would definitely slow them down and give a chance for Dooku to put more distance between them. They doubted any reinforcement for him would arrive now that the beacon was destroyed but that did not mean he would try to find his way out of this moon.

    “Just great” Sheira muttered at the sight.

    After all those adventures, she would not mind having it slightly easier for a change. Instead, now they had to start using the force and start removing the rocks one after the other. However, due to the weight of some rocks and also how they were stuck to one another, their progress was slow as they worked together. Progress could be seen but before they could do much, the familiar roar of a Gundark was heard echoing in the walls of the cave.

    “Sounds like another Gundark,” Obi-wan said as he and Sheira took the giant boulder from Anakin and placed it to the side.

    “That’s too far to worry about,” Anakin argued.

    Sheira did not seem to agree with him, evident by the frown and the look of annoyance on her face.

    “It’s too far to worry about, now. At this rate will be its dinner before we even make a small hole”

    “Patience Sheira. Will manage through” her master told her, sensing how the shift in her emotions.

    “I will believe it once we are out of here” she replied, and they dropped the boulder a little harsher than they should.

    Its weight and force cracked the ground as green gas started to come from the cracks that had just been formed. She wasn’t an expert, but she was certain that those gases were not a good sign, considering their colour.

    “Uh-oh. New problem!” Anakin said.

    “No? really?” she replied sarcastically as more and more gas started to cover the cave.

    “That’s not good,” Obi-wan said as Anakin started to cough while the trio was trying to protect their mouths.

    “It’s just gas,” the young Jedi said.

    “Yes, probably toxic gas” Sheira added as she also started to couch.

    She could feel it burning her throat and nose. Her senses immediately became dull and she was thankful she had no eyes to protect as well.

    “That’s good. Maybe it will kill your Gundark”

    Obi-wan coughed. “And maybe it will kill us”

    “Come on. Let’s get out of here”

    The trio got to work once again. This time using their strength to move whatever they could in the hope of creating even a tiny hole of fresh air. However, the gas had started to weaken them and slow them down.

    Sheira leaned against the rocks and coughed more, her senses becoming duller and she knew that she would soon lose any consciousness. Anakin and Obi-wan were in no better situation either.

    Suddenly, the rocks were blasted away and so were they. The rocks fell inside, and the light outside shone on them while fresh air reached their nose. They coughed and the two men tried to cover their eyes from the bright light.

    “What was that?” Obi-wan asked.

    “Its… Ashoka!” Sheira exclaimed happily as she coughed and tried to stand slowly.

    “Master!” The young Togruta said as she and the squad walked in. “Looks like I got here just in time”

    “What do you mean, just in time?” Anakin asked her as they all walked out.

    “You were in very big trouble”

    “Trouble? We were simply searching for Count Dooku” Obi-wan said.

    Anakin coughed. “Yeah, we had the situation under control, my little Padawan”

    “Mmm, I see. So which part of the situation did you have under control: the blocked entrance, the poison gas, or that Gundark behind you?”

    “Oh, you mean that one that’s too far away to worry about?” Sheira asked as they moved away from the cave.

    “Block the entrance” Ashoka ordered, and two troopers blasted the rocks at the top, preventing the beast from coming to them.

    “There is still Dooku to deal with,” Anakin said.

    “You let him get away?”

    “No… Not ‘get away’ exactly…just…” the young Jedi tried to justify himself but his padawan didn’t believe him. “Chime in…anytime”

    “Nah., I enjoy this too much,” Sheira said with her hands in front of her chest and her master nodded.

    Coruscant, Core Worlds – Chancellor Palpatine’s office

    In the city of Coruscant, news had arrived fast and it did not take long for Yoda, Windu and Padme to gather in the office of Chancellor Palpatine. There, the message they had received was replayed for all of them to see. The message was sent by the Pirate Leader Hando, who according to him had captured the famous Count Dooku and of course; was talking about the ransom money the Republic would have to pay if they wanted him back.

    “…If you want the Sith Lord. It will cost you a million credits. The payment will be in spice, delivered in an unarmed diplomatic ship” Hando said.

    “We will need proof that he is alive before agreeing to your terms,” Chancellor Palpatine argued.

    “Let me present you, the fearless Sith Lord,” Hando said as Dooku, chained and captured was brought into the picture.

    “I am afraid he is too embarrassed to speak”

    “A hologram can be faked”

    “You want proof? This is his lightsaber” Hando continued, showing the curved blades that only Count Dooku carried and used.

    “Hmm. Yes, belonging to Dooku, this lightsaber does” Master Yoda said as he watched the ignited blade, recognising the lightsabre of his former student.

    “This scum having possession of Count’s Dooku lightsaber proves nothing,” Palpatine said as he stood up and was about to walk away.

    “If you refuse, I am sure the Separatist council will be more than willing to meet my price”

    Padme approached Palpatine, seeing that he was not willing to listen. “We may never have a better chance to capture Count Dooku,” she told him and turned to Hondo. “We would like to send 3 Jedi to confirm you have Count Dooku before delivering the ransom”

    “Send your Jedi but they must be unarmed”


    “They will be safe. We have no interest in getting involved in your war” the Pirate said, and the communication was terminated.

    “We have reestablished constant with Kenobi and Skywalker,” Mace Windu said after a moment of silence. “They are in a system close to Florrrum”

    “And most eager to find Dooku they are” Master Yoda added.

    Vanqor, Outer Realms – Anakin’s Cruise Ship

    Now free and away from that dammed moon, our heroes were back on Anakin’s cruiser. There, they reunited with Rex and soon they all were summoned to the communication room since Mace Windu and Yoda had to inform them of the latest events that took place and of course; the latest news on Count Dooku’s whereabouts.

    “…His only stipulation is that you arrive unarmed” Mace Windu informed them.

    “Unarmed?” Anakin repeated, not agreeing with such a condition.

    The terms were utterly ridiculous, considering how dangerous those pirates could be. They were to literally walk into the base of the enemy, unarmed and walk out of there alive? That was a ridiculous plan, even for them and they had acted on some pretty odd plans over those months of fighting in the war.

    “We know very little about these pirates. We may be walking blindly in what could be a very hostile situation” Obi-wan added, speaking Sheira’s inner thoughts out loud.

    “We can’t let Dooku slip through our fingers again. Report back as soon as you arrive”

    The communication ended right after that, a sign that Mace Windu was done talking. He would not take a No for an answer, nor care for their opinion. They were Jedi and they were supposed to act upon the orders, especially since this might be their chance to capture Dooku which was vital for the war.

    Sheira let out a sigh. “Great… just great” she commented.

    She wasn’t hyped up by the idea of going there. Yes, she wanted Dooku to be inside a cell, a cell belonging to the Republic but having to go to such trouble in what would not end as planned.

    Nothing ended like that, lately.

    However, she accepted the situation and prayed that the force wouldn’t decide to mess them up for good. One can take as many adventures in a day.

    “Don’t look so gloomy Sheira” Obi-wan said and placed his hand on her shoulder. “This could end up being fun”

    “Yeah… fun… and I am certainly a Wookie” she replied, and he chuckled.

    “Well, you certainly have a lot of hair to be confused for one” Anakin butted in.

    She did not take it lightly upon his words and with one quick move, she elbowed him on the stomach.

    “Oups. My apologies” she said with the most fake and obvious lying apologetic tone.

    “Oof!” he exclaimed, placing one hand where he had just been hit. “Foul blow youngling,” he said as he managed to get a grip on himself, slowly.

    “Now, now. No need to kill each other. Get ready to depart” Obi-Wan said but the smirk hidden behind his beard was visible to both of them, a sign that he was amused by their little bantering.

    Florrum, Outer Rim – Pirate Base

    The trip to the Pirate base on the planet of Florrum was short and Sheira felt uneasy the entire time.

    Something would go wrong; she just knew it but had stayed quiet about it and instead tried to stay positive. At last, the ship was landed at the base and the trio started to walk down the lowered ramp, none too happy to be present but they knew they had to do this.

    It would be a quick visit, just to confirm that the Pirates indeed had Count Dooku and then they would leave. Sounded simple and Sheira hoped it would remain that way, although she was rather pessimistic lately and one could not really blame her.

    With her force- sight, the Miraluka could see that the compound was quite big with levels underground and an electric fence around them. The people expecting them were a double-digit number and from their aura, not the best kind of people.

    She walked between the two Jedi Knights, keeping her head high and ready to let them do all the talk.

    One thing was certain, Dooku was there. She could sense him and based on the emotions he was proudly radiating, he was far from happy. Sensing a pair of eyes on her, she realized it was Obi-Wan and she knew why he was looking at her. She nodded her head faintly, a sign to tell him that she could sense Dooku close by.

    They came to a halt in front of the ship as all the Pirates greeted them with their guns raised and pointed at them.

    “Such a warm welcoming party” she muttered as they started walking again between the two lines, feeling eyes on them.

    They were forced to stop again as a Pirate approached and started to scan them for any weapons.

    They had none since they left everything, including their lightsabers on the main ship. One thing she knew, was the fact that she would feel much safer if she had hers with.

    “Follow me,” the Pirate said once he was done and led them inside.

    Inside, the main room was enormous with tables left and right. Sheira could smell fruits, hear loud music and sense the eyes of more pirates on her. She had been used to that but couldn’t stop feeling uneasy either way.

    At last, deep into the room, they reached the main big table.

    Behind it, sat the notorious leader named Hando.

    “Gentlemen! My lady!” he greeted them, dramatically spreading his hands. “Can I offer you something to drink?” he asked and emptied his cup in one go.

    “No, thank you,” Obi-wan said but Hondo passed them a cup filled with a green liquid as all three of them sat across from him. “Congratulations on your Capture of Count Dooku. Very Impressive”

    “Yes, it was. Even a Sith Lord is no match for my warriors”

    Sheira didn’t need eyes to realize that most individuals were fully drunk or passed out. She held back any comments, just wanting to get this over with.

    Why do I suspect we will hear an exaggerated story? She wondered and indeed that was what followed.

    “He put up quite a fight. Blasters, cannons, that glow thing-” he started, trying to mimic the noise the lightsabre would make when it would hit another blade or deflect a laser beam.

    “You mean a lightsaber?” Sheira asked, stating it more than questioning it.

    “That’s it, my Lady! And I do not need to tell you that those things can do some damage. Carved up some of my best men pretty good, before I could get my jump on him” Hondo added as his little pet landed on the table, one hand, held a bottle and the other held Anakin’s lightsaber.

    “And how exactly, did you get the jump on him?” Anakin asked, none of them believing in his story.

    “With this?” he asked next and used the force to summon his lightsabre back to his hand.

    At least now they knew where his lightsabre was, which was something.

    Yet, Anakin’s action was not well perceived since every Pirate that was awake appeared around them with their guns raised and loaded. The pet climbed on top of a gun, approached the young Jedi and took the lightsaber back.

    “We have no interest in disagreeing with you,” Obi-wan said with a gun a little too close to his face.

    “All we want is to confirm that you are holding Dooku, and we will go”

    “I will arrange a meeting”

    A little bit later our three heroes were led to the holding cells, ready to see if indeed Count Dooku was a prisoner of the Pirates or not. Sheira felt Obi-wan’s fingers slightly brushing with hers, a sort of communication they had developed.

    She gave a faint nod to confirm that Dooku was in one of those cells and that he was unharmed, much to her dismay.

    hey stopped in front of the cell and once the doors opened, they had a clear view of the captured Sith Lord.

    He was sustained mid-air by special cuffs on his hands and legs. She might not be able to see his face, but she was certain that he was scowling when they entered the cell.

    “Well, well” she started.

    “Look how the mighty Sith Lord has fallen” Obi-wan added right after her.

    “This place suits you, Count,” Anakin commented as the two men started to circle him while she stayed right in front of the Sith Lord.

    “It wasn’t so long ago that you were in similar surroundings on my ship,” the Count reminded Anakin.

    Anakin offered a cocky smirk. “Yeah, but now I am free, and you are not”

    “I am confident the situation will rectify itself soon”

    “Do not hope that big Count. Soon you will be in a Republic cell and your time of terror will be over”

    He glared at her. “As I said before Padawan, the situation will rectify itself. Very soon”

    “Soon, you will be brought to trial by the Senate” Obi-Wan commented, clearly also enjoying the situation Dooku was in. “And most likely spend a very long time in a cell just like this one; as dear Sheira said”

    “And that’s if you are lucky” Anakin added as he leaned on his ear.

    “Oh, my naïve young Jedi you must be overly optimistic if you think these Weequayans plan to let you leave this planet”

    The two Jedi now stood by her side and she dropped her smirk. She had been around smugglers while growing up and she felt that his words were true or at least would come true if they let their guards down. What she knew for sure, was that she did not trust them at all despite their friendly attitude.

    “They are planet-hopping thieves looking for a quick score. They have no interest in picking a fight with Jedi” Anakin said with confidence as he headed for the door.

    “You are naïve young Jedi. Even this padawan looks wiser, taking my words in heart” he said and Obi-wan looked at Sheira who was thinking but didn’t say anything. “They are devious and deceitful, and most importantly… stupid”

    “It’s a wonder you don’t get along with them Dooku. You have so much in common” Obi-wan said and walked to the door while his Padawan stayed one minute longer, glancing above her shoulder at the trapped Count. She could sense when someone was usually lying through the force and while Dooku was keeping most things masked, somehow she could sense that he was not lying. “Come on Sheira” her master called, and she quickly turned and started to walk towards him.

    “You underestimate them at your peril, Kenobi” she heard the count say and looked at him above her shoulder one last time before following her master, his words and warnings repeating themselves in her mind.

    After they returned to their little shuttle, they wasted no time informing Masters Yoda and Windu about what they found and of course; that Dooku was indeed a prisoner of the Pirates. This was enough for the Republic Senate to agree and pay the ransom but until then, the three Jedi did not have many options. They could leave but Hando had invited them to a feast and while Sheira did not agree, Anakin and Obi-wan did not share her worries.

    This is how, by the time the sun had fallen, all three of them were in the Grand Hall of the Pirate Base. Once again, they were sitting across from Hando while pirates around them were drinking and passing out to the festive atmosphere; music playing all around them and mixing with the general chaos that one would expect from Pirates.

    Sheira tried not to think of the perverted eyes she had received so far as she sat next to her master with Anakin sitting to his other side. Pirates were not known to be discrete or have a sense of manner, especially for the opposite gender. She suspected that no one had dared to make any move due to being ‘guests’ but wondered for how long this would last. Dooku’s words replayed in her mind and made sure to have her guard up just in case.

    Obi-wan facepalmed and shook his head at the sight of a dancer on the table and of the situation in general.

    Suddenly, Hando came and placed both of his hands on Sheira’s shoulders, earning a warning glare from the two Jedi. At the same time, the Miraluka tensed as she clearly did not take it lightly to be touched that way.

    “Now, can I persuade you to join us for a drink?” Hando asked, ignoring the glares he received from the male Jedi. “It’s a tradition, in the name of friendship”

    The Miraluka turned her hands into fists and her shoulders were tensed. She had quite a taboo when it came to her personal space. Obi-Wan noticed and placed his hand on top of hers to calm her down but also to reassure her, eminding her that he had her back.

    “All right. But nothing too strong. He is flying” he said and would have questioned him if she wasn’t focusing too much on containing her urge to force smack the pirate.

    “Bring our guests some… refreshments”

    Thankfully, Hondo took his hands off her shoulders and took a step back when another Pirate came with three cups. Sheira calmed down a little and it was then she realized that Obi-wan still had his hand on top of hers. His warmth seemed to pass from him onto her, spreading up her arm and offering her a sense of comfort that helped her remain focused and not act upon impulse.

    She smiled faintly at his warm hand on her, always enjoying how bright and unique his aura was.

    However, her smile did not remain for long as he took his hand back to grab the cup. She was also passed hers and her nose was wrinkled by the smell of the alcohol. She wasn’t much of a fan, barely touching it and that was only when she couldn’t refuse.

    “To a successful transaction!” the Pirate Leader said and raised his cup, earning cheers from everyone.

    The Three Jedi looked at each other before changing their cups with someone else’s. Anakin and Obi-wan used force to change their cups with the pirates next to them while Sheira swapped the cups with the one across from her which was half full.

    “To powerful pirates and new friends of the Republic,” the older Jedi said and the three of them drank from their cups.

    Sheira shivered from the bitter taste of the alcohol on her tongue but showed no other sign. Her master chuckled, knowing very well of her opinion on alcohol.

    “I still do not get it” Anakin suddenly said.

    “Get what?” Obi-wan asked.

    “How did a bunch of drunken pirates manage to catch Dooku when we couldn’t”

    “Maybe there is a lesson to be learned here”

    “I still don’t get that”

    Sheira felt the need to roll her eyes if she had any. “Oh please. Most likely Dooku tried to trick them into giving him transport and then they tricked him back”

    “It is to remind us to be humble and never too proud to accept a gift when it comes our way”

    She shook her head but kept the comments to herself.

    “Well, to unexpected gifts then,” Anakin said as they both raised their cups.

    She didn’t and they looked at her. “What?” she asked but then a second later she let out a sigh and lifted her cup.

    Whatever” she added and the three of them drank some more.

    They smirked in satisfaction when three of the pirates suddenly passed out, being the same pirates that had changed their drinks.


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