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    Name: Boriel (given)/ Sheira (chose herself)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Birth Date: 6/08/40BBY (Before Battle of Yavin)
    Species: Miraluka (Mammalian)

    General Appearance:

    Sheira, like all Miraluka’s, has naturally tanned skin and curly white hair, which stops at chin length. On the right side of her face, a batch of her hair has been neatly braided to show her status as a Padawan; a Jedi Trainee.

    Her eye sockets are covered by a long black ribbon that is tied around her head and lets its remaining fall on her back. She wears a light brown-red sleeveless tunic that stops after her waist, black pants and brown boots. A dark brown sash is above, creating a cross pattern at the front and stopping at knee length. Her arms from the upper arm to the wrist are wrapped by white tight bandages. A black pouch is tied around her waist where her lightsaber hangs from.


    Sheira is a brave person who doesn’t shy away from commenting on things. She is often sarcastic or makes jokes about situations. However, her time under the Jedi Order has taught her to show respect when needed, especially in front of others.

    She can be overconfident when it comes to battles, due to her Force sight which gives her an advantage. This has resulted in her ego getting the better of her in the past. Thanks to Master Kenobi’s guidance, she has learned to be more sceptical and careful in most situations. She is not naive but can occasionally act childish by taunting others or not taking things seriously. In the past, she has been in trouble for not following orders. She is very stubborn and will only listen to those she respects.

    As she has grown older, she has learned to listen a little more, even if she doesn’t want to. However, she usually argues and tries to rebel against authority before ultimately complying if someone raises their tone or pulls rank.


    1) Fear of solitude and losing those close to her: Even though most of her years she never bonded with anyone to that level, she did after meeting Obi-wan, Anakin and Ashoka. She does have the fear of losing them but is minor, having trust in them and knowing they will make it through. Most of the time, her mind doesn’t even think that much to worry about the worst.

    2) Mace Windu: She doesn’t fully fear him, but he does make her feel quite uncomfortable. Due to seeing everything via force sight, she distinguishes people with the force. The Jedi’s aura is quite unsettling and powerful, being not fully light or dark which scared her. His tone and his whole demeanour didn’t help either, reminding her more of an interrogator than a protector (when she was a child).

    3) The fear of being unable to use the force sight (due to being in a room where force doesn’t exist) and being blind, defenceless and exposed to the outside world.

    4) Fear of Obi-wan giving up on her as a padawan like the other masters before him.

    Love Interest(s): 

    Obi-wan Kenobi.

    Sheira felt a certain pull towards Obi’s warm and bright aura which stood out against all the others she had grown up with. His patience with her and his calm voice (which he never raises) is what she had shown to love (Being scolded and yelled at many times by other masters, had made her hate it) However, he never did that and was always open to hearing her thoughts and ideas; something she learnt to appreciate.

    As years passed and came closer to the clone wars, her feelings for him changed. From seeing him as a kind Master she started to see him as a kind and caring man. Her attraction to him had increased, not just due to his aura but everything on his character.

    She is still trying to deny it many times or not show it, knowing such things were dangerous; not to mention the law of Jedi not making attachments and the fear of messing up the relationship they already have formed. She cannot always help it, however, and many times can be seen being overprotective of him.

    She also feels the need to make him proud, showing him that his patience didn’t go wasted and also trying to show him that she is a woman and not just a child (as many see her). It is the primary reason why she had shown such development in her character.

    His feelings for her are unknown but he does have a soft spot and an overprotective side for her.


    Anakin Skywalker, Ashoka Tano, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Captain Leo


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