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    “Are you going with me? Or taking your own?” Carlos asked Gary and Hayden.

    “We’ll go with you.” They said, throwing their bags in the trunk.

    “Hey Hannah. Are you taking your car?” Carlos asked me.

    “Yeah. I’ll meet you guys there.” I said, unlocking my door.

    I threw my bags in the back and got in, leaving them behind.

    Gary and Hayden are coming because they are two of our best fighters. Carlos’s third in command, I think his name is Nate, is watching over the pack while we’re gone.

    It only took a few hours until I reached my old pack. When I pulled in I saw Piper, Austin, and Elliot waiting out front.

    I parked and waited for Carlos to get here.

    He was only a few minutes behind me so he it wasn’t too long until he pulled in next to me.

    He got out of his car and came over to mine. I opened my door and jumped out.

    Carlos took my hand in his as I took a deep breath.

    “You ready?” Carlos asked quietly.

    “Let’s get this over with.” I nodded as we walked over to them.

    I saw Elliot sniff the air before his eyes landed on me.

    “Mine.” He growled as we made eye contact.

    He lunged forward, trying to grab me.

    Carlos stepped in front of me, stopping Elliot from coming any closer.

    “No.” He growled. “She bares my mark. If you touch her, I’ll kill you.”

    Elliot growled lowly as I stepped from behind Carlos.

    “You rejected me.” I said. “The rest of this pack abused me. Even my own family.” I looked at Piper and Austin. “Carlos accepted me for who I am, along with his pack. I’m not the same little girl anymore and I won’t let you guys treat me like I you did before.”

    Piper scoffed and rolled her eyes.

    “You still look like the same weak, pathetic little girl you were before you ran.” She said.

    I growled, but before I could say anything Gary wrapped his hand around her throat, growling lowly.

    “Don’t talk to my Luna like that.” He growled.

    She nodded as Gary let go, walking away from her.

    “We can show ourselves to the guest grounds.” I said, turning and walking back to my car.

    Every pack has a pretty big house separate from the pack house for any visiting alphas to stay at. I know where ours is because I was the one to clean it.

    “That was bad ass.” Hayden said as we got to the house.

    I laughed and shook my head as we walked inside.

    “Holy shit.” I mumbled.

    The place was a disaster. It looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in months.

    “Who’s supposed to clean this place?” Hayden asked, looking around.

    “Me.” I said, setting my bags down. “I was the one who cleaned everything. They must not have cleaned since I left.”
    We walked upstairs and I looked over at Gary. He was being quite which isn’t normal for him.

    “I’m gonna go to bed.” He said quietly, walking into a room and shutting the door.

    “Something’s wrong.” Hayden said.

    “I know.” I nodded.

    Carlos walked into the room in the middle and chuckled.

    “They really haven’t cleaned.” He said.

    I walked in and nodded.

    The bed wasn’t made, there were empty cups on the dresser and something sticky on the floor.

    I put my bags down and gathered the cups, going back downstairs and putting them in the sink.

    I grabbed a sponge and a bucket from underneath the sink.

    I filled the bucket with hot water and soap, going back upstairs.

    Carlos started unpacking while I wiped the sticky stuff up and then wiped down the dresser.

    I went into Hayden’s room and saw his room was clean.

    I walked to Hunters room and tried to open the door.

    “Gary.” I knocked. “The doors locked.”

    “Yeah.” He said. “I’m uh changing.”

    “Is your room clean?” I asked.


    I went downstairs and put the stuff away.

    “He never locks his door.” I said to Carlos as we laid in bed. “Something’s wrong.”

    Carlos nodded and sighed.

    “We’ll figure it out tomorrow. Let’s go to sleep.” He said.

    I nodded as he pulled me closer to him, kissing my forehead.

    “I love you.” He mumbled as he fell asleep.

    “I love you too.”


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