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    Cytheria’s pov

    “Good Morning” he whispered near my ear and I mentally cringed for some reason.
    “Good Morning” I faked a smile
    “You’ve got a long day today, you should get up and get started. I’ll tell Austin to start breakfast”
    “Sounds good” I smiled as the man rolled off the bed and landed on his feet, he pulled his t shirt from the chair and pulled it over his broad chest before heading out the room
    “Why did I agree to this Buddy?” I asked
    The fluf ball leaped onto the bed and he placed his head on my lap over the covers. I sighed and ran a hand over the Siberian husky’s ear
    “At least I’ll get to see Cole and Dreama soon right?” I chuckled
    Here I was, talking to my dog. Like a crazy person, maybe a part of me thought he’d magically be able to talk back to me. I groaned and leaned my head against the bed head. The exhaustion flowed through my nostrils
    Tired. That’s the only word I want to use to describe my feeling. I barley got three hours sleep for this week. I finally came back home last night after being on tour for five months.
    I’m sure my parents were hoping to see me today. Maybe I’ll check them out for a couple minutes if management allows me.
    Oh? Are you confused?
    Well after high school, I joined college for at least four years to attain my business degree. One day, when I was slaving myself away in my dorm at 1am with a book and a torchlight in the dark- I remembered having Isleta’s number.
    I don’t know what took over me but I decided to text her. She quickly responded and she met up at a café to talk about random stuff.
    It was actually nice having someone to talk to that would understand what I was going through. Dreama and Cole were off to college in Chicago, Nathan received a scholarship to study chemistry but we weren’t that close and no one’s ever heard back from Fawn. It was so weird but her parents assured that she was happy with her new school. Vernon was soon coming back from the Academy.
    It’s been five years since we’ve all seen each other. Five years since we’ve even spoken a word. Graduation was our line.
    The day we threw our red caps to the bright blue sky was the day the gay’s were no longer a pact. Everyone had different views on how Luna and I ended.
    I was a mess. A heat of fucking mess. It felt like shards of glass was stuck in my heart for two years. And thankfully Isleta understood that.
    Loss. Heartbreak. Every vein in by body consumed by pain. Isleta was a friend to talk to and she was nothing but understanding.
    We talked for hours until she brought up her idea of staring a music company. Isleta kept going on about how amazing it would be and I supported her all the way.
    Then she asked me to sign to her company. It changed my life forever.
    I never knew how good I really was, only… Luna made me feel like I was talented for singing.
    But that night when I was in the studio changed my views. Tears ran down my cheek, my heart ached so terribly bad. All my pain was poured into my music that day. Isleta loved it and made it into an album.
    The day it was released, my name was trending. The feeling was overwhelming, crazy perhaps. The feeling was quite astonishing, when you claw your way out of the mire of dysfunction. The support left my mouth dry. Within the first hour, we sold five thousand albums.
    The next day we sold one hundred thousand.
    Yes, one hundred fucking thousand albums in a day. World record. Even Isleta was stunned, image how I felt? The followers went from five hundred to thirty million in two months.
    Cytheria Jones wasn’t just a cheerleader anymore. She made a name for herself. Cytheria Jones was now one of the most famous pop singers in the world. But sometimes I’d mess around with different genres of music.
    My life has never been the same. I still had my business degree but my only focus was on music. It was far more important right now, considering I have an entire team that depended on me. Just like that, my life was completely new.
    Like when you first peek over the horizon and see nature without the haze of discontent. Without any filter, with the naked eye and the brain open to the beauty of this reality, amazement comes.
    I really did enjoy singing. It was the only thing that felt like me. It felt real. Singing was the only way I could describe what I was feeling through the souls of who’s tho cared.
    I did music for myself. But now it wasn’t just about me. It was about those who stayed long nights editing. About those who arranged my life from the earrings that I wear to the time I step out to stage. I had a responsibility.
    And that responsibility led me to the man I had in my house. Richie Singh. As much as I didn’t want to be with anyone, manager wanted us together to boost his sales.
    Richie is actually a sweet guy, he has twenty million followers on his fan base that are crazy about him. He’s really talented and genuine unlike a few celebrities I’ve met.
    Still, I just couldn’t bring myself to pour my all into this ‘relationship’. It just physically feels like something was holding me back.
    I peeled the sheets off my body and stumbled into the shower, I had a long day ahead of me.
    Management arranged for me to do a small show for a few fans at a café being opened in my honour. The owner and I were really close when I was younger so he went through re branding and decided to open another store.
    Then there was a few album shoots and I had to be Richie’s arm trophy for his appearance to the public. He’s starring in a movie, it’s really boosted his appearance to the public eye.
    The hot water trickled down my spine, relaxing the tension in my muscles. It was then replaced with a foamy liquid that covered my body before washing away like nothing. Leaving me clean from yesterday’s misery.
    I slipped out of the shower and threw on something simple yet aesthetic. A tight yellow dress that was topped with a white heel, my blonde locks were pulled in a tight high pony and braided as I stuck a flower pin in my hair. And finally, makeup. I applied light makeup, knowing the crew will just take it all off when I reach there.
    I headed downstairs, my fingers grazed against the marbled balcony. Richie smiled as I made my appearance
    “You look beautiful as always” he smiled
    “Thank you” I said before joining him in the living room
    “Eat up, I’ll go take my shower and we’ll head out okay?” he asked, I nodded in response and he smiled placing a quick kiss on my forehead before heading upstairs
    My feet made my way to the kitchen, a smile appeared on my lips as my eyes landed on Austin. The woman smiled politely as she placed a plate onto the kitchen table
    “Good Morning Ms Jones” She said
    “Good Morning Austin, you’re here early” I said to the maid
    “Mister Singh said to make something for you to eat early because he knows you’ll have a stressful day” She replied.
    Okay aw that’s kind of sweet.
    “Thank you” I chuckled, my hands gripped the plate.
    The array of fruits lit up my eyes. The plate looked like a field of flowers mixed with meat. The grapes were green and purple, strawberries were sliced and so were the bananas. Austin knew my diet was a struggle for me so she tossed in a few slices of bacon. It brought a smile to my lips before I dug in.
    I finished the meal in a few minutes before chugging it down with a fruit milkshake. Blek.
    “Ready Cytheria?” Richie asked
    I made my way out the house and into Richie’s red Porsche. It was something he took pride in. The first car he ever bought. Richie always wanted his first car to be a super car. I was proud of him.
    “First item, your photo” he smiled, I nodded and leaned my head against the window as he pulled onto the main road
    “I have a surprise for you, two actually” he chuckled
    “Yes, it’s going to be a special day” he smiled brightly, I looked at him suspiciously
    “What are you talking about?”
    “It’s just a special day and I want to make you happy” he said, his eyes glanced in my direction.
    “I don’t know what you’re up to but I can’t wait to find out” I chuckled
    “I can’t wait either” he smiled, his hands intertwined with mine and he brought it to his lips
    “Here’s to a life filled with happiness” he said
    “And no plot twists” I chuckled
    “No plot twists”


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