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    3 Months Later

    “Come on Hannah.” Hellen pulled me upstairs and into my room.

    “What are we doing?” I asked, sitting on my bed.

    “I have to get you ready.” She said, sorting through my clothes.

    “For what?” I asked.

    “Carlos said I can’t tell you. I just have to get you ready by 6.” She said. “I only have an hour so just shush and let me find you something to wear.”

    I groaned and watched as she continued to look through my clothes.

    After 20 minutes she finally decided on a pair of black shorts and a blue shirt, throwing them at me and pushing me into the bathroom.

    “Perfect.” She smiled as I walked back into my room.

    “Now sit.” She pointed at the chair in front of my mirror.

    I sat down and she began to straighten my hair.

    “Why do you have so much hair.” She muttered as she straightened the last part.

    I giggled and shook my head, pulling out my phone.

    “I have 4 minutes to be downstairs!” I jumped up and grabbed my black converse, slipping them on.

    “Wish me luck.” I said to Hellen as I left my room.

    I made my way through the halls and down the stairs where Carlos was waiting.

    “Beautiful.” He whispered, taking my hand in his as my face turned red.

    He took me outside and to the woods, stopping and pulling a blindfold from his pocket.

    “Just hold on.” He said, wrapping it around around my eyes before I could object.

    He took my hand and led me through the woods, making sure I didn’t trip over anything.

    “Where are we going?” I asked after a few minutes of walking.

    “You’ll see.” He said.

    We continued to walk for about 5 minutes until he finally stopped. When he took the blindfold off I looked around and smiled.

    There were lights strung up and rose petals scattered everywhere. There was a bunch of blankets on the ground and a table set up with food.

    “Do you like it?” He asked nervously.

    “Like it? I love it!” I squealed, hugging him and kissing his cheek.

    We laid down on the blankets and ate the different desserts he had brought.

    He pointed out different constellations to me and we just talked. I was happy.

    “Thank you Carlos. For everything.” I whispered.

    “I’d do anything to see you smile Hannah.” He whispered back, turning and kissing me.

    “Happy anniversary.” He said.

    “Happy anniversary.” I smiled.

    After a few minutes of silence I sat up and looked at him.

    “I want you to mark me.” I said.

    “Wait. Are you sure?” He asked, sitting up too.

    “I’ve never wanted anything more.” I nodded.

    “What about Elliot?” He asked. “He’s your mate.”

    “He rejected me Carlos. He isn’t my mate. All Elliot ever did was make fun of me. He hurt me a lot. And then I came here. You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life Carlos. I love you.” I whispered the last part.

    He didn’t need any more convincing.


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