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    Jonathan’s POV

    Before the rejection

    “I can’t believe you right now!” Daniel shouted. “There is a girl who is destined to be with you, yet here you are. Preparing to make another girl, Luna!”

    I sighed. I knew that telling him about Gabriella was a bad idea. But he’s my Beta. He needs to know. “Well I haven’t found my mate, and the pack needs a Luna” I said calmly.

    Daniel sat down on the leather couch in my office, and rubbed his hand down his face. “What are you gonna do when you find her?” He asked.

    I shrugged. “The ceremony is in six days. I doubt that I’ll find her” I heard the front door slam, and Gabriella’s scent filled the house.

    “Jonathan? Baby?” Gabriella called out. I’ll admit, Gabriella was the pack slut. Was is a very important word- it signals past tense. She used to sleep with every guy, including me, but she isn’t a bitch. We’ve been dating for almost six months now. She is actually really kind, which is why I chose her as my Luna.

    I met Gabriella a few years ago. She was just wandering around the pack lines. At first I thought that she was a rogue, so I approached her. As I got closer, I noticed that she was crying. It wasn’t a good day for her. I took her back to the pack house and let her raid the fridge of the Oreo ice cream.

    Daniel got up. He’s not Gabriella’s biggest fan. “I’m leaving. Don’t forget about the meeting with the Head Alpha” he reminded me. I waved him off as we exited my office.

    “Oh, there you are” Gabriella said when we walked into the kitchen. She strolled towards me and pecked my lips. “You said you wanted to talk?” She asked. I nodded and led her to my office. She sat comfortably on the couch and I sat in the chair across from her. “Did I do something?” Gabriella asked nervously.

    I shook my head. “I have good news” I started with a reassuring smile. “I chose you as my new Luna” Gabriella’s face lit up and she threw her arms around my neck.

    We stayed like that for a few moments, until Gabriella stiffened and pulled away. I tilted my head in confusion. “What about your mate?” She asked quietly.

    I gently took her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes. “I searched all last year. I never found her, but I found you. You are kind and generous and you care for this pack. You have all the traits of an amazing Luna. And I believe that you are perfect for this pack” I said confidently. She nodded and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. “Let’s go celebrate” I said as I pulled her towards the door.

    I knew where I wanted to take her. I had this whole thing planned out. Cheesy, I know. It gets cheesier. I drove a hour to get to the harbor. We walked hand in hand to my boat.

    “This is where we had our first date” Gabriella stated.

    I nodded and nervously rubbed the back of my neck. “Yeah. That was a horrible date” I grimaced, recalling the memory. “I didn’t know you were allergic to fish” I stated.

    For our first date, I took her on a boat ride. I had a chef make a meal that just happened to be fish. I didn’t know, and when Gabriella ate it, she had an allergic reaction. And we were in the middle of the water. The battery in the boat also decided to die at that moment. It was just a disaster.

    “Are we going for a ride?” Gabriella asked excited. I nodded and she climbed onto the boat. I untied the boat and drove away from the harbor. When we were surrounded by nothing but water, I turned off the engine, so it wouldn’t die again.

    Gabriella jumped in the ocean and floated to the surface. “You coming?” She asked. I nodded and took off my shirt. I jumped in, splashing her in the process. “Jerk!” She exclaimed while splashing me back.

    We had a water fight, until Daniel rudely ruined the moment. ‘What the hell?!’ He shouted in our mind-link.

    ‘What?’ I asked. Gabriella looked at me and tilted her head in confusion. I held one finger up. She nodded and stopped splashing.

    ‘Where the fuck are you?!’ Daniel yelled. This guy really knows how to cock-block.

    ‘I’m celebrating with Gabriella’ I stated slowly. What crawled up his ass and had babies?

    ‘Dammit Jona!’ He exclaimed. ‘The Head Alpha is here!’

    I was supposed to have that meeting! Something about a new rule involving Alphas. They didn’t give out that much information when the Council announced that the Head Alpha would be coming. ‘Oh shit! I’m coming back’ I said and blocked him out. I looked at Gabriella who was making small waves.

    “Is everything okay?” She asked me when she looked up.

    I gave her a sad smile. “The Head Alpha is here. I forgot that I had a meeting” Well, I’ve already made a horrible first impression on this Head Alpha dude.

    “So we gotta go huh?” she asked sadly. She always loved swimming. I swam closer to her and pressed my lips to hers.

    “Yeah. We can still celebrate after the meeting” I offered. She sighed and we got out the water. I started up the boat and headed back to the harbor.


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