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    Annabelle’s POV

    I slowly opened my eyes and a bright light blinded me. I groaned and threw my arm over my face. I heard shuffling, then Elliot’s voice.

    “Anna? You’re awake! Doc!” he exclaimed. His shouting made my head start pounding, causing me to grunt. I re-opened my eyes and saw Elliot standing above me. There was a familiar looking teenager sitting in the chair by the bed I was on. Ant. I looked around and noticed the familiar decor of a hospital room. There were more bed and chairs, a few curtains, and white walls.

    “Hello, Annabelle. I’m the pack doctor” a woman with black glasses walked into the room with her hair in a messy bun. “Do you feel any pain?” she asked white shining a small flashlight in my eyes.

    I shook my head, but winced when it pounded. I held my head in my hands. “My head” I groaned.

    “What’s wrong with her head? She’s in pain! Help her!” Elliot shouted at the doctor. I groaned and tightly shut my eyes, waiting for the pain to stop.

    “I think you’re making her head hurt” Ant said.

    Elliot scoffed and Loren chuckled. “I think your presence is making her head hurt” Elliot childishly shot back. The two males started arguing back and forth, making my head hurt even more.

    “Stop!” I shouted, making everyone freeze. “Everyone out!” I ordered. Elliot was about to say something, but I gave him a ‘don’t argue with me’ look. He sighed and everyone began walking out. “Wait!’ I exclaimed, causing them to stop in front of the door. “I need the doctor” The woman nodded and walked away from the door.

    “What can I do for you?” the doctor kindly asked while walking towards my bed.

    “My head is pounding” I informed her.

    She nodded and gave me a small smile. “The two idiots that just left” she pointed to the door. I smiled. “They let your head hit the ground when you fainted. You didn’t have any nutrients then it was probably added on stress that caused you to faint. There were no other injuries, so you are free to leave” she said.

    I ground my teeth together in annoyance. They are werewolves! They are fast enough to catch my head! Stupid boys! “Do you have something for the pain?” I asked the doctor. She nodded and walked to the other side of the room.

    When she returned, she handed me two small pills and a bottle of water. “Here. It will take a while to kick in, but it should help” I nodded and washed the pills down with some water.

    “Thanks, Doctor….” I trailed off, not knowing her name.

    She smiled at me. “Dr. Layla Jefferson” she said. I nodded at her and saw looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly.

    “What time is it?” I asked Layla. She pulled out her phone and showed it to me. 3:28 p.m. “I’ve been out all day?!” I asked.

    Layla nodded. “You passed out yesterday evening” I sighed, knowing that Elliot and I were supposed to be at another pack by now.

    “Can you tell Elliot to come back please?” I asked Layla. “He’s the older idiot” I added with a smile. Layla chuckled and walked out the room. A minute later, Elliot came in and hugged the air out of my system.

    “Can’t…. Breathe” I choked out. Elliot chuckled and let go of me. “First you let me hit my head, now you’re trying to suffocate me to death” I teased.

    Elliot’s face got serious and he had a guilty look on his face. “I didn’t know what to do. You just said that they know. Who are they?” he asked.

    I sighed, knowing that I would have to tell him sooner or later. “Word got out that the Princess left her castle” I said quietly.

    “How?” he growled in anger.

    “I have no idea. Loren knew. He asked me if I was the Princess” I informed him.

    “We are going back” Elliot decided, leaving barely any room for an argument.

    “We are not going back. I’m supposed to find my mate. I’m not going back until I know who he is” I said defiantly.

    Elliot rubbed his hands down his face. “Its not safe anymore. I’m bringing you back” he started to walk to the door.

    “If you make me leave” I started. When he stopped, I continued. “I’ll tell Alyssa that you let me hit my head on the extremely hard tile floor” I threatened.

    Elliot froze and thought it over for a second. “Compromise?” he asked. I nodded and he sat in the chair by my bed. “We finish the trip, but we get more warriors”

    I nodded, anything is better than leaving. “We can’t tell my father” I stated. Elliot shook his head. “Alyssa is one phone call away” I warned.

    Elliot sighed. “I can’t lie to your father. He’s the king” he stated.

    I shrugged. “I didn’t say anything about lying. Just don’t tell him about it. You can tell him if he directly asks you about it” I compromised.

    Elliot nodded. “I’ll go call Johnny” he started to get up, but I tugged on his arm.

    I shook my head. “You can’t bring Johnny over here. He’s the Beta. He needs to watch over the pack” You can’t leave a pack without a Beta or an Alpha. Especially if there is an extremely pregnant and angry Luna.

    “Spike?” Elliot asked.

    “Head warrior. He might be needed” I stated.

    He rubbed his bald head. “Well who then?” Elliot asked. I thought over it for a moment.

    “Thomas” I stated. Elliot looked confused. “Johnny’s son” I explained with a yawn. Elliot nodded and typed something on his phone.

    “Alright. But there will be rules” Elliot stated. I nodded for him to continue. “No going anywhere without Thomas or me. Tell me about everything that happens. Even if it is just a hunch. Tell me”

    “Is that all?” I asked. Elliot nodded. “When are we leaving?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

    “Tomorrow morning. Thomas should be here by then” I nodded and fell asleep.


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