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    Once again I was walking down a familiar country road with Laura at my side. I tried to hug my sister, but suddenly a black cloth bag covered my head. I tried to resist, but my arms were firmly tied behind me. I tried to scream, but my mouth and nose were blocked by a rag reeking of stink alcohol. I could only hear my sister struggling before I passed out.

    I was taken to a basement not knowing where my sister was.
    “Look, we’ve got your twin daughter. Be cooperative, or we’ll kill them one by one.”
    “Dad no!” I shouted when someone slapped me on my face.

    I woke up with beads of sweat on my forehead. My body was shivering with fear and my lip had been quivering. Tears stung my eyes as I curled into a ball and began to cry.

    I hissed as a arm gripped my waist but only to get a growl right back. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt my body be drug back towards his.

    I attempted to jerk away from his strong hold, but nothing seemed to work. After awhile I finally gave up, laying there and crying seemed to be my only option.

    It had to be at least two in the morning, because the sun wasn’t out, and the crickets were still chirping. I wanted to step outside and run, but I wouldn’t be able to shift anytime soon.

    As a matter of fact I don’t think I can shift anymore. Josh probably won’t even let me try, but I guess that isn’t a bad thing, right?

    He pressed his chin against my hair, and inhaled the strawberry scent. “please don’t let them hurt me.” I cried, feeling his grip tighten on me and his groggy voice whispered back a almost too silent “I won’t.”

    I laid there shaking and crying to myself for awhile, attempting to fall back to sleep. Nothing seemed to work, after I counted five hundred sheep. I dare not let myself relax for fear of recalling that terrible night.

    I was pretty sure Josh was asleep by now, so I carefully pulled myself out of his grip. Tip toeing across the wooden floor I sighed.

    Josh’s head raised and he looked in my direction, seeing my hand on the door he sat up. “Where are you going?” He growled. I understand he just wanted to protect me and all but wow. His hair was a mess, and some strands fell in his face.

    I gave him a weak smile, and rubbed the tears from my eyes. All I wanted was a glass of water, what did he expect? That I’d run away?

    “Janet, where are you going?” He asked now booming to loudly. I shot a finger to my mouth and he grumbled.

    “To get a glass of water, I-” I sighed. I pulled the door open and began down the silent hallway, hoping that we didn’t wake anyone up.

    “Janet.” Josh shot me a glare from behind and gripped my waist as I reached the bottom of the staircase. I shook him off and continued to the kitchen.

    He took a glass from the cabinet and filled it with some ice water. I climbed onto the cabinet and looked around the silence of the room. I took a sip of the glass and closed my eyes.

    “What did you dream about?” He asked unexpectedly. I opened my eyes and swallowed another sip of water, I didn’t really want to talk about my dream but I guess I have to.

    “My dad.” I sniffled quietly, and Josh nodded. Of course he didn’t know what to do or how to comfort me, I am too difficult to understand, and he’s well, him.

    “How do you feel…about me?” He asked. I shot my head in direction and I wasn’t exactly sure what to say about him. How exactly did I feel about him? Did I have emotions for the guy?

    “Well, your very handsome,” I ruffled up his sleep hair even more and he growled, “over protective, I mean you wouldn’t even let me get a glass of water on my own- your nice, and I get these…tingles when I hear or feel you- even if I smell you, but I don’t know Josh, I don’t think I’ve actually fallen for you…yet.” I took another drink of my water so I wouldn’t have to answer any questions. Actually, one thing I didn’t say was that I sensed something familiar about him.
    “Wanna hear the worst part, Janet?”

    I nodded wanted him to tell me. I sucked in a deep breath when his body came between my legs. He’s going too fast. Way too fast. I didn’t fight him off though. What if he hurt me?

    “Josh,” I breathed, placing my glass next to me. He shook his head and continued what he wanted to say.
    “I’ve already fallen for you.” His breathing was ragged, and his face came inches from mine. Slowly, he pressed his lips to mine and I didn’t stop him.

    Sparks flew through my body, and tingles followed where ever he touched my body. My lips moved in a slow sync, and my hands were pressed against his chest. At least I did try to push him away a little right?

    He pulled away and sighed. I stared at him in silence while sucking on my bottom lip. “Quit pushing me away Janet. You can’t keep doing that.” He sighed. “You know, fighting everything you want.”

    My heart pounded, I acted fast, shoving Josh back and sliding off the counter. I told myself that I wouldn’t catch feelings, I wouldn’t get close to anyone. I had this undying fear of losing them, just like I lost everyone in the past. Fear ran through my body, and although I did like the kiss, I couldn’t.

    Josh attempted to grab my hand, but I slid out of his grasp, running back to the bedroom.

    I laid down and closed my eyes. I even attempted to slow my breathing to make it seem like I was asleep. Moments later the bed sunk in beside me, and Josh pulled me close. His nose was buried in my hair, and he softly whispered sweet things in my ear.

    “I’m sorry, Janet…for not getting to you in time- but please understand, that I really do want to protect you.” He sucked in a deep breath and pulled the covers over himself, and me. I felt like a terrible person, running out on her own mate. Slowly, and then all at once, I fell back into a sleep, regretting every decision I had made.


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