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    “You filthy piece of scum.” I hiss at Simon.
    He shook his head. “Look at you. You’re a filthy, worthless mutt.” I feel a pain in my chest at his hateful words, but I don’t let it show. He smiles and his dimples cave in deeply. I grumbled and lean forward. Unconsciously, he took a step back, afraid I would hit him again using my head.

    There’s a loud beating on the metal door before it flings open. It’s a miracle that the door didn’t rip from
    It’s hinges. Simon recoils at the loudness of the sudden action. His eyes dart towards the door and he scoffed. “GAB! I told you too keep that thing locked.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose and glared back at me.
    “Where were we, doll?” A smile plastered on his lips yet again. I wanted to puke due to the fact his teeth were rotten. He has pieces of his last meal in them.

    His unshaved face came close to mine, and I could smell the rotten pieces on his breath. I hacked at the smell and he drew backwards. He began to pace back and forth in front of me.
    “Ya know, I’ve really been….thinking. You are quite…powerful. What rank was your father…hmmm?”
    I stayed silent as he continued.
    “What if…I had a child by you? He would be terribly strong, if my assumptions are correct… You can produce a child.”
    I gulped silently. No way in sam’s hell was I going to go near him, or have anything to do with this bastard. He has a twisted mind. I’d rather die than sleep with him.

    “So….shall we start?” He hisses, his lips press against my neck roughly. I fight to push him off of me.
    “Over my dead body.” My weak leg reached up and kicked the man right in his crotch. He crouched to the ground, clutching his manhood.
    I mercilessly kicked at him for as long as I could- yanking and pulling against the chains. Simon coughed and rolled around. I doubt he would get up anytime soon.

    There was a loud cracking sound, that I prayed was the chain snapping, but to my luck, it was my wrist. Pain shot through my body and I cry out in pain. I desperately try not to move any part of my body now.
    My heartbeat rises as the metal door yet again gets kicked at. This time though, it shot across the room right off the hinges.
    A man stands in the door way, his chest is rising and falling at a deadly speed his eyes scan the room. His eyes find mine.

    His eyes are a beautiful coral blue, he has dark brown hair and his body is covered in blood. It’s not his blood either.
    “Get Simon in chains. Leave him here- collect the survivors and let’s leave, quickly.” He calmly states- but it’s somewhat urgent at the same time.

    Men file into the room quickly. They’re searching the basement for any living.

    The blue eyed beast made his way to me. They’re angry and apologetic as they take in my condition. He quickly breaks the chains from the wall and I cry out in pain.

    “Mine.” He growls, never once taking his eyes off mine. Carefully he takes my body in his arms and pulls me out of the dark basement.


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